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Chapter 2177

The expression on Luca's face was stern. She would agree to help Nina to improve her health so shecould get pregnant if she was married and Percy and Nina wanted a baby. However, it was not the righttime to do so now.

“Nina, it's not necessary to get the Mallory family's permission if Mr. Mallory wants to marry you. Youcan get married abroad, then come back to sign the marriage license. Your marriage will still belegalized here. It's the same," said Luca.

Getting married in A City would require a household registration permit. It might be difficult to getmarried if either side of the family disapproved of the marriage.

However, it was different in countries abroad.

Any couple could be legally married as long as the two of them had their passports and relateddocuments.

"I know. I know that." Nina let out a sigh. "But I don't want to see Percy be caught in the middlebetween me and his family. Luca, they're his family members. If they disagree with us getting marriedbut he insists on marrying me, they'll make things difficult for him in the future. That's why I came upwith this idea..."

Nina was envious of Sue every time she met her children.

Not only did Nina want to break through the barriers between her and Percy by getting pregnant, but itwas also about having a child. She wanted to be a mother.

"Mr. Mallory loves you. If he's made a firm decision, you should believe in him. Besides, he can protectyou. On the other hand, if he has no thought about marrying you, it's risky for you to get pregnant.

Nina, I'm not going to help you if there's a one percent chance that you might become a single mother,"said Luca. She did not want Nina to suffer.

If Nina ended up being a single mother, the path ahead would not be easy for her.

Luca felt it was heartless to do so, but she did it for Nina's own good.

Moreover, even if Nina became pregnant with Percy's child, the Mallory family might not acknowledgethat it was Percy's child. By the time she was truly pregnant, she had to be careful and guard herselfagainst the Mallory family. Would it not be tougher for her?

Luca knew Nina trusted her, and that was why she came to ask for her help.

However, Luca refused to help her as she had a soft spot for Nina. Nina would get hurt if she helpedher.

Luca also knew that if she chose not to help Nina, Nina could find a better physician to improve herhealth with Percy's help.

Even though she knew that it was wrong to do so, there was nothing Luca could do to stop Nina.

Nina let out a sigh. What Luca said was reasonable, and she understood it too, but she had been in adilemma for the whole day. She just wanted a baby.

She had impulsively aborted the baby back then, and she did not take care of her health after theabortion. The doctor told her that she had to improve her health to get pregnant again. Otherwise, itwould be difficult for the zygote to implant in the uterus.

Percy had always wanted a baby too.

Nina did not want to disappoint Percy. That was why she did not tell him about her plans. She thoughtof improving her health first, then she would tell Percy about it when she got pregnant.

“I understand everything you said, and I've been thinking it over..." Nina insisted on going ahead withher plan.

Before Nina came looking for Luca, she thought Luca would agree to help her. However, if Luca endedup rejecting her, and she took Nina's matter seriously.

Nina had no idea why Luca was against it.

"Have you talked to Mr. Mallory about this?" Luca suddenly asked. She refused to believe that Percywould agree to such an absurd decision.

Nina fell silent for a moment and decided not to lie to Luca. "I haven't told him about it. I'm thinking ofgetting pregnant first before l tell him."

"How about this? You talk to Mr. Mallory first. If he agrees with it, then I promise that I'll help youimprove your health. I'll only agree to help you on the condition that he agrees with it," Luca suggested.Percy loved Nina, and he would never ask her to do something like this for his sake.

Nina's plan of secretly getting pregnant was just to give an explanation to the Mallory family andconvince them to let Percy marry her. However, Percy would never agree with such a plan.

Percy would not take the risk of Nina getting hurt.novelbin

Nina reckoned that Percy was such a person too. That was why she did not discuss the matter withhim.

"Okay. Give me some time.." Nina compromised and let out a sigh.

"It's not me who's giving you time. You're the one who's giving yourself some time to figure it out if thisis something worth risking," replied Luca.

"Alright, I got it. Luca, sorry for bothering you. Have a good rest. Good night," Nina was about to hangup the call.

Luca thought of saying something to her, but the words that were on the tip of her tongue did notescape her mouth.

Nina was a grown-up. Everything she had been through in the past few years was just as much aswhat Luca had gone through.

"Good night." Luca hung up the call. She drew in a long breath and let out a deep sigh.

Nina was pregnant before this because of her, and she lost her baby because of Pierre, that bastard.Nina had never experienced the difficulty of being pregnant for ten months, nor did she know what it feltlike to be apart from her children.

However, Luca had gone through these before. That was why she did not want to see Nina taking therisk.

Although Percy was a good man whom Nina could trust her life with, it was not worth it for her to takesuch a risk.

Luca shook her head. In the end, this was Nina's decision. There was nothing she could do no matterhow hard she tried to convince Nina.

Luca stood up, put her phone back on the bedside table, and walked into the bathroom to clean herselfup. Then, she lay down on her bed to rest.

She had a dream that night.

Luca dreamed that Nina was pregnant, but she resolutely left Percy's villa and told him that she wantedto draw a line between her and Percy.

In her dream, Luca was a bystander. When she wanted to step forward to find out what happened,Nina did not see or hear her. She sat there alone, crying.

After that, she saw Nina dealing with her pregnancy alone. She gave birth to the child and raised thechild all by herself.

Nina became depressed, and she was not as cheerful as she was before. She even hated everythingin this world.

Luca opened her eyes. She let out a deep sigh of relief when she realized it was just a dream.

Fortunately, it was just a dream...

Luca must have been overthinking last night, worrying about Nina's condition. Hence, she had thisridiculous dream.

Luca sat up on her bed. Although she knew her dream had nothing to do with reality, it made her feellike she was on pins and needles.

After freshening up, Luca walked out of her bedroom. The kids were already awake.

That was when Luca realized something and glanced at the time. She woke up late today.

Luca hurried downstairs and walked to the dining room. The kids were already eating their breakfast atthe dining table.

Aunt Neile, who was standing beside them, said, “Ms. Craw, you're awake. You got up late today, so Iprepared breakfast for the kids."

"Okay. Thank you." Luca nodded. Her face looked a little pale.

She slept for a long time, but she was tired because of the dream.

Luca massaged her forehead and sat down on the chair.

Rainie was worried and she said, "Ms. Luca, you look tired."

"I'm alright. I had too much sleep." Luca stroked Rainie's head. Aunt Neile served Luca breakfast. Shelifted her head and smiled at Aunt Neile, "Thank you."

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