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Chapter 1747

They stopped talking as soon as Jason walked in.

Jason glanced at the seat next to the CEO's and did not see Luca. He frowned and asked, "Where'sDr. Craw? She's not here yet?"

"She's helping Tina make coffee." The executive who led the conversation about Luca earlier replied.

Jason nodded. It was not Luca's job to make coffee but he did not say anything. He reminded them,"Get ready. The meeting is about to start. Mr. Crawford's hands are full, so try to simplify things asmuch as possible when you present later. Focus on key points so that you can save yours and otherpeople's time.”

"Yes, Mr. Doyle." The executives knew how strict Luke was with work and agreed readily.

Luca and Tina walked in with the coffee. When Jason saw them, he immediately stepped forward andpicked up two cups of coffee. "Tina can handle this. Dr. Craw, you'd better take your seat."

"Yeah, Dr. Craw," Tina said.

The executives listened to what Jason said and sighed secretly in their hearts. From his attitude, theycould tell that Luca was someone of special status. She was not just a translator.

They thought that maybe she was secretly involved with the boss.

After all, someone had seen Luca attending Old Master Crawford's birthday banquet, so it wasbelievable for them to be in a hidden relationship.

Luca put the tray on the conference table and said, "It's no trouble."

Tina shook her head, put a cup of coffee in front of everyone, and then put one of the special brewswhere the CEO would sit.

That cup of coffee was brewed by Luca. Tina knew that Luca was an expert in making coffee afterseeing her skillful movements. As such, she poured the coffee she made into Luke's special cup.

Maybe their boss would like it considering Luca's skilled coffee-making ability.

Everything was ready, and Luke walked into the conference room.

Luca saw the man who walked in and looked away immediately to look at the laptop screen. Sheplaced her fingers on the keyboard, ready to take meeting minutes.

However, her mind unconsciously recalled what he said last night.

She remembered every word.

Luca was a little annoyed with how good her memory was. She remembered everything that Luke said.

Luke glanced at Luca. She was sitting there stiffly but her posture was standard. At first glance, it wasclear that she was avoiding him.

All eyes were on him. She was the only exception.

She made it obvious that she was trying to distance herself from him.

Luke coughed twice, cleared his throat, and sat down in the chair.

Luca noticed his coughing and could not help but worry if he had caught a cold.

It was a little cold last night and he had waited for her in the car. 'Did he catch a cold because of it?'

That should not be the case, though. There was a heater in the car. Even if he had waited in the car, heshould not be cold. After she was done drinking and Rain brought her to the car, she remembered thatthe heater in the car was turned on.

Luca was thinking about whether Luke had caught a cold when she heard him cough slightly again.

She was certain that he was sick and it was most likely from him waiting for her the night prior.

She suddenly realized that Luke probably did not eat anything since he had waited outside the entirenight. Of course, he would be sick. He was cold and hungry...

Luca felt guilty all of a sudden. When they arrived home yesterday, she just avoided him and did notsay anything. She did not consider that he might not have eaten anything after waiting all night...

His stomach was not the best...

When Luca was deep in thoughts, Luke said in a low voice, "Let's start the meeting."

Luca came back to her senses immediately, pressed the recorder, and started taking notes.

The meeting was long because Luke was not satisfied with the updates from many of the executives.The meeting that was supposed to end in an hour lasted two hours. They even missed their lunchbreak.

Everyone was starving, but they made sure they carefully updated Luke about all the tasks on hand.novelbin

Luke's expression darkened. In the end, he said, "If I were the other party, I would have no intentions ofworking with us after seeing such a non-competitive proposal. Work on the issues pointed out just nowas soon as possible. I'll give you a half-hour lunch break. After eating, start with the revisionimmediately. I want to see the revised proposal when we continue the meeting tomorrow morning.""Yes."

"Got it." The executives knew they had to work overtime tonight but did not dare to complain. After all,Luke was notorious for being picky about work. They dared not say anything.

At the end of the meeting, the executives left immediately with the documents so that they had as muchtime as possible to work on the changes required.

Tina packed everything up, stood up, and extended an invitation to Luca, "Dr. Craw, why don't we godownstairs for a light meal?"

Luke mentioned that they were allowed a half-hour lunch break. They had time to have a light meal.

"Okay." Luca closed her laptop and glanced at Luke subconsciously. He had already stood up and leftwithout looking back.

He appeared cold and arrogant.

'Is he angry because he's not satisfied with the executives' progress? Or is he angry because I fled thismorning?'

Luca looked at how Luke acted and unconsciously felt uneasy. She realized then that Luke was veryimportant to her.

His silence and cold expression were very different from the Luke she saw yesterday.

Luca had a feeling that what she heard and saw yesterday was all a dream.

However, the sleepless night made it clear that everything that happened was real. The greater thediscrepancy in Luke's actions, the more uneasy she was.

Jason heard that they were going for a quick lunch and said, "Give me your laptops. I'll help you bringthem to your tables. It'll save you a little time."

When she heard that, Tina asked curiously, "Mr. Doyle, are you not having lunch?"

"I knew that today's meeting would run over time and we'd miss our lunch break, so I've alreadyordered something. My food can be delivered as soon as I notify the restaurant. Give me your thingsand quickly go eat," Jason said thoughtfully.

Tina took his offer and gave him her things. "Thanks for the trouble, Mr. Doyle."

Luca chimed in, "Mr. Doyle, thank you."

Jason waved his hand and replied, "Go get a quick lunch. Although neither of you got criticized, they'llhave to change the proposal, which means that your workload will increase accordingly."

Luca and Tina left the conference room.

Jason looked at three laptops and a few folders, then called an intern to help bring them upstairs.

Luca's office laptop was carried by Jason because she had important translation files on it.

After he arrived upstairs, Jason noticed Luke had just stepped out of the elevator.

"Boss," he greeted him.

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