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Chapter 2129

Although they could not treat these people as if they were gods, they could not offend them either.

Luca was worried that Abel would make a move in the later stages.

His pharmaceutical company was quite well-known in A City. Plus, Watson's welfare package was notthe best, so if he made a proposal to these professors, he might be able to win them over.

The research results may also be taken away or even abandoned. If that happened, the research fundsthat were invested at the beginning would all be for nothing.

Luca would not sit back and give Abel such an opportunity. The general manager dared not express hissuspicion of these professors again because of her relationship with Luke.

The meeting lasted for more than an hour.

As Dr. Linwood had said, the general manager put all his hopes for the company's performance on herresearch group.

All she could do was bite the bullet and agree to it.

After the meeting ended, Luca did not stay back to chit-chat with the other professors and left with theexcuse that she still had experiments to do.

Dr. Linwood watched as Luca left and said to Dr. Jackson, “With Dr. Craw taking the lead, it takes thepressure off our research."

Dr. Jackson nodded in agreement.

The general manager listened to their conversation, and his face turned gloomy. He had originallyplanned to drive a wedge between the professors and Luke, but he did not expect that Luca would

rebut his words.

With Luca and Luke's relationship in the way, he dared not say too much.

The intentional provocation this time was considered a failure.

The general manager left the conference room with a dark expression.

Dr, Linwood watched as the general manager left before discussing with Dr. Jackson, "Jackson, didyou get the feeling that everything the general manager said before the meeting was intentional?"

"Yes, it did seem that way. It was as if he was setting Mr. Crawford up, giving us the impression thathe's..." Dr. Jackson was already 50 years old and knew the ways of the world, so he could see throughwhatever the general manager was trying to do.

Dr. Jackson was afraid that if Luca had not spoken up, the general manager would have gone on withhis attempts.

It would be fine if the people knew the truth and were not led by the nose, but if not...

Dr. Jackson stood up and stacked the meeting documents together. “I never thought that themanagement of this company would be like this."

"It's only natural to have competition in a company." Dr. Linwood stood up as well and took the meetingdocuments in his hands. Then, he left the conference room with Dr. Jackson.

"That's why I still prefer to stick with academics." Dr. Jackson pushed his glasses. If Luke had notpersonally gone to the university where he taught to ask him to take up the position, he might still beteaching now.

Dr. Linwood laughed and said nothing more.

He and Dr. Jackson used to teach at universities, unlike the other professors.

Dr. Albus who was in trouble and the former Dr. Cole had taken the initiative to apply for a job herethemselves. Everyone could see how that turned out.

However, they were not entirely desireless.

The reason they agreed with Luke to work here was mainly that they needed the funds from Luke'scompany to finish the research they had not been able to complete in the academic field.

To get the funding, they had to get on Luca's good side.

Luca was Luke's woman, after all. If she did not have a good impression of them, one word and Lukecould cut their funding anytime.

There would be no way to carry on with the research at that point.

On the other hand.

After Luca and Rhett left Watson, Rhett sat in the driver's seat to drive while Luca remained in thebackseat.

Rhett drove carefully and glanced into the rearview mirror. "Dr. Craw."

"What is it?" asked Luca.

"Nothing." Rhett was not sure whether his gut feeling was right. It had not been long since hegraduated, and he had been following Luca ever since. There was not much internal conflict in theirresearch group, so he did not have much experience in this area.

There were many things that he dared not make a judgment about.

"Do you have any doubts about the contents of the meeting?" Luca reckoned that he wanted to talkabout this.

Rhett knew his boundaries. He would not say or ask whatever he was not supposed to.

Rhett took a deep breath and voiced his doubts, "Yes. Before the meeting started, I felt that the thingsthat the general manager said were strange.."

Luca finished his sentence for him as she noticed that he dared not continue, "Like he was purposelytrying to drive a wedge between Mr. Crawford and the professors, right?" "Right. So you think the sametoo." The corners of Rhett's mouth curled slightly upward as it seemed that his judgment was right.

“Of course. Otherwise, why did I voice out?" said Luca as she would not have spoken up unless shewas forced to.

If she had let the general manager continue talking, perhaps there would not be another meeting.Those old professors would certainly look for Luke and cause trouble.

She had been at Watson for some time, so she knew exactly how those professors got into Watson.

"You're amazing," said Rhett. Although she was a research professor, she was still under thejurisdiction of the general manager.

She was not directly under him, but she was still considered his subordinate.

"What's so amazing about that? I was just assuming someone else's power." Luca looked out thewindow. It was not something worth bragging about. The fact that the general manager dared not sayanything after she spoke was solely because of Luke.

They all thought that she and Luke had a special relationship, so they did not dare to offend her.

Even if the general manager was pretending to obey orders, he would not be so quick to exposehimself.

When the thought occurred to her, her heart skipped a beat. The way the general manager behavedwas not entirely like a display of his absolute power, but rather like he was accomplishing something.

Could he be from the Island of Despair?

Luca bit her lip as she had not realized this before. Now that she had, her face took on a ghastlyexpression.

Abel must have planted people in T Corporation and Watson.

Was one of them the general manager?

Luca's fingers tapped rhythmically on the leather seat.

If the general manager was one of Abel's people, she must give Luke a hint to keep him alert...

Even if he did not work for Abel, having someone like him in Watson would bring nothing but harm tothe company.

Therefore, they had to get rid of the general manager!

Rhett sensed Luca's unusual tone and glanced at the rearview mirror again. Her expression becameworse and even more serious.

At that moment, he could not even utter the words of comfort that were on the tip of his tongue.

After returning to the office, Luca glanced to see that it was almost six o'clock.

Rhett and Luca hurried upstairs, intending to see how the research in the lab was going. However,when she passed by the assistant's office, she was called by Zoey, "Dr. Craw, you're back."novelbin

"Yes." Luca did not stop and walked straight to the lab.

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