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Chapter 1735

Nina was so stubborn that she did not even bother to look at the breakfast on the coffee table.

The maid did not say anything. She did not think that she needed to worry because Nina wouldcertainly eat when she got extremely hungry. If Nina refused to eat, she would just report it to Pierre.

After the maid left, Nina put on her shoes and opened the bedroom door.

There was no one at the entrance. She walked to the end of the corridor and arrived at the stairs. Shewent down the stairs without a second thought.

After she arrived at the living room on the first floor, she found that there was still no one around.

Nina did not wander around. Her goal was clear, so she walked directly to the door.

She walked out of the door and saw the garden. It was not big. Nina turned around and glanced at thevilla. She had been in the architectural design industry for so long, so she knew at a glance that shewas in a small villa in the suburbs. It was not luxurious, but it was perfect as a vacation home.

It was away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Others might not find out where she was being heldhostage. As for the neighbors...

This kind of suburban villa was mostly busy only during the holiday season. As such, Pierre allowed herto walk around the villa because he knew that no matter how much she tried to ask for help, no onewould find her.

Nina was desperate. She saw someone when she arrived at the gate of the villa.

When the security guard saw her approaching, he said with a straight face, "Ms. Nina, please go backin."

"Who are you to imprison me? I want to leave! Open the door!" Nina tried to fool him with her toughtone.

However, the other party was hired by Pierre, who had given him a set of instructions. "Ms. Nina,please don't make things hard for us. Mr. Pierre has instructed that you're not to leave the villa."

Nina clenched her fists. Two security guards were standing at the gate. If she went rampant, she wouldnot be able to get out and it would only alert Pierre.

She thought that it was not worth it to do so.

The most important thing for her was to escape, but she could not risk alerting Pierre. She was afraidthat if the man got angry, she would not even have the right to walk around freely.

"Bastard." Nina cursed softly and walked to the garden beside the gate.

When he saw that, the security guard reminded her not to mess around. "Ms. Nina, we have menguarding the surroundings. Don't bother trying. You can't escape."

Nina turned around and glared at him. These security guards were as annoying as Pierre.

She had thought about going over the wall but it was just a thought. She knew that she would not beable to do so without some equipment. After all, she was not nimble

Nina walked around and could not find a way to escape. With no other options, she returned to thebedroom and locked herself in.

At noon, the maid opened the door and came in with her lunch.

Nina sat up when she saw her. "How did you come in?"

"I have a set of keys so that the door can be opened in the event of an accident," the maid explained.

Nina glanced at the bunch of keys in the maid's hand and suddenly felt hopeless.

The maid put the plate down, glanced at the breakfast that was not touched, frowned, and persuadedher. "Ms. Nina, sooner or later, you'll find out that the boss is doing this to show his love for you. I don'twant you to suffer, so please have a bite of something."

"Get out!" Nina screamed. She would not usually treat others like this but her personality hadundergone a 360 change because of Pierre.

The maid knew she was angry and said nothing. She picked up the breakfast tray and left.

Nina heard the sound of the bedroom door closing. She lay back down on the bed and did not evenbother to look at what the maid had brought in for lunch. She just stared at the ceiling dumbly.

After learning that Pierre had not touched her, she felt like she survived a disaster.

That disgusting, hopeless feeling was instantly swept away.

She suddenly thought of Percy. She did not feel the same way after he touched her.

Her heart was full of helplessness...

The huge psychological difference had Nina deep in thought.


On the other hand.

Luca was worried about Nina's situation and worked absent-mindedly all morning. However, she stilldid not hear from Nina.

Luke had promised that if there was news on Nina, he would notify her as soon as possible. However,she still had not gotten any updates.

It seemed that Nina's whereabouts had not been found...

Luca was worried but could not ask Luke what was going on, so she had to endure the anxiousnessshe felt.

When it was lunch break, Luke walked into her office. She anxiously stood up and asked, "Mr.Crawford, is there any news regarding Nina?"

"Gale and Rain are still investigating," Luke said.novelbin

Gale and Rain were his right-hand men who he brought back from the Island of Despair. Luca knewthat he was trying his best to track down Nina's whereabouts, but he could not find her yet as theperson hiding her was too cunning.

As they spoke, Percy walked in.

"Is there any news from your men?" he asked, his expression worried and his tone hurried.

"No, I haven't found her yet." Luke was quite surprised by his appearance. However, after he thoughtabout it, he knew that Percy's feelings for Nina were no different than his feelings for Bianca.

"No news from my end either." Percy frowned.

Luke analyzed the situation, saying, "If it's Pierre who kidnapped her, after what happened the lasttime, he'll probably be more cautious this time. If he's hiding her, he'll likely hide her in one of hisproperties. You can steer the investigation in this direction.”

"He has secretly done a lot of things behind my back over the years. Our family doesn't know much,including how many properties he has," Percy said. When he realized that Pierre was problematic, healso found that it was difficult for him to control Pierre now.

Luke patted him on the shoulder reassuringly. "It'll take some time but we'll find her."

Luca listened to their conversation and roughly understood the situation. If they found all the propertiesunder Pierre's name and checked place by place, they would find out if there was any abnormality.

"He's working at the office as if nothing has happened. I'm worried that Nina won't be able to stand it,"Percy said. He was worried that Nina was not in the best condition.

"I think in addition to investigating Pierre, perhaps we can find out something from Jean too." Luca putforward her idea. "If Pierre wants to imprison Nina, he only has a handful of people he can threaten. Mr.Mallory, you went to Anna's house today. Did you find anything?"

"I only saw Jean with a hooker," Percy said.

"Jean wasn't acting abnormally?" Luca continued to ask.

"His face was swollen and bruised as if he had been beaten up." Percy recalled.

"I'm guessing that Pierre did that to threaten Nina. I think we can start from Jean," Luca said. Herintuition told her that this matter had something to do with Jean.

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