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Chapter 2381

“Can we not celebrate the new year in Crawford Manor this year?" Lanie, who had always been quiet,suddenly spoke.

Lanie was not afraid of Allison's appearance, but he did not like noisy places.

Luca shook her head and replied, "I'm afraid not. Old Master Crawford already asked all of you to goback on New Year's Eve."

"Ah..." Rainie cried out and lowered her head.

They loved their great-grandpa, but they did not like it when Susan and Allison were at each other'sthroats.

The kids were not as innocent and naive as they were before. They knew once Allison came back, shewould definitely return to Crawford Manor.

"Rainie.." Tommy looked at her, asking for help. They lost their appetite when they heard that theirgrandmother would be coming back and they would have to return to Crawford Manor on New Year'sEve.

"Eat your dinner first. Perhaps it's not as bad as you think." Luca convinced them.

The kids were no longer in the mood for their dinner anymore.

They did not hate Allison. It was just that as they grew up, they could remember more things for alonger period of time. All those things Allison had done were imprinted in their minds.

They naturally knew that Allison had done many over-the-top things, which was why they were afraid oftheir grandmother.

Luca looked at how depressed the kids were and let out a sigh helplessly.

When she was away in the past few years, Allison was in prison, but it seemed like she had left animpression on the kids before she got into prison.

Luca had no idea what she could do for them with Allison's return this time.

She felt sorry seeing the kids like that.

Two days later.

All of the employees of T Corporation were officially on a holiday.

That included Luke and Luca.

However, the kids were unhappy with it. As Tommy watched Luke, who was putting on his clothes andgetting ready to depart, he asked, "Daddy, are you really going to pick Grandma up?"

"Yes." Luke nodded. The plane Allison boarded would be arriving in an hour.

If Luke did not pick Allison up, she would hail a ride herself. It would be bad if she headed straight tothe villa or Crawford Manor.

That was why Luke had to pick her up himself so that he could drop Allison at her own villa.

"Stay at home and behave yourself." Luke stroked Tommy's head and glanced at Luca.

Luca nodded and said, "Mr. Crawford, drive safely."

"I will," replied Luke. Then, he walked out of the villa and headed in the direction of the parking lot.

Tommy sat on the sofa and watched the cartoon show playing on the TV. He showed no interest andheaved a sigh. "Sigh..."

Luca walked toward him when she heard him sigh. She pinched his chubby little face and said,"Tommy, perhaps it's something good this time."

"Ms. Luca, do you mean Grandma will turn over a new leaf when she comes back?" Tommy looked ather with a stern expression on his face.

Would Allison turn over a new leaf?

Even prison could not make her change. Would her personality change after she went to Seoul? Shethought it was impossible.

"The teacher said that a fault confessed is half redressed. But I don't think Grandma will change. Ms.Luca, do you think Daddy can bring us on vacation? That way, we won't have to face Grandma."Tommy shifted his eyes and suggested.

Luca smiled. If they could go on a vacation, Luke would have mentioned it.

However, she.

Although Matysh was not in A City now, Luke told her that he was still eyeing her. Still, she did notknow why he had not made any moves yet.

If they were to go on a vacation, they would have to hire bodyguards, and it would be troublesome.

Besides, they might even get the kids involved in danger. That was why she refused to do so.

"Come on. She's your Grandma. She won't hurt you no matter what," Luca comforted the kid.

Allison had always been keeping an eye on the Crawford family, waiting for the best time she could actso that she could get some benefits and interests.

The kids were her bargaining chips.

Hence, even if Allison looked down on Luca, she was the one who bored the children. Still, Allison wassatisfied with the kids' performances.

She was not too demanding, and sometimes, she would even feel proud of their achievements.

Tommy did not say another word as he looked at the TV screen.

Luke arrived at the airport. He checked Allison's flight information with the app on his phone.novelbin

There was another half an hour until the plane landed.

Luke sat in the car and waited.

The snow was falling heavily outside the car. Luke got bent out of shape about Allison choosing tocome back at this time. He did not even know if she could arrange for her to travel abroad for treatmentagain after the new year.

After all, the best plastic surgery hospital in Seoul had told her that there was no way surgery couldhelp her change the state of her face. Besides, the surgery was high-risk. The wounds could be easilyinfected. That was why they gave her conservative treatment instead.

Allison had certainly heard the doctor say the same things. She was just not easily convinced.

Half an hour later.

Luke's phone rang.

He picked up and confirmed that it was Allison's phone number. Then, he answered the call.

“Luke, I just got off the plane. Where are you?" Allison's voice was a little croaky. It was totally differentfrom before she went to prison. g

Allison had been pretentious back then. She would pretend to be an elegant wealthy madam, but now...

Luke listened to her loud voice and replied in a cold voice, "I'm at Entrance B."

"Why are you at Entrance B? Aren't you coming in to help me with the luggage?" Allison wasdissatisfied.

"You can push them yourself." Luke was not planning to get out of the car. He turned up the volume ofthe radio that was broadcasting the news.

"I can't push so much stuff on my own. I bought a lot of things for the kids. Come in, quick!" Allisonstopped pushing the luggage. Luke was her son. She took him for granted and expected him to helpher push the luggage out.

"You could push your luggage when you arrived in Seoul, but you can't push them now that you'reback?" Luke made a valid point. If it were not for him being worried about Allison hailing a ride back toCrawford Manor, he would not have come to the airport.

"You! What's wrong with you? I'm your mother. How can you say such things to me?" Allison stompedher feet, ignoring how the others were looking at her.

Luke hung up the call right away without saying anything to her.

Allison was so angry that her face reddened when she heard the busy tone on the other end of the line.

Sophian, who stood beside Allison, immediately asked caringly, "Ms. Allison, what's the matter?Where's your son?"

"He's waiting for us at Entrance B," replied Allison. She put her phone back into her pocket while sheclenched her hands tightly.

She was thrown into prison, then sent to Seoul for treatment. Everything changed ever since.

Luke, who used to help Allison to lighten her burdens back then, was sitting in the car waiting for her tocome out.

It must be Susan who had brainwashed Luke!

Allison laid the blame on Susan without thinking about what she had done. All she thought was shewould not let Susan get away with it.

Sophian could see that Allison was angry. She reckoned that a wealthy madam like Allison used to beaccompanied by assistants and helpers no matter where she went. She must have been proud of it.

Her son had come to pick her up, but he refused to come in to help her with the luggage. That wasprobably why she was mad, right?

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