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Chapter 1884

Luca suddenly felt uneasy.novelbin

She had wanted to keep the blind date a secret. However, the possibility of Luke knowing about itmade her uneasy.

Luca picked up her phone and sent Tina a message: [Tina, do you know when Mr. Crawford returned?]

[I'm not too sure about that. After I was done buying lunch, Mr. Crawford was already there sitting in theoffice. As for when he returned, I think it's best if you ask Mr. Doyle.] Tina did not mention a word aboutLuke summoning her to question the incident.

Even though she thought that Luca was a good person, it was still because of Luke's order that she gotclose to Luca. Hence, she was not willing to reveal too much, lest Luca noticed something off and Tinalost a friend.

[Alright, got it.] Luca placed her phone down. She did not ask Jason.

She could only ask Tina about Luke's issue as Jason was Luke's trustworthy assistant. There might bea chance that Jason would inform Luke about her inquiries.

She felt puzzled.

After all, even though Enoch had only pestered her in the lobby for about ten minutes, she did not knowwhether Luke had stumbled into the scene.

At that moment, her attention was focused on Enoch. She was only thinking about escaping from himand did not pay any attention to her surroundings.

Seeing that 15 minutes was almost up, Luca got up and started packing the stuff needed for themeeting. She then headed to the meeting room.

She thought of heading over earlier so that she would not bump into Luke in the corridor.

After arriving at the meeting room, there were not many management executives around.

Luca nodded at them as a greeting. Then, she sat down on her seat. She opened her laptop andcontinued translating.

She wanted to finish a little more of her work so that she did not need to work overtime later.

She had no idea when would she be transferred to another place by Abel. In other words, she wasclueless about when would Luke find out about her actions.

When the time came for her to be transferred, or if she was busted by Luke, she would have toseparate from her kids.

Luca wanted to spend more time keeping the kids company.

When it was almost time, Luke came to the door and immediately spotted Luca, who was sitting in herseat.

She was so focussed on her laptop, and her slim fingers were constantly typing on the keyboard.

Jason had mentioned that even though Alya had returned from her leave, the workload was still veryheavy as they had to revise the bidding document. Hence, despite both of them working on it, thingswere still quite hectic.

Luke looked at her for two seconds and walked in.

The atmosphere in the meeting room became serious all of a sudden.

Even though Luca was busy, she noticed the change of atmosphere in the meeting room. The instantthere was dead silence, she lifted her head and looked at the door.

Luke had already made his way to the president's seat.

Jason pulled the chair out, and Luke sat down coldly without any expression on his face.

Luca sneakily glanced at Luke's side profile and thought he was colder than usual.

Had something unpleasant happened?

Luca felt guilty. Even though she had changed her appearance, she was still the mother of their threekids. From the perspective of the law, she was still Bianca despite having undergone plastic surgery.

As for Bianca's husband, it was still Luke.

She shook her head. Even though she had gone on a blind date, Luke did not know her real identity.There was no reason for him to be angry.

Even though he had said many weird things to her, such as how he insisted on moving in and stayingwith her, he never once crossed the line.

Hence, Luca thought perhaps Luke was just joking around with her.

She did not think that Luke's current mood had anything to do with her.

'If that's the case, is he not in a good mood because he didn't settle Allison's issue well or because theprogress with the bidding document is not up to his expectations?'

Although Luca had sneakily shot a glance at him, Luke still noticed it.

He raised his hand and said coldly to the crowd before they could even greet him, "Start the meeting."

After he spoke, the crowd felt the atmosphere become even chillier.

They dared not say anything, and everyone was sitting straight, ready to be criticized.

Jason got the presentation ready and started the flow of the meeting.

Luca sat beside Luke and sighed to herself. Indeed, he was in a foul mood, and it was reflected in histone when speaking.

There were not many people who could affect his emotions this strongly.

Previously, Luca used to be one of these people.

Jason cleared his throat and started the meeting.

Luca dared not continue sighing and quickly worked on recording the minutes.

That meeting lasted for more than three hours as each department head was lectured. Luca looked atLuke's serious face and felt fortunate that she was not one of them.

After the meeting was over, Luke got up and looked at Luca. "Meet me at the basement car park afterhalf an hour."

"Is anything the matter, Mr. Crawford?" Luca became anxious when Luke said that in front of the crowd.

"We're going to Watson Biopharmaceuticals for a meeting." Luke retrieved his gaze and immediatelyleft the meeting room.

Right after he left the room, everyone took a breath of relief. Their boss was way too scary today.

An executive who was much closer to Jason could not help but ask, "Mr. Doyle, what's up with the bosstoday? He's in such a bad mood. Who offended him?"

Everyone said, "Yeah, even when he was dissatisfied with our progress in the past, he has never actedlike this."

Jason looked at the crowd. He wanted to look over at Luca, but that would be too deliberate. He smiledand shook his head before continuing to keep his documents. "Don't overthink things. Mr. Crawford isjust dissatisfied with your work progress. Continue working overtime and amend what needs to beamended."

Everyone was down when they heard it.

Luca tidied the documents on the table and got up.

Jason called out to her, "Dr. Craw, later when you head over to Watson Biopharmaceuticals for themeeting later, I predict it'll last until after working hours. If the translation work is overwhelming and youcan't finish it in time, just hand it over to Alya."

Luca hesitated. If it were not for her having to attend two meetings back-to-back, she would be able tosettle the translation work that she was assigned.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Alya is quite busy as well."

"It's her work to begin with. Besides, you still have to arrange the meeting minutes. Also, the meeting atWatson Biopharmaceuticals is quite important. You're probably going to be flooded with work," saidJason. Luke had informed Jason to tell Luca these things.

The man who was still angry over Luca's matters refused to say these words to her himself.

Luca heard this and immediately said, "Is it the meeting about Dr. Albus applying for a patent for hisresearch."

Jason smiled. "I'm not too sure about that. I'm not in charge of the issues there. But I'm guessing itmight be possible. Besides, if it isn't because you were transferred here to help out, you would've alsoapplied for a patent by now, right?"

Luca nodded.

Her research was based on Shanks' research, so everything could go smoothly. Even though she wascautious and had adjusted the dosage to maximize the drug's effects, it would not affect the foundationof the research.

If she had focused on researching this entire time, she might have succeeded already.

"Then I'll go inform Alya." Luca eventually agreed.

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