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Chapter 2028

"Sure, but what do you need this for?” Luke asked while holding his phone. He pulled up the photo ofthe tattoo and sent it to Gordan's phone.

Gordan looked at the photo he sent over and explained, "Although I'm an inconspicuous person, I oftentake commissions. I'll definitely be able to use this in the future."

Luke put the phone down.

Gordan also kept the phone in his pocket and held out his hand. "Brother Luke, I've yet to congratulateyou on your company getting the project. Congratulations."

"Thanks." Luke shook his hand.

Gordan rubbed his chin and looked around. He got what he wanted but could not bring up the thing heintended to ask. There was no point in staying around any longer, so he said, "Brother Luke, rest up. Istill have some things to do, so I'm taking off. I'll still be in Russia for the time being, so call me if youneed anything."novelbin

"Okay. It's inconvenient for me to see you off downstairs, so I won't. Close the door when you leave,"Luke said while opening the laptop on the table with no intention of seeing him off.

"Got it. I'm taking off then." Gordan did not think anything of his response. This was basically how thetwo of them got along. He pushed open the room door to the empty living room of the suite.

It seemed that Luca was still in her room.

Gordan whistled as he turned to leave and closed the door of the suite on his way out.

Luke shook his head. He had been working on the project since he came back from the hotel yesterdayand had no time to tell Percy about the events here.

He sent an email to Percy to tell him about the Island of Despair as well as Pierre's participation in theproject bidding with the bidding document he had specially prepared.

He had no plans of letting Pierre get away with it.

However, no matter what he wanted to do, he still had to tell Percy in advance. After all, he wasPierre's brother.

After a while, Percy gave Luke a call from overseas.

"Did that brat, Pierre, really do that?"

"Yes, the bidding document was deliberately prepared by me and my assistant..." Luke glanced at thedoor before continuing, "We intentionally left it for Luca to see if she would take it."

"There's no way Luca could have given the bidding document to Pierre," Percy assured him that theywere not on good terms. Pierre was dying to strangle Luca, and because of Nina, Luca did not like himvery much either. The chances of anything happening between them were zero.

"Well, there was a middleman involved. I'm guessing it's the one who's controlling Luca. Gale is alreadylooking into it. I'm just giving you a heads-up," said Luke.

"Got it. This is T Corporation's business, so do what you have to do. Other than that, if you needanything else, just ask." Percy felt a little guilty. He was Pierre's brother, yet he had no idea Pierre hadsecretly done so many illegal things.

Moreover, these things were all related to his brother.

It was a good thing that Luke had come up with a plan, so Pierre's actions did not cost T Corporationanything.

Otherwise, he would not know how to face his friend of over 30 years.

After ending the call with Luke, Percy called Pierre.

The call went through, but it was hung up by Pierre after two rings.

Percy could not help but curse. He then called him again.

This time, Pierre's phone could no longer be reached.

Percy frowned. "What the hell? I'll teach him a lesson when he comes back from Russia."

He did not believe that Pierre would never return. After all, his company was still here. There was noway he would abandon the company he worked so hard to set up.

On the other hand.

In Pierre's suite.

He looked at the burly man pointing a gun at his forehead with a gloomy expression.

"Mr. Abel, is this how you're going to treat me?"

He looked at the man sitting on the couch across from him. As soon as he opened the door, a gunslammed him onto the sofa, which made him unable to move.

Without any of his people around, Pierre knew that even if he moved the slightest bit right now, hewould be shot in the head.

He had made a misjudgment.

Pierre did not expect that a mere pharmaceutical company owner would have such power. He walkedin and out of places in Russia with a gun. Furthermore, he held it to his forehead whenever he wanted.

Hence, he finally understood that Abel was not an ordinary businessman.

"Aren't you the one who's looking for me? I saw that you were trying so hard to find me, so I came.What is it, Mr. Pierre? Why are you looking for me?" Abel took a puff of his cigar and sneered.

Hera searched for him all day. When she finally got in touch, she informed him of the situation. Longstory short, someone named Mallory was looking for him.

Abel did not need to investigate further to know that it was Pierre.

Since Pierre wanted to come see him, he personally went to Pierre instead.

Besides, no one outside knew that he was the boss of the Island of Despair. It was still easy for him toget around.

After his subordinates found out on which floor of the hotel Pierre stayed, he had them book a roomunder their name. He managed to come up successfully.

They did not alert the security downstairs or the local police. Everything went smoothly.

Pierre glanced at the shiny black muzzle. Once it went off, he would die on the spot.

Being held at gunpoint, it would be a lie to say he was not afraid. However, in order to face Abel, hehad to toughen up no matter how afraid he was.

"There's a reason why I came to find you, but the gun..." Pierre looked at the sloppy man.

The fact that he dared to hold a gun to his head in a hotel meant that Abel was not easy to deal with. IfPierre still went with his previous plan, the unlucky one would not be Abel but himself.

He figured that if he demanded Abel bring out the money he previously took, he might not be able towalk out of this hotel alive.

"My subordinates misunderstood that you wanted to negotiate with me. Hence, the gun. Don't worry,the gun has been modified. It won't go off. It's also equipped with a top-notch silencer. Even if it doesgo off, it won't disturb the people next door," Abel said deliberately.

A silencer.

As stupid as Pierre was, he knew what that meant.

Even if he died here today, no one would know. By the time the hotel staff found out, Abel and hissubordinates would have long been gone.

It seemed that Abel had a stronghold in Russia. Even if there were surveillance cameras that capturedthem coming in, they would still have a way to erase the footage.

These were the things that would happen after he was taken care of.

However, Pierre had no intention of letting himself die here.

"I do have something to talk to you about, but it's not a negotiation." Pierre tamed his anger andchanged his words. He who fought and run away lived to fight another day.

Abel raised his eyebrows with a smug look on his face. "So, it's not a negotiation, huh? Then we have amisunderstanding, my apologies. My subordinates are used to pointing a gun at the other party whennegotiating to ensure my interests. Haller, put the gun away."

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