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Chapter 2598

There was a knock on his office door before the police chief could gather his thoughts. "Come in."

A policewoman walked in in a hurry looking flustered. "Sir, the suspect is complaining that he's in painagain. His face is pale and his facial features are distorted. It doesn't look like he's faking it. Should wesend him to the hospital?"

"Send him over. Contact the hospital to arrange a detention ward." The police chief had a headache.

'He doesn't appear injured on the surface but is screaming in pain. Could it be an internal injury?'

However, the statement that he recorded stated that the man was the commander of the operation. Heheld Queenie and Luca hostage but did not participate in the fight at all.

'How could he have internal injuries if no one has touched him?'

The chief of police was not at ease. After all, the suspect had yet to be convicted. If something wentwrong, he would not be able to sit firmly in his position. When the policewoman was about to step outof the office door, he urged her, "Make sure the hospital gives him a detailed examination. I want toknow what's wrong with him."

"Will do." The policewoman hurriedly left.

After a while, the man who was curled up in pain was taken to the hospital by an ambulance. Severalpolicemen accompanied the man to the hospital.

On the other hand...

After Luca had a leisurely dinner, she watched cartoons with the kids for a while.

The kids were starting school the next day, so the time they had to watch cartoons would be reducedsoon after.

Luca looked at their childish faces. Abel had not told her what to do nor instructed her to take on anytasks.

However, she did not know how long she could be with her children.

In any case, she did not want to be Abel's tool nor did she want Nyla to grow up in that kind ofenvironment.

After the cartoons ended, Luca said, "You'll start school tomorrow. Have you finished your wintervacation homework?"

She was not worried that the kids had not finished their winter homework because they had promisedLuke that they would finish their homework on time every day.

Therefore, she was certain that the children had completed all their homework.novelbin

After all, they were Luke's children and had the same self-discipline as Luke.

"We're all set," the three children answered in unison.

Luca nodded and stood up with them, "Let's go double-check?"

"Okay, Ms. Luca." Tommy stood up, excitedly took Luca's hand, and headed upstairs.

The four of them arrived upstairs and slowed down when they passed Luke's bedroom as they allheard him talking to someone inside.

Tommy pulled Luca into his bedroom and handed her his bag. "Ms. Luca, look!"

Luca looked at the homework list and checked the homework in Tommy's school bag. Everything wasthere, and his stationery box was neatly placed as well. She was satisfied and said, "It's all complete.Great job."

"Hehe." When he saw that she was about to zip up his school bag, Tommy took over and said, "Ms.

Luca, let me do this kind of heavy work."

Luca looked at her right hand with a faint smile.

Considering that she was injured, Tommy felt that it was heavy work even if it was just pulling a zipper.

Luca's heart was warm. She felt very lucky to be loved so dearly by the father and son.

For the children, she was here to take their mother's place.

However, they did not reject her too much. They even knew how to care for and take care of her.

If she stood with the children and told others that they were all her children, no one would doubt it.

They were close-knit and acted just like any mother and children.

They were related by blood, so it was natural for the kids to want to be close to her.

Luca then checked Lanie's and Rainie's school bags. They were neatly packed, and all their homeworkwas in the school bag. Likewise, the stationery boxes she prepared for them were also in the schoolbags.

She handed them their school bags.

"You'll start school tomorrow." Luca sighed leisurely as she counted the time since she left the island.

She had accompanied the children through summer, autumn, winter, and spring. It had almost been awhole year.

"I would prefer to accompany Ms. Luca." Tommy turned to hug Luca's uninjured hand and moved up tohug her entire arm. "I don't like going to school."

"What are you talking about? You go to school, I go to work. You come back from school and I get offwork. It's no different." Luca was worried that Tommy would dislike going to school, so she quicklycoaxed him.

"Ms. Luca is right." Lanie nodded in agreement.

As Crawford's first-born great-grandchild, he was taught the importance of learning at an early age.

Therefore, he felt that there was no need for holidays. It was better to learn more at school.

"Brother is the same as Daddy," Rainie muttered and sat on the other side of Luca. "Daddy is aworkaholic, and Lanie is a studyholic. It's enough that we have both of them in the Crawford family.Tommy and I want to relax. "

"What are you talking about?" Lanie picked up his school bag, zipped it up, and said to Luca, "Ms.Luca, I'm going back to my bedroom." "Okay, wash up and then rest early." Luca nodded. She noticedthat the children's bedtime was coming and could not help but sigh about how time flew so fast.

She wanted to take advantage of the last two days of their vacation to accompany the children at homethis weekend. She had planned to cook something they liked and play games with them.

Unexpectedly, so much happened...

Seeing that it was getting late, Rainie stood up and said, "Ms. Luca, I'll also be going to my bedroom."

"Okay, go on." Luca nodded with a smile. She did not want the children to notice her shift in mood.

After Rainie left the bedroom, Luca stood up and said to Tommy, "Okay, go take a shower too and thengo to bed early."

"Okay, Ms. Luca." Tommy nodded, got out of bed, and opened the closet.

The kids could clean up after themselves, so Luca left the bedroom.

She closed the bedroom door for Tommy and glanced at her injured right hand. 'How do I take ashower without getting my hand wet?'

Luca thought of using plastic wrap, so she went downstairs, found the plastic wrap in the kitchen, andtook it upstairs.

When she was about to walk into her bedroom, Luke stepped out from the opposite bedroom andasked, "Have you taken a shower?"

Luca stopped, shook her head, and said, "Not yet, but I'm going to."

Luke knew how she planned to go about showering when he saw that she was holding the plastic wrapin her hand. He frowned and said, "I'll help you."

"Help... me?" Luca blinked. Her face turned red, thinking that Luke might help her take a bath.

Although the two had made love, this kind of contact was still very intimate to her.

"What are you thinking about?" Luke noticed that she was blushing. He felt as if 10,000 ants weregnawing in his heart, causing it to itch. His rationality gradually went out the window.

However, he had an important international meeting later.

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