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Chapter 2031

Luca glanced at the crowd. She had become the center of attention.

She then looked at Luke.

He had a stern look on his face with no intention of negotiating at all.

Should she really go rest?

He did it on purpose.

Luca looked at Luke with a complicated expression. In the end, she closed her laptop and slowlywalked into her room.

Upon seeing this, everyone was shocked to the core. They peeked at Luke. Was this not their boss'ssuite?

This was the presidential suite. Surely, only the boss would get this kind of treatment. If Luca stayedhere, would that mean she shared a secret relationship with their boss?

Hence, they were taking this opportunity to let everyone know about their relationship?

Everyone started speculating, but no one dared to say a word. At that moment, the atmosphere in thesuite fell silent.

Jason noticed their unusual expressions and cleared his throat, reminding them that it was not their jobto focus on Luke and Luca's relationship.

They just had to do what they were supposed to do.

Everyone responded by opening their laptops and preparing to work.

Luca sat on the couch in her room and let out a sigh.

The walls of the hotel were soundproofed, and the people outside were not loud either. Hence, shecould hardly hear anything.

Even if she were to jump into a river, she still would not be able to rid herself of her relationship withLuke.

As Luca sighed, her phone rang.

The sudden ringing startled her. She felt apprehensive about picking up the phone as she was afraidthat it would be Abel.

Nothing good would come out of a call from Abel.

After glancing at the phone screen, Luca heaved a sigh of relief.

It was not Abel, it was Vivian.

“Hi, Vivian. What's up?" Luca lowered her voice to ask after picking up.

“Luca, are you free right now?" Vivian asked rather uneasily. She asked if she was free before anythingelse.

After all, T Corporation had gotten the project. Not to mention, she was on a business trip with Luke. Itwas only natural for her to be busy.

“I'm free. What's wrong?" Luca lowered her voice, worried that if she spoke too loud, the people outsidecould hear her.

“It's just that I'm filling out admissions information right now, and the college requires another onewritten in English, but I don't have a good enough grasp of it. Plus, I don't really know anyone around

me who speaks English, so I want to ask you for help..." Vivian said sheepishly that translation softwarecould help her translate it, but there would be a lot of inaccuracies.

Not to mention, one of the basic requirements of admission was having basic knowledge of thelanguage.

Vivian had been with Gordan for several years, so her foundation in the language was only limited tospeaking. She did not understand the written language.

“No problem, but what admissions information is it?" Luca asked with uncertainty,

“I want to further my studies. I've already chosen a college. After sending my application and receivingan examination notice from the school, I can go sit for the exam. If I pass, I can start attendingclasses," said Vivian. She did not enroll in the Russian language department, so the languagerequirements were even higher.

Moreover, she did not want to waste a whole year on a language course.

If she got accepted, she already planned to take up language tutoring while attending classes. Thatway, she would not have to waste a whole year and her time would be spent more wisely.

For the past few years, she had been circling around Gordan without improving herself. If not for Ray'sprotection, she might have already been put into a refugee camp.

Vivian was not willing to live under the protection of her little brother forever.

“I see. Send me the information, then. I'll take a look at it. Is it okay if we have a video call? That way,we can communicate in real-time. At the same time, you can fill out the information yourself." Lucaunderstood what Vivian meant.

She was not looking for someone to help her fill it out but for someone to guide her on how to do it.novelbin

"Alright, thank you," The tone of Vivian's voice was much lighter and not as anxious as before.

Luca opened up her laptop and video called Vivian after receiving her email. Little by little, she taughtVivian how to fill out the particularly detailed form that took almost the entire morning to complete.

After clicking submit, Vivian thanked her again, “Luca, thank you for helping me."

“You're welcome." Luca smiled faintly. When she was helping Vivian, she forgot about theembarrassment from just now.

“By the way, aren't you busy with work?" asked Vivian.

“Nope. Mr. Crawford said that there's no need for me yet," Luca said while shaking her head.

“Why don't we go shopping, then? You'll be bored if you just stay in the hotel. Why don't I take you outfor a walk?" Vivian suggested.

"How about next time? I think I'll have work to do in the afternoon." Luca declined her kind offer.

"Alright, I won't bother you, then. I'll hang up now." Vivian beamed as she waved goodbye to thecamera and ended the video call.

Luca exhaled and closed her laptop. While she was hesitating over whether to go out and see whatwas going on, someone knocked on her door.

She stood up and pushed open the door to see Jason standing in the doorway.

"Dr. Craw, shall we go out for lunch?" said Jason.

"Lunch?" Luca glanced at the living room behind him. Mr. Zac and the rest of the employees were nolonger there.

Presumably, they were all in the restaurant. That was why they were gone.

Luca had already predicted that they must be spreading the news about her sharing a suite with Luke.

"Yes, they're in the restaurant. Boss booked a table at a Chinese restaurant nearby and they're alreadythere."Jason nodded.

"Okay, I'll be right there after changing my clothes." Luca nodded back.

After changing, she walked out of the room to see Luke waiting for her by the door with Jason standingat the side.

The three of them went down together.

Since Luke had told the rest to go over first, no one waited for the three of them.

The Chinese restaurant was nearby the hotel and could be reached by foot, so Jason did not arrangefor a car.

After walking out of the hotel, wind and snow blew in their faces. Luca subconsciously sunk her faceinto her scarf.

Luke noticed her doing that and suggested, "Why don't we get the driver?"

Jason was bewildered. Did they really need a car for such a short distance?

"Mr. Crawford, we can just walk there." Luca also thought that there was no need to drive for such ashort distance. She had already walked all the nearby streets in the past two days, so she knew whichChinese restaurant it was.

Luke nodded his head after listening to her.

When Luca was being assertive, no one could do anything but nod their heads in agreement.

The three of them walked to the Chinese restaurant.

Jason had booked a private room, so following the waiter's lead, the three of them walked into theroom.

The moment the door opened, the chatter stopped abruptly as if someone had pressed the stop button.

Looking at Luke being pushed in by Jason, Mr. Zac said, "Mr. Crawford, you're here."

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