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Chapter 2144

Luca's mind went completely blank, just like what happened a few days ago. Her brain frozeuncontrollably...

“Mr. Crawford.." Luca tried to push the man away. She accidentally touched his fiery skin and quicklypulled her hand away. His skin was burning.

"Luca, am I sick?" Even though Luke knew what was happening to him, he still hugged her.

Luca drank the tonic too. He believed that she was not feeling any better than he was now.

"Let go of me. Let me check on you." Luke's scent filled her nostrils. Perhaps the scent used to behypnotic, but now, the scent seemed to have triggered something in her body. It silenced her thoughts.All she wanted now was to drown herself in him, do something crazy, and let the chips fall where theymay.

"You can cure me, right?" Luke was still hugging Luca, refusing to let go of her. He longed to makeLuca melt into his body, his blood, and his cells.

Luca knew it was impossible to ask Luke to let go of her now.

She had no choice but to say, "How are you feeling?"

Luke buried his head in the curve of her neck, breathing in the smell that belonged to Luca. It smelledgood and was sweet. The woman he longed for was in his arms now. He said, "It's hot. And it'suncomfortable. Am I having a fever?"


Luca reckoned that Luke was having the same symptoms as she was. It must be something they ate.

The tonic. Could it be that the old master.

Before Luca could continue thinking, Luke, who was beside her, was rubbing his face on her neck. Theitch of his hair on her skin shot through her nerves and into her heart, awakening something within.

Luca was already suspicious, but there was nothing she could do with Luke behaving this way now.

Her hands were bound. It took a while for Luca to lift her hand and touch the face that was buried in thecurve of her neck.

His skin was not radiating heat when she touched him.

Luca understood how he felt. It was not the body but the cells in their bodies that were frenetic.

"Mr. Crawford, you're not having a fever," replied Luca. She was feeling uncomfortable now too.

Luke lifted his head. His gaze did not seem muddled. Aphrodisiac was not added to the tonic. It wasonly a nutritious tonic.

Luca knew herbal medicine well. She assumed that it was too nutritious for them, and their bodiescould not accept it. That was why they were having this reaction.

“Then why do I feel unwell?" Luke's dark eyes were staring at her, and he noticed the red flush on hercheeks.

"It's probably because of the tonic. You'll be fine. Just bear with it," answered Luca. Although they werelooking each other in the eyes, she was still unable to break free of his grasp.

The man's strength was not something a woman like her could fight against.

"I can't." Luke leaned closer to her and pressed his lips on her soft, silky ones.

Luca was seducing him every moment he was together with her. Hence, he could no longer suppress itanymore.

Luca widened her eyes. The touch on her lips eased every muscle in her body, and the cells in herbody were shouting and cheering as Luke kissed her.

He was so good at kissing. It made her forget to breathe and abandon her thoughts of resisting him.

Luke's lips crashed on hers unrestrained. He enjoyed the enticing flavor that belonged to her. Hishands held Luca in his embrace uncontrollably.

"Mmm..." Luca could not help but let out a muffled hum.

Luke's kiss was like a switch, waking up all her memories of the past.

Her body, which was still under her control just seconds ago, was only focused on one thing now—shewanted more of Luke.

Luca closed her eyes and let Luke take over her. She knew she could not push the man away, and shedid not intend to either...

Luke could feel the woman's cooperation. His lips were slowly moving down, kissing her chin. It was asthough Luke was teasing her every time he planted a kiss on her.

At first, Luke was only asking for a kiss to make it a better night for him. However, now he realized thathe could not stop himself and things were getting out of hand.

"Mr. Crawford, no.." Luca was immersed in his kisses, but her rationality was trying hard to regain theinitiative.

She was afraid of the intimacy they were sharing without taking any drugs. There was barely anyrationality left in her. If they took things to another level when they were aware of what they were doing,how could she face him tomorrow when she woke up?

Some things could never go back to the way they were.

Luca's body was trembling uncontrollably.

Luke was startled for a moment when he saw the tears falling from the corners of Luca's eyes. Hehelplessly let out a sigh. The burning desire within him surrendered to her tears.

"I'm sorry. I was being impulsive," apologized Luke. Then, he held her in his arms again.

Luca buried her head in his chest and shook her head. There were shivers, disappointment, andgratitude in her heart.

It was a complicated feeling, but she was hoping that Luke could forget everything as though nothingever happened.

However, he was not drunk this time. How could he forget about it?

“Luca, I feel terrible, but I respect you. It's because I value you, care for you, and love you." Lukeconfessed to her all of a sudden.

Luca could feel as if her heart had been hit by lightning.

She was unable to think straight, but she still replied calmly, "Mr. Crawford, I..."

"I know you have feelings for me. Otherwise, you wouldn't have accepted my kiss. And I know youwon't agree to be together with me, but I'll wait for you. I'll prove my love for you. It's true. You don't

have to feel pressured about this. I'll wait for you." Luke was not holding back this time. He thought oftelling her how he felt for her.

He did not expect the tonic the old master had prepared for him could work in this way too.

"Can I stay tonight? I'm not going to do anything to you. I only want to hold you in my arms tonight.Only you can cure the discomfort in my body." Luke did not give her the chance to reject him andimmediately asked her.

Luca looked down and thought it would be just for one night. Hence, she nodded.

Luke smiled after getting her permission. There was a twinkle in his eyes. He held Luca's hands andsat on the bed.

"Lay down. I'll take just one-third of the bed," said Luke.

Luca felt like she had been bewitched by him. She listened and obeyed every word he said.

Perhaps it was the kiss.

She lay down on the bed and moved a little to the side, giving him half of the bed to sleep on.

Luke was delighted. He covered himself in the blanket. After he reached out and turned off the lights,he held her in his arms again.

Luca's body stiffened at his touch.

Luke chuckled when he felt the changes in her body and said, "Don't worry. I just want to hold you inmy arms and fall asleep. That's the only way to make me feel better."novelbin

Luca doubted it.

Would he really feel better? She was not going to believe that. The moment Luke hugged her, her bodythat had already calmed down was burning again.

It felt uncomfortable.

The tonic that Old Master Crawford gave them was working well.

Luca could not help but mutter to herself that she would never believe the old master's kindnessanymore.

Luke could feel that Luca was slightly shivering. It seemed like Luca was feeling unwell again. He heldLuca in his arms tightly.

He had declared his affection to the woman he loved, but he was having a hard time too.

Susan widened her eyes and looked at the ceiling. She woke up again after falling asleep.

She felt the burning heat all over her body, but the infrared thermometer showed that her bodytemperature was normal.

Susan had no choice but to think that it was because she was so mad that she could not even sleepwell. Her hatred for Luca and Luke grew a little more at the same time.

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