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Chapter 1879

Nina's eyes flashed with disappointment.

In her eyes, Jean was her son but she was not her daughter...

"Whether or not I'm lying to you, you'll soon know the truth. In the afternoon, ask the nurse to push youto the hospital's detention ward. That's when you'll know whether or not I'm lying to you." Nina spunaround and left the ward after speaking.

Anna's cursing could be heard from behind. Nina was not willing to listen and was not bothered by it.

From childhood all the way to adulthood, she had only ever held a place in Anna's heart when Jeanwas still doing alright.

When Jean started walking a crooked path, her status in Anna's eyes starting falling as well. She couldnot understand. She had given everything she had to Jean, including the chance to further her studies.

He ultimately failed to become a good person, yet Anna pushed all the blame on Nina.

'Why is this happening to me? Is it because I'm not a son?'

Nina felt her limbs weaken. She sat on the long bench along the corridor of the hospital and took adeep breath.

The thought of it made her sigh helplessly. Her phone rang, and Nina answered the call. "Hello?"

"Hi, I'm calling from the public security bureau. We're informing you that we've moved Jean into thedetention ward where he will continue to receive his treatment. Please take note of the visiting hoursand location if you wish to visit him." A man's voice was heard.

"Alright, got it." Nina hung up the call. There were specific hours to visit someone who was in thedetention ward. If she did not follow the timing, she would not be able to visit Jean.

Currently, she was clueless about what to do next. All she could do was wait for Tyrone to get out of thelife-threatening crisis before thinking of her next step.

She wanted to seize the chance to peacefully reach a settlement for Jean's sake.

As soon as she hung up the call, Nina's phone rang once again. This time, it was a number she wasunfamiliar with. She answered, "Hello?"

"Hi, are you Jean's younger sister?" The one speaking was obviously not a police officer. They had anaggressive tone.

"I am. You are..." Nina asked.

"I'm from NX bar. Last night, your brother Jean came to my place to have some liquor and later got intoa fight with another guy. He destroyed a lot of things in the bar. Besides, he didn't pay the bill for theliquor he had either. I got some people to ask the police and there's no doubt everything is Jean's fault.So, let's not delay things or go through the formal procedures as it'll affect my business and therenovation work that needs to be done. Let's just settle this privately, alright?” the guy said.

'Settle it privately?

'If we can privately settle Tyrone's issue, we can definitely settle the bar's issue privately too.'

"I'll have no problems if the compensation amount that you suggest is reasonable,” Nina put forwardthe condition. She had been in the business field for so many years. Even though she had been wellprotected by Percy, she would not be easily fooled by others.

"It's a deal. I've asked someone else to do the calculation. You may come over and I'll slowly explain itto you. Rest assured, I'm just following the market price. I won't raise the price too high. Besides,there's surveillance footage as proof. I wouldn't simply accuse your brother," said the person from NXBar.

Nina lowered her eyes and agreed to it. "Alright. I'll go over right now."

After ending the call, she checked the location of NX Bar.

She came to an understanding once she got to know the street the bar was located.

Indeed, Jean did not have too much cash on him that he could go to high-end bars. For a bar like this,the compensation wouldn't be too much.

She thought that she did not need to inform Percy about this and would be able to settle it on her own.

After thinking about it, she immediately drove her car toward NX Bar.

Upon arriving at the entrance of the bar, she parked her car and took a glance at the street full of bars.However, since it was broad daylight, there were not many people.

NX Bar was open only because the owner wanted to negotiate the compensation matters with Nina.

Nina went over but did not enter directly as she still had her guard raised. She just stood at theentrance and asked, "Is there anyone inside?"

After some time, a middle-aged man with a belly came out. He had a cigarette in his mouth. He lookedat Nina from head to toe before asking, "So, you're Jean's younger sister?"

"Yes." Nina nodded.

The man then looked at the car Nina drove. It was just a worn-down car. She did not seem to be a richperson like what Marie had described.

"Is that your car?" The man asked once again.

"Yes." Nina turned around and said while nodding her head.

"Can you afford to pay the compensation when all you're driving is that car?" The man was curious.'Am I being fooled by Marie?'novelbin

However, nothing good would come about by fooling him. After all, how much money he got from thiswould affect Marie's share.

"Your bar doesn't seem to be a high-end bar as well. We won't know whether or not I'm able to pay thecompensation if we don't discuss it first." Nina was starting to be impatient. 'If he's judging whether ornot I can pay the compensation by looking at the car I'm driving, it means there's a chance this mightbe a scam.'

She felt fortunate that she had insisted on not driving a luxurious car when she got back together withPercy. Instead, she chose to continue driving her worn-down car.

Otherwise, if she were to drive one of Percy's luxurious cars, the man would certainly ask for a biggeramount.

"Sure. Let's go in and talk about it." The man threw the cigarette butt and casually stepped on it, puttingout the flame.

Nina did not take a step and just said, "I think we should just talk outside here."

The man turned around and looked at her. He smirked and said, "What's wrong? Are you afraid I mightdo something to you?"

"The lighting outside here is much better." Nina did not tell the truth, but the man knew what she reallymeant.

The man frowned and got irritated. "I can show you the bills, but if you need proof, I still have to go inand get it. It's very troublesome."

"Well, I have lots of time. Besides, you can just show me the bills and proof. I'll check them out myself.If there's no issue, I'll pay you the compensation," Nina said, determined.

"Alright, alright. I'll go in and get the things for you now. You're so troublesome." The man spun aroundand entered the bar.

He entered the office and took out the list that he had compiled overnight.

Marie sat on the sofa and asked after seeing his actions, "How's it going? She's quite easy to scamright?"

"What do you mean by easy to scam? She doesn't want to enter the bar and insists on checking thethings outside. She's afraid she'll suffer a loss. Also, she's driving a worn-down car. Say, do you thinkshe'll be able to pay this price?" the man got worried and said.

"Don't worry. She'll be able to pay for it. It's true she doesn't have money, but her boyfriend does. He'sthe head of the Mallory family. You know him, don't you? That one or two boxes of genuine wine in yourbar was imported by the branch office of their company," said Marie arrogantly.

She knew that Nina had a very good relationship with Percy. Hence, she incited Jean to get into a fight.

As long as the things in the bar were destroyed, he would need to pay compensation. Then, Mariewould be able to get a commission from the bar owner. That was her way of earning money. She hadmade money plenty of times using this method.

She incited Jean to destroy more items because she knew Nina had Percy backing her.

However, never would she think that Jean, who looked so fragile, would beat someone up so badly. Henearly dragged her into deep trouble after almost beating someone to death.

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