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Chapter 2513

When Cheryl's name was called out, she glared at Tina and said with a smile, “Mr. Doyle, there's noproblem."

"Are you sure there's no problem?" Tina interrupted Jason and said, "Weren't you all curious to knowthe identity of the man in the boss' office? Didn't you say you wanted to ask Mr. Doyle?"

"Tina!" Cheryl did not expect Tina to be so direct, so she hurriedly called out her name.

"Didn't you want me to ask Mr. Doyle? Here, Ms. Cheryl, I've asked him." Tina smiled with a look ofinnocence.novelbin

Jason understood what was going on from Tina's words.

Cheryl and the others must have pissed her off. Otherwise, she would not have disrespected andexposed them like this.

Jason was also aware that Cheryl and the others' behaviors could get quite annoying at times.

However, Tina was never like this before. She seemed to have become irritable lately as if somethinghad happened.

Jason looked at Cheryl. "Ms. Lindsey, do you want to know who the guest in the boss' office is?"

Cheryl was not foolish. She noticed Jason's gloomy expression, so she hurriedly shook her head andsaid, "Not at all."

"So, it must be you all who are curious." The moment Jason looked at the other secretaries, each oneof them lowered their head and pretended to be occupied.

"If no one wants to know, then forget it. It doesn't matter who it is. You're not supposed to beeavesdropping. Your job in the secretaries' office is to assist the boss in handling the company's affairs,not chit-chatting and gossiping about the boss." Jason knew that if rumors about the boss spread in thecompany, they would most likely be from the secretaries' office.

Since they were on the same floor as Luke, they would always be the first to know stuff.

If not for convenience's sake, the secretaries' office would not be on this floor. Perhaps he shouldpropose it to the boss.

"Yes, Mr. Doyle," said a few voices, and the secretaries dared not to say anything more now.

Jason turned to leave.

Cheryl looked at Tina scornfully. Although they entered T Corporation around the same time, she stillentered a little earlier than her, so they currently had the exact same status.

Moreover, Tina was much closer to Jason, so she said sarcastically, “Tina, you take things tooseriously.

Now you got us all scolded by Mr. Doyle."

Tina paused the work at hand as she knew that if she did not talk to Cheryl, this matter was not goingto be settled.

"Ms. Cheryl, I didn't know you were joking. Since you made me go to the boss' office to ask about theguest with such a serious look on your face, I thought you were serious. When Mr. Doyle came, I askedfor all of you." She pretended to be surprised.

Cheryl's face grew darker and sullen. "You just did it on purpose."

Tina stopped pretending as she did not have the patience to deal with anyone right now. The only bit ofmotivation she had left was for work, so she had no intention of putting on a facade to interact withthem. "You're right. I did it on purpose. If you want to gossip in the future, do it among yourselves anddon't drag me into it. Otherwise, I won't be nice enough to ask Mr. Doyle for you, I'll be asking the bossinstead!"

The crowd was dumbstruck. They did not expect Tina to be so merciless.

There was a pin-drop silence in the secretaries' office.

After snapping at them, Tina assumed that they would not bother her with such trivial things anymorefor the time being. Her mood was lifted at the thought of that.

She glanced at the other people in the secretaries' office who usually stuck to Cheryl. Now that Cheryldared not speak, the others dared not say a word too.

Tina continued her work.

In the afternoon.

Luca tidied up her office and was about to head downstairs for lunch when there was a knock on herdoor.

"Come in." She sat back in her office chair.

Luke opened the door with lunch boxes in his hand.

Luca then knew that Luke wanted to eat the lunch boxes that Aunt Neile brought over with her, just likehow they did last year.

The lunch boxes Aunt Neile made were indeed better than the food in stores. She was smiling at Luke,but when she noticed Gordan behind him, her smile disappeared.

Was he being stalked by Gordan?

"Dr. Craw, I've come to freeload on food," Gordon said with a smile. Before coming here, Luke hadwarned him not to address her as his sister-in-law to avoid arousing suspicion, so he changed the wayhe addressed Luca on the spot.

"I..." Luca did not know what to say, so she just looked at Luke.

On the contrary, he looked rather calm.

Luke was not the type to easily let Gordan have his way, so Luca was in disbelief that he would let himtag along now.

The three of them sat on the sofa together.

Luke sat in the middle with Luca on his left and Gordan on his right.

After opening the lunch boxes, Gordan inhaled deeply upon seeing the array of dishes. “Wow, what afeast!"

Neither Luke nor Luca said anything.

Gordan felt a little awkward and knew that they were doing it on purpose, so he added, "Luke, yourmaid is an amazing cook."

Luke handed one of the lunch boxes to Luca. They used to share one lunch box, but with Gordan heretoday, they had Aunt Neile prepare three lunch boxes. "Aunt Neile made this for you."

"Thank you." Luca took it. The dishes inside the lunch box were all her favorites.

Luke handed the other one to Gordan. "This is yours."

"Thank you, Luke." Gordan could not wait to open it up, but when he saw the dishes in it, he comparedit to Luca's and asked, "Why is mine so little?"

"Aunt Neile didn't know that there was an extra mouth to be fed today, so be thankful that there's aportion for you," said Luke. When he informed Aunt Neile, she had already finished preparing lunchand it was too late to buy more groceries, so Gordan's portion was cobbled together with what was left.

"Fine, don't forget to tell the maid to make steak tomorrow. That's my favorite," said Gordon as hepicked up the utensils and ate.

"We don't get to decide what to eat. It's up to the maid. There's a restaurant downstairs where you canorder what you want," Luke said coldly while opening his lunch box.

Gordan almost choked. He coughed twice and muttered, "What happened to pals before gals?"

Luke looked at him coldly. "Don't eat, then."

"No way, I came to you without having breakfast. I'm starving. Give me a bigger portion tomorrow and Iwon't be picky about the dishes." Gordon scooched away from him while gripping the lunch box tightly.

Luca ate gracefully while listening to their conversation. She assumed that Gordan would be here againtomorrow.

She could not help but wonder why he was doing this. No matter how much he pestered Luke, hewould not be able to get him to help. He would be better off standing in front of the gate and suffering inthe cold. Perhaps Vivian would show some sympathy then.

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