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Chapter 2602

“No, I didn't!" Rainie heard Lanie, and before Luca could answer him, she walked out of the roomcarrying her school bag on her back. "Tommy's the only one who slept in."

"Is Tommy still in bed?" Lanie frowned. As the eldest brother, he was responsible for waking his sisterand brother up. However, Rainie and Tommy were usually on time. That was why he did not wake themup today.

"He's up and showering. The two of you head downstairs for breakfast first. Uncle Zander will send youto school after breakfast," said Luca as she urged them to go downstairs to have breakfast.

The kids nodded.

Lanie asked caringly when he walked past Luca, "Ms. Luca, is your hand alright?"

"I'm fine." Luca gave a faint smile.

Lanie said, "It's written in books that wounds easily get inflamed on the second day. Remember to headto the hospital if there's inflammation."

"Okay. I'll pay attention to it." Luca nodded. The child's concern warmed her heart.

"And don't get your wound wet," added Lanie. These were what he learned from reading the book lastnight.

"Thank you, Lanie. That's very kind of you." Luca let out a sigh and looked at her hand. Even thoughshe got cut on the hand, she was chuffed to bits with her kids caring for her like this.

"Lanie intentionally looked for the book yesterday," Rainie, who stood beside her, spoke. She went toLanie's room before she slept last night, and she saw him squatting down in front of the bookcasesearching for books.

Lanie told her that he was looking for a handbook about basic medical knowledge. Some thingsneeded to be given attention after getting injured.

Luca was a little surprised. Lanie did not read the book because he was interested in medicalknowledge but because she was injured. He wanted to learn from the book.

Lanie's face turned red when he saw how surprised Luca was. He took a step forward and said, "Comeon. It's time for breakfast."

Rainie turned around and gave Luca a playful wink. "Lanie is embarrassed!"

"Stop talking nonsense." Lanie heard what Rainie said and refuted it without turning around.

Rainie kept up with him happily and replied, "I wasn't!"

"You just don't understand." Lanie's face turned even redder.

''Lanie, I'm your twin sister. We have telepathy. Just say it if you're worried about Ms. Luca. No one isgoing to laugh at you." Rainie followed Lanie down the stairs, and their voices were fading away asthey walked further.

Luca looked at her bandaged hand. She smiled and shook her head.

Then, she pushed the door open and walked into Tommy's bedroom. “Tommy, are you done yet?"

Tommy pushed the bathroom door open and walked out of the bathroom. He had finished showeringand had changed into his school uniform. “Ms. Luca, I'm done."

“Great. Let's head downstairs for breakfast," replied Luca.

“Okay," answered Tommy. After he set the clock alarm, he carried his backpack and headeddownstairs.

Luca and Tommy made their way down the stairs.

When they walked past the master bedroom, Luke pushed the door open and walked out of thebedroom.

Tommy smiled and greeted him, “Good morning, Daddy."

“Good morning." Luke turned to look at Luca. She did not wake him up when she woke up earlier.

"Breakfast's ready. Let's go downstairs to have breakfast." Luca knew what Luke meant with the look inhis eyes. She was being careful when she got out of bed. Besides, Luke was deeply asleep, which waswhy he did not notice it.

Luca just wanted him to get a little more rest.

After they headed downstairs, the maid had already laid out the pot pie and glasses of soy milk on thedining table.

Lanie and Rainie sat at the dining table, waiting for the rest to come down to have breakfast together.

“Good morning, Daddy." Lanie and Rainie greeted Luke at the same time.

“Good morning." Luke sat on the head seat and looked at the pot pie and soy milk. He raised his browsand turned to look at Luca.

“Aunt Neile made it last night. The maid took it out to bake it today." Luca explained to him that she didnot do anything and that the maid was the one who did everything.

“Okay. Have your breakfast," replied Luke.

The kids picked up the cutleries and took a slice of pot pie for themselves.

The maid handed the newspapers today to Luke like how she usually did at Crawford Manor. “Mr.Crawford, today's newspaper."

“Thank you." Luke immediately turned the pages to the economic section.

Luca recalled what she saw on the financial news today, and she asked a question to test him, “Oh, Isaw that Mallory Corporation is about to hold an extraordinary general meeting today on the financialnews broadcast just now."

“Yes. It's today," answered Luke. He owned some shares of Mallory Corporation too, and he did notmanage to transfer them to Percy in time.

However, he had already signed the authorization letter to let Percy handle his shareholder rights.

“Does Mr. Mallory have confidence in dealing with this?" Luca asked again.

"I'm not sure about that." Luke took a bite of the pot pie. It did not taste as good as the one Luca made.Although it tasted good, Luke preferred Luca's version.

It was just that Luca's hand was injured now. There was no way she could cook. Hence, Luke could notbe so picky either.

Luke finished a slice of pot pie and turned to the other page.

Luca became worried when she heard him say that.

She initially thought that what Percy had now would not be taken away by Pierre with Luke backing himup.

However, Luke told her that he was not sure...

Luca asked in a soft voice, "Will you attend the extraordinary general meeting, then?"

"I've signed the authorization letter. I won't be attending the meeting," replied Luke. He could onlysupport Percy behind everyone's back. He could not show that Percy and he supported each other infront of everyone.novelbin

Therefore, Luke was only holding Mallory Corporation's shares while appearing as if he would notinterfere in their company's decision.

"Then." Luca could not help but worry.

Although Nina did the right choice in choosing Percy, would it be hard for Nina if Percy lost everythinghe had?

Luca knew what kind of person Nina was. She was the same as Luca, and she would not give up theperson she loved just because he was in deep waters.

However, if everything Percy had was taken away by Pierre, Nina would think that she was the personwho caused this.

After all, the reason Old Master Mallory did this was that Percy announced to the public that he wouldbe marrying Nina.

Nina would probably feel mentally exhausted.

Luke shifted his gaze away from the newspaper and stared at Luca.

Luca had her worries written all over her face.

If he did not know that she was actually worried about her best friend, Nina, he would think she wasworried about Percy. Luke would have gotten jealous of him.

"Believe in him," replied Luke calmly. Even though Luca was not really worried about Percy, he wouldstill feel unhappy about it.

Luca should not be paying too much attention to other men.

"The netizens on online forums are all talking about Pierre.." Luca said helplessly. This would affect theshareholders' confidence in Percy.

"Percy is preparing to bring out the big guns. By the way, you can watch the meeting live on MalloryCorporation's official website," said Luke.

"I see.." Luca did not continue to ask. She was not curious whether or not Percy had a card up hissleeve.

Everything else did not matter as long as Percy won.

She just wanted Nina to stay with him happily without getting her emotions affected.

Tommy, who sat beside them, heard their conversation and asked with curiosity, “Daddy, what's UnclePercy's ultimate move?"

"Kids like you should be minding your own business." Before Luke could say anything, Lanie spokefirst.

Tommy refuted unhappily, "Lanie, you're also a kid!"

"That's why I didn't ask." Lanie picked up his glass and finished the soy milk. Then, he stood up andsaid, "Daddy, Ms. Luca, I've finished eating breakfast."

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