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Chapter 1590

"Got it," the person on the other end of the phone replied. He noticed that Nina was making a turn atthe next exit and quickly changed lanes to keep up.

Nina noticed that the car behind her had been following her. When she turned the corner, he followedher and changed lanes.

There was no doubt that the car was following her.

Nina panicked when she thought that it might be people sent by Pierre or the Johnston family. Eitherparty did not have good intentions.

She had no choice but to call Luca to ask her for help.

"Nina, what's the matter?" At this moment, Luca was in a taxi on the way to the office.

"Luca, I'm being followed. I don't know who it is. What should I do?" Nina felt that Luca had experiencein dealing with this situation, so she subconsciously asked her for advice.

"You’re being followed?" Luca frowned when she heard Nina’s anxious tone. In her heart, she thoughtthat the people following Nina were probably people hired by Percy. They would not put her in harm’sway.

"Yeah, I don't know if they were sent by the madman Pierre or the daughter of the Johnston family."Nina was helpless. She glanced at the rearview mirror and saw that the car was still following her.

‘Why doesn't she suspect that it’s Percy?’

Luca wondered in her heart. She was not as worried as she was certain that it was not Pierre’s doing."Is the car close to you?"

"It’s not too far away. It’s keeping a distance from me," Nina said. She felt that the other party wasfollowing her after she observed their car for a while.

"Are you going to the hospital now?" Luca asked. Anna and Jean both had surgery the day before, soshe guessed that Nina was heading to the hospital to visit them.


"Okay, keep going along the main road and don't try to get rid of them by taking the side roads. Yourdriving skills are not better than theirs, so keep taking the main road. As long as there are people, theywon’t dare to do anything.” Luca urged her. Those people were just following behind her car and nottaking over, which meant that there was only one car following Nina.

Even if they were not Percy's men but other people with bad intentions, there was only one car. Lucawas certain that they would not dare act rashly in a crowded place.novelbin

"Okay, okay." Nina listened to her words, gave up the idea of taking the side road to get rid of thesepeople, and continued to drive on the main road.

The car followed her all the way to the hospital.

Nina was relieved that the car did not try to speed past her and stop her. She remembered Luca'swords and did not park the car in the underground parking lot but chose the open-air parking lot.

After she got out of the car, she did not dare to look back for fear that those people would know thatshe had noticed them. She quickly walked into the hospital.

Luca called her after a while.

"Nina, have you arrived at the hospital?" she asked with concern.

"Yes, I'm already here," Nina replied as she walked into the elevator.

At the same time, Luca had also arrived at T Corporation. She breathed a sigh of relief when she heardthat Nina had arrived at the hospital safely. "I don't think that those people will hurt you. How about yougo check on your mom first?"

"Okay," Nina felt a lot more at ease when she heard Luca's voice. She looked at the number in theelevator as it slowly increased and knew that she could not disturb Luca any longer, so she hung up thecall.

After Nina arrived on the floor, she first went to Anna's attending doctor and wanted to ask him if Annacould be transferred to the general ward.

The doctor glanced at Anna's various examination reports and came to a conclusion. "This operation isconsidered successful but the patient's condition is not the best. Her recovery time will be longer thannormal and she can no longer afford to be stubborn. She needs to take medicine every day and comeback regularly for tests.”

"Mm, I see." Nina took a deep breath. The doctor had informed her about these possible post-operativeissues before the operation.

That was because Anna's body was in horrible condition.

However, Nina could not bear to see Anna waiting to die, so she agreed to the operation. After all,there was still a chance for her after the operation.

"If there's no problem, the patient can leave the ICU before noon. Why don't you go to the previousward and wait there? The nurse will notify you when she's ready to be transferred," the doctorsuggested.

Nina shook her head and planned to wait in the restaurant downstairs. The atmosphere in the wardwas too oppressive, and she was uncomfortable sitting there for too long. “Please have the nurse callme directly when that happens. I'll wait in the restaurant downstairs." "That works too." The doctornodded.

Nina went to the restaurant downstairs and bumped into Queenie.

When she saw that Queenie was carrying a bag, she walked over and asked, "Aunt Queenie, why areyou here? Are you alright?"

Queenie did not expect to bump into Nina when she went downstairs to buy some water. She wasstunned. A moment later, she shook her head and said, "Nothing, I'm fine. I came here to visitsomeone."

Nina noticed that the bags that Queenie was carrying contained a brand of mineral water. They costdozens of dollars a bottle. They were expensive.

It was not surprising that she bought this brand of mineral water, considering the ability of the Normanfamily.

However, Nina thought it was strange that Queenie came to visit a patient with so much mineral water.Queenie was not such an ignorant person, so it was strange.

"Is that so? I won't bother you, then. Oh right, this is very heavy, isn't it? Do you want me to carry thisfor you?" Nina thought of helping her.

The person in front of her was Bianca's mother. Queenie was soft and weak, so Nina thought that itmight be too heavy for her.

"No, no, it's not heavy." Queenie immediately turned her down. Leia was clamoring to drink this brandof water because she thought that the water provided by the hospital was not clean and she refused todrink it. That was why she asked Queenie to go downstairs to buy these bottles of water.

The bag filled with water bottles was heavy, but Queenie did not ask Leia for help for fear that shewould find out about Leia's return.

"Isn't it heavy? It looks quite heavy. Aunt Queenie, why isn't your maid here to help?" Nina wanted tohelp Queenie but was rejected. There was nothing she could do.

"She's busy. I have to make a move now." Queenie smiled. After Leia fell ill, she was the only one whocould only take care of her because the maids had to take care of Jack at home.

In addition, Leia could still walk around so Queenie did not hire a nurse for her. After all, one lessperson being involved meant that there was less risk of this matter being exposed.

Queenie was running to and fro from the hospital and home every day. She was exhausted but couldnot talk to anyone about it.

Nina frowned as she watched Queenie struggle to carry the bag upstairs.

However, she could not do anything. She bought a cup of coffee and sat in the corner of the restaurant,waiting for the nurse to call.

It was not until noon that the nurse called and said that Anna had been transferred to the general ward.

Nina headed to the ward immediately, wanting to see how Anna was doing.

After Anna was transferred to the general ward, her face was still sallow. Her lips were pale and shelooked weak.

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