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Chapter 2506

Gordan got into T Corporation smoothly.

It was not his first time coming here. Besides, there were no changes to T Corporation's buildingstructure. Gordan confirmed with the security guard the floor where Luke's office was. Then, he got intothe elevator and came to Luke's office.

Tina stood at the elevator to receive him. The elevator door slowly opened. She took a deep breath andsaid, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Norton. Boss is already waiting for you in his office. This way, please."

“I know where his office is. You may go back to work." The look on Gordan's face was gloomy. He wentstraight ahead.

Tina secretly mumbled to herself. Was he really Boss' friend? Why did he look like he came to seekrevenge?

Gordan marched forward with his long legs and arrived at Luke's office. He looked up and glanced atthe signage, confirming that it was the CEO's office. He did not knock on the door but walked right intohis office instead.

"Let's go for a drink," Gordan said straightforwardly. The moment he pushed the door open, he realizedJason was there too. He frowned and said, "Why don't you join us too?"

Jason turned around and shot a glance at him. He stood up and greeted, "Good evening, Mr. Norton."

"Knock it off. It's not like we don't know each other." Gordan's gaze swept across the documents on thetable. He pulled a chair and sat down, "Why are you still working at this hour? Let's go out for a drink."

"No, thanks." Luke continued to turn the pages of another document after he signed his name on thelast page of the previous document.

Gordan raised his brows and said, "Come on. I'm counting on you!"

"I'm busy," Luke replied in simple and short words, but Gordan was dissatisfied with it.

"You can never finish your work. You only live once. I want to get some drinks tonight. Tell me, are yougoing with me or not?"

"If you're bored, I can arrange a job for you in T Corporation so that you can get busy." Luke finallylooked at him.

Gordan was a little disappointed with the attitude Luke gave him. "Luke, we've been friends for years.It's fine if you refuse to lend me a hand, but you don't even care to spend some time drinking with menow. And you call yourself a friend?"

Luke raised his brows and questioned, "We've been friends for so many years. I'm busy with my work.Would you like to help?"

“No way. I just jumped out of the frying pan. I'm definitely not going into the fire again. Don't try to trapme in this again." Gordan shook his head. Being carefree suited him more.

Into the fire?

It did not matter if he described T Corporation as a living hell, but he even said living together withVivian was a torture. Luke questioned him, "Since you described it that way, why do you want to drownyourself in your sorrows when you've just gotten out of trouble?"

"I..." Gordan hesitated. His mouth was open, and the words were on the tip of his tongue. A fewseconds later, he said embarrassingly, "I'm just happy, you know? People would want to have a drinkwhen they're happy. And they'll look for their friends to have a drink with!"

Jason could not help but let out a laugh.

The way Gordan stubbornly refused to admit his thoughts was amusing.

No one would have believed the glorious deeds he had done in the past.

"You have to move on after getting out of trouble. Why did you stand outside the entrance of myneighborhood for the whole day?" Luke exposed him straight from the shoulder.

Gordan was stunned for a moment. How did he know about that?

Luke said, "The security guard and property management told me that you're becoming a scenic statuein the neighborhood if you continue to stand there all day."

"Can they mind their own business?!" Gordan felt irritated. He did not expect Luke to find out that hehad spent the whole day waiting without getting any results.

He felt embarrassed.

"Then were you the one who informed the property management not to let me in?" Something suddenlycame across Gordan's mind.novelbin

"I told them to stop any strangers who came to visit and inform me. You know Luca's situation now,"said Luke. He turned the pages of another document.

Talking to Gordan did not affect his work at all.

Gordan knew what situation Luca was in. After all, he was also investigating what Matysh had done inthe past.

"I'm your friend. You can stop anyone else but not me!" Gordan gritted his teeth. He thought it wasVivian's idea.

He certainly did not expect that it was Luke's idea after standing there all day.

If he had known about it earlier, he would have come here to look for him instead!

"Why do you want to go in?" The sound of an email notification came from the computer. Luke lookedup at the screen and stopped looking at Gordan.

"..." Gordan fell silent. He did not know how to answer the rhetorical question.

Did he have to say that he went looking for Vivian?

Luke knew the answer, but Gordan was too ashamed to admit it.

"Since you think it was nothing but trouble and it has ended, there's no need for you to go back to it,"said Luke.

Gordan experienced a deep sense of defeat as he replied, "I want to sort things out with her."

"She thinks there's no need to do so," Luke replied to the email he received. After he edited the simpleand short sentences, he pressed the send button.

Gordan furrowed his brows and said, "It was her and her brother who forced us to get married. It's thesame with the divorce now too. Is she the only one who can make decisions about our marriage? Shegot a divorce when she wanted to. Do I not have the right to decide?

Jason sat beside him, listening to Gordan. He cleared his throat.

Gordan's gaze fell on him as he asked, “Do you disagree?”

“Mr. Norton, it's just my itchy throat,” said Jason. He picked up the cup beside him and took a swig ofcoffee. He continued to work on the documents after pulling himself together.

Gordan crossed his legs and said, “You know how miserable my life was in the past few years. That'swhy I want to sort things out with her. But she doesn't even give me the chance to do so. I don't believethat she's going to hide in your house forever."

Luke continued looking at the documents and said, “She has decided to move on. You should get overit too."

“I..." Gordan paused for a moment, realizing what his words meant. He immediately replied, “This hasnothing to do with moving on. I was never serious about this relationship. Who is she to make me dothis?"

After he said that, no one bothered to answer him.

There was only the sound of the pages turning in the big office. “Say something. Can't you talk to me ifyou can't drink with me?"

Luke kept silent. Jason did not say anything either.

After all, Jason was still being pestered by his ex-wife, and it was inappropriate for him to comment onsomeone else's relationship.

“Hey, hey, hey!" Gordan tapped on the desktop.

A hint of piercing cold flashed across Luke's eyes, and he shot him a glance to warn Gordan.

Gordan was not afraid of him, and he continued, “Luke, please help me. I need to see her and talk toher. 30 minutes is all I need."

"She doesn't want to see you, even if it's only for one minute," Luke told him the truth in a cold voice.

Gordan felt as though someone had stuffed a few bricks into his heart. His heart sank after he heardthat. Then, he said, “Hey, we're friends who went through fire and water. You can do anything to helpRay to protect that woman, but you can't help me. Is that really the right thing to do?"

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