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Chapter 2230

After supper, Luca and Luke left together. Luke had drunk some beer, so Luca was the one who drovethe car.

Marcos and Andy got into Lliam's car.

Marcos leaned back on the chair to rest after drinking a few cans of beer.

Andy picked up his phone and glanced at it, then reported to Marcos, “Boss, everyone in the companyalready knows that you'll be going back soon."

"Okay." Marcos kept his eyes closed.

That would mean Matysh also knew about it.

There had always been the old master's and Matysh's subordinates in the company. The purpose ofdoing that was simple. It was to keep an eye on Marcos and to see if he had any motive fo taking overthe company.

Marcos thought it was nothing even though these people were watching him. After all, everything hedid was for the sake of the company. Hence, he had never done anything wrong to this family and thecompany. No matter how they watched him and reported everything he did, it would not affect himeither.

However, now...

The gloominess in Marcos' eyes was building up. Although there was hatred in his heart, he was notplanning to fire all those men who were keeping an eye on him.

He would alert his enemies if he did that. Keeping those people in the company might make it hard forhim to do his things and it would be inconvenient for him to carry out his plans, but he could use them.

It was just like now.

It had only been five minutes since Andy reported to Marcos when Marcos' phone vibrated at thismoment.

Marcos opened his eyes. There was a mysterious trace of an enigma in his eyes. He looked at hisphone and answered the call. "What's the matter?"

"Where have you been?" Matysh frowned with one of his hands around Mandy's waist, while the otherhand held his phone.

"I'm still outside. I was hungry, so I came out to get supper." Marcos stared deeply outside the windowas the city lights, which were reflected in his eyes.

He had never hated someone so much in his life.


Marcos swore that he would make Matysh pay the price for what he did before.

Matysh was unhappy, and he spoke in a commanding voice, “I want you back in the hotel now."

"That'll take 20 minutes," Marcos' tone was calm as usual. However, it sounded much colder and moredistant than before.

Still, Matysh did not care about Marcos. That was why he did not notice the changes in his tone.

“Hurry up." Matysh hung up the call impatiently.

Mandy could sense that Matysh was angry through his tone. She had no idea what happened to him.He flew into a rage after making a call. It was terrifying.

Mandy was smart enough not to ask anything about it. As she watched Matysh pick up his cigar, shepicked up the lighter and fell into his arms. She helped him to light the cigar.

On the other hand.

Marcos put down his phone.

Andy asked, "Boss, was it Mr. Matysh who called?"

"Yes," Marcos nodded. The reason he asked Andy to spread the news was to let Matysh and the oldmaster know about it in advance.

Marcos needed to head back to work, and that was why he had to return to Russia.

Andy remained silent. Even though Andy did not place his ear near the phone, he could still sense thatMatysh was furious.

Why was he mad?novelbin

It was because he would be alone here if Marcos went back. No one would be there to help him run hiserrands.

Matysh had always been treated like a king when he was in Russia. He had maids and servants to helphim do everything at home. Now that Marcos was going back, there were so many things Matysh hadyet to get used to.

That was why he lost his temper.

Andy secretly felt sorry for Marcos. He had been helping his enemy to do things the entire time. Hemight seem calm now, but.

There was a raging storm in his heart.

Lliam brought them back to the hotel safely.

Marcos did not return to his suite. He headed to Matysh's suite and pressed the doorbell.

A woman came to open the door. Marcos frowned when he saw the woman's face.

The woman had a pair of eyes that looked like Luca's. Andy, who was standing behind Marcos, said,"Boss, she's Mr. Matysh's guest. She was here yesterday too.."

The so-called guest he meant was the courtesan.

Marcos knew it deep in his heart. However, judging from Matysh's personality, he would find differentcourtesans every day. He never slept with the same woman.

He would not sleep with the same woman no matter how beautiful the courtesan was.

Those who could stay by his side long enough had never worked as courtesans before.

Marcos looked at the woman in front of him, thinking how interesting it was. He could see how muchMatysh wanted Luca.

Let Matysh have such thoughts in his mind. The greater his greed was, the harder he would fall.

“Who are you looking for?" The moment Mandy saw Marcos, her eyes brightened up. This man was sogood-looking. He was young and classy. She was fond of such men.

"I'm looking for someone inside," replied Marcos. The woman in front of him was looking at him withgreedy eyes. He did not like the way she looked at him, but he thought it was good that this kind ofwoman approached Matysh.

After all, the greedier the woman was, the more she could push Matysh into the dark abyss.

It was just that this woman looked like Luca. Hence, he had to remind Luke that the yearning Matyshfelt for Luca was exceptionally strong to the point that he even found himself a substitute.

"Oh, you came to see Mr. Matysh. He went to get a bottle of wine. Come in." Mandy pushed the dooropen and watched Marcos walk into the suite.

Matysh walked out carrying a bottle of red wine in his hands. He frowned and asked when he sawMarcos, "I heard that you're going back to Russia soon?"

"Yes. I'll probably leave tomorrow or the day after," answered Marcos. He stood there, not planning totake a seat.

He refused to sit in the places Matysh had sat before. It was dirty to him.

Mandy's eyes brightened when she heard their conversation. Matysh was Marcos' uncle!

That would mean Marcos had a share of Matysh's wealth. It was a pity that such a handsome manwould not be staying here any longer.

She would not have the chance to get to know him more. She had already missed the chance thismorning.

Matysh did not say anything when Marcos refused to sit down. He frowned and asked, "What am Isupposed to do here when you're back there?"

"I've already made arrangements for your suite with the hotel staff. I'll be covering all the expenses. Ifthere's anything you need, just call the hotel staff to get it for you. Besides, I've already found you achauffeur who knows how to speak Russian. He'll stay put at the hotel so that he'll always be ready togive you a ride whenever you need one," Marcos explained that he already had everything arranged.

Matysh was dissatisfied and asked, "What about the previous chauffeur?"

Changing a chauffeur meant changing another vehicle. He would not be able to get to sit in that Rolls-Royce anymore.

Matysh was unwilling to change the chauffeur because he thought only such a luxurious car was goodenough for his honorable status.

"That chauffeur works for T Corporation. They only assigned him to me for a few days during my stayhere. I'm leaving soon, so the chauffeur will have to go back and report to his own boss," explainedMarcos.

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