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Chapter 256

Chapter 256 Daddy, Why Are You Riding On Top of Mommy?

Upon hearing that childish voice, Luke almost immediately went limp.

Lanie and Rainie had woken up some time ago. Their eyes were open wide, looking at Daddy andMommy curiously.

Luke hastily got off Bianca's body and covered themselves with a silk blanket.

Bianca was thoroughly embarrassed. She wished that the earth would swallow her up at that instant.

Luke was both frustrated and angry when the two children had interrupted their session. However,looking at their curious and doubtful faces, he could not release his anger on them.

"Daddy, why were you riding on Mommy?"

Rainie said while looking inquisitively at Bianca, who was going to cover her face with the blanket.

Meanwhile, Lanie glared at Luke with his beautiful eyes.

He noticed that his mother's face and eyes were red...

Lanie pointed at Luke with a plump finger and shouted, "You're so heavy, Daddy, yet you're riding onMommy. Are you bullying Mommy?"

A stifled scream from Bianca had woken him up earlier. When he opened his eyes, he saw thatDaddy's body was on top of Mommy.

'How can Daddy do that?

'Mommy is so gentle, and she isn't feeling well. Daddy is so big and heavy. He shouldn't lie on top ofMommy!'

Somehow, Luke was feeling quite embarrassed.

Usually, not even a thunderstorm would wake the two children. Now that he wanted to share someintimacy with Bianca on the bed, the two children had caught them in the act.

"Daddy wasn't bullying me earlier. I felt a little cold, and that's why Daddy pretended to be a blanketand covered me... Be good children and go to bed. You have school tomorrow," Bianca saidunconfidently.

Lanie and Rainie got up, carefully checked Bianca for any bruises, and waved their little fists at Daddyas a warning to not bully Mommy. Bianca coaxed them for a while more before they drifted off todreamland once again...

Luke did not know how to react to that.

Bianca had supplanted his position in the household.

He was not jealous of that. In fact, he was happy that Bianca had become an important person to thetwo children. It meant that Bianca had successfully won over the children's approval.

"Come here..."

Now that the two children were asleep again, Luke wanted to bring Bianca into his arms.

Before he could even touch Bianca's clothes, the usually gentle rabbit kicked him between his legs.

Luke was caught unawares, and he gasped in pain.

Bianca's eyes were full of disdain. "Don't touch me for the next month."

She turned around, hugged the two children, and closed her eyes.

Luke looked at Bianca's back. He would lose his mind if he could not touch her for the next month.

Now that he had tasted Bianca and was used to doing it whenever he liked, was he going to surviveliving as an ascetic?

Luke decided that he would make a new room for the children, and it would be placed as far away fromtheir room as possible!novelbin

On the other end of the city.

In a nightclub shrouded by the darkness of the night and the blinding neon lights, men and womenmoved and swayed to the beat of the music and the flashes of the strobe light. Their bodies grazedagainst each other, creating sparks of passion.

Xavier meandered amid the dance floor, accepting the advances of the women who threw themselvesat him. He was half-drunk, and he looked like a playboy.

'See? Women still want me. I don't even need to go after them.

'All the women here are charming and seductive. Most importantly, they are obedient, and they loveme.

'Who does Bianca think she is?

'What does she have, other than that pure face?

'Not only she doesn't know how to win a man's heart, but she also gave birth to two children to mycousin. She's only used goods and doesn't even deserve to be a footstool, so why do I insist on notletting her go?1

Xavier retreated from the dance floor, hugging a sexy woman in each of his arms, and sat down at thebar counter.

The bartender quickly handed each of them a cocktail. "Here are your drinks, Boss...”

Xavier drunkenly pinched the cheek of the woman who was sitting on his lap, then fondled the arm ofthe curly-haired beauty sitting next to her.

"Tell me, do you love me?" He asked cynically.

"Of course! You're prettier than me. I love you just forthat face alone!" The sexy woman giggled andtold Xavier.

The other woman did not admit defeat. She landed a heavy kiss on Xavier's cheek. "You've alwaysbeen generous, Xavier. We all love you!"

Xavier laughed heartily. He was about to make his next move when he heard the sounds of beerbottles breaking and the shriek of a woman.

He narrowed his eyes and saw several hooligans bullying a beautiful woman in a tight white top and amicro mini-skirt.

Xavier was already feeling horrible, but that made his mood worse. His usually-smiling slit eyes flashedwith darkness and savagery...

How dare someone cause trouble on Xavier Tanner's turf?

He waved his hand, and the security guards moved into action. He did not have to bother himself withminor incidents like that, but he was in a bad mood, and he needed a place to vent his anger.

In a short while, the hooligans scattered and ran away in all directions.

Xavier was terrifying when he was on his violent rampage. He did not seem to care about theconsequences.

Spilling blood was not enough. He looked as though he would not rest until those hooligans were dead.

The other guests in the immediate vicinity had run somewhere else, though the woman who had justbeen saved stood there indifferently.

The woman was in her mid-twenties. She was tall and slender, and though her face was pale, shecarried a domineering and frigid presence.

Blood was still dripping from Xavier's arm. He looked dazedly at the woman standing in front of him.

‘Who is she?

'Why does she look familiar?'

A thought flashed in his drunken mind, and he grinned.

'So it's her.

'That's Walter Long's ex-girlfriend, whom he had devoted his life to...

'Her name is... Shandra Cullen.'

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