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Chapter 1621

"No, we didn't say anything. She was the one who asked us if someone from the Mallory family wasinvolved." Eric did not dare to mention that she guessed it because of what he said for fear of beingscolded.

Pierre did not expect Luca to be so smart. He yelled into the phone, "Good-for-nothings! How did sheact after she asked that?"

"Nothing. She's very calm," Eric replied as he made a helpless look at his companion.

"Stay away from her. I'm going to find a way to divert her suspicions," Pierre said. He then hung up thephone and drove to the villa.

Percy's men followed behind him, but Pierre did not notice because they were skilled.

When Pierre was halfway there, Luke's men met up with Percy's. They talked and changed positionsso Pierre would not notice that something was wrong.

He drove to the villa. Luke's men arrived and knew that this was not Pierre's usual address, so theysent the location to Luke.

At the same time, Percy was also updated on their location.

He sent Luke a voice message. "This villa was a coming-of-age gift from the old man to Pierre. Hedoesn't stay there because it's in a remote location."

Luke nodded. ‘Since he doesn't stay there, why is he there now?'

There was only one plausible reason. Percy was hiding Luca there.

Percy called him and Luke immediately answered. Percy asked, "Are you going to get Luca out now?"

"Yeah," Luke replied without any hesitation.

Percy said, "Aren't you curious why Pierre kidnapped Luca? Although he quarreled with Luca, hecould've just found someone to beat her up if he was pissed. Why did he need to kidnap her?"

"Your brother is a pervert." Luke did not hold back. Percy was Pierre's brother, so he should take a littleresponsibility for not educating his scoundrel of a brother well.

"Don't say that. You said that he's interested in Nina. If it's to coerce Nina to obey him, he wouldn't haveto resort to kidnapping. Although Luca had stood up against him for her, he wouldn't have taken thingsso far. There are many ways to get a woman that doesn't involve kidnapping her. I think he has otherplans." Percy analyzed the situation.

"What do you want to do?" Luke understood what he meant. However, Luca was Bianca. It wasinevitable that he would get impatient.

"Since he's going to see Luca, we'll find out more soon. You and my men should surround the area andprevent him from changing his position. At the same time, we'll be patient and see what he's going todo." Percy suggested. They had to be more thorough if they wanted to take action.

‘If you don't want to wait, how can you find anything?'

"That's Bianca..." Luke reminded him. Although what Percy said made sense and his plan couldachieve the desired effect, Luca was suffering in Pierre's hands. He could not bear to watch his womansuffer.

Not even for a moment!

Percy rolled his eyes. He knew what Luke was thinking.

Luke loved his wife more than life, so he was unwilling to let Luca suffer.

"We have to sacrifice a little to trap the wolf. Luke, he kidnapped your woman. My intuition tells me thathe's targeting you. Think about it. If we know what his objective is, we have one less obstacle." Percycontinued to persuade him.

This was all speculation, but if Pierre was targeting Luke, he and Pierre would have one less obstacleto overcome after this.

"Trust me, we've been good friends for so many years. I'll tell you what. Since he's gone over now, hemust be impatient. His next step is likely to blackmail you using Luca. Give it two days. If he doesn'tmake a move after two days, I'll personally go save Luca." Percy gave him a time frame, hoping thatLuke could look at the bigger picture.

Luke wanted to be impulsive and save Luca at that exact moment but he thought about it and recalledthat Percy had indeed helped him a lot over the years.

They were now aware that Pierre was plotting against Luke behind their back. Luke wanted to saveLuca but he could not bring himself to ignore his brotherhood with Percy.

After he hesitated for a while, he finally agreed. "My men and yours have to keep watch 24/7. Countingfrom this exact moment, if he still doesn't act after 48 hours, don't blame me for taking action." "I won'tblame you. Trust me, he kidnapped Luca partly because of you." Percy was relieved that Luke hadagreed to his plan.

Luke hung up the phone and sent a message to his subordinates. He told them to take shifts and keeptheir eyes on the villa at all times. If there was a vehicle coming in or going out, they had to make surethat Luca was not in it.

His biggest worry was that Pierre would notice something and move her somewhere else.

After Luke gave his men orders, he put away the phone and looked out the window. ‘Bea, don't blameme. You must protect yourself...'novelbin

On the other hand.

Luca was lying on the bed when she heard hurried footsteps approaching. She changed her positionand put her feet down.

Along with her movements, the iron balls fell.

The loud sound startled Pierre, who was outside the door. He turned around and asked Eric, "What'sgoing on inside?"

"Boss, to prevent this woman from escaping, the two of us cuffed iron balls to her feet. The sound isprobably from the iron balls hitting the floor," Eric replied.

Pierre sneered. ‘Is she protesting?'

No matter how hard she smashed the floor, she would never be able to smash a hole through the floorto escape.

Pierre put on a mask and placed a microphone on his collar.

This was so that he could change his voice.

He pushed the door and walked in. He looked at Luca, who was lying on the bed, and sneered. "Itseems like you're enjoying yourself here?"

Luca looked at the man who was in a different outfit. Even though the other party had changed hisvoice, judging from his figure, she was certain that the man was Pierre.

Even though Pierre's figure was common, she was even more certain it was Pierre after looking at thefigure of the person in front of her. She curled the corners of her mouth lazily and asked in a cold tone,"You're finally here."

Pierre noticed that Luca did not display a trace of fear. 'What a difficult woman.'

"Aren't you afraid?" he asked in a dreary voice.

The altered voice was disembodied and unpleasant to hear. Luca frowned and replied, "Ooh, I'm soafraid. The voice from your voice changer is so unpleasant that I thought I'm watching a horror movie.You sound like that ghost. It's so unpleasant!"

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