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Chapter 1509

After Luca found her room, she pushed the door and walked in right away.

When she was in A City, she would check carefully whenever she arrived at a new environment. Shewas afraid that she would fall into Abel’s trap.

However, she was now in B City. She did not check anything because she had not told Abel about thetrip in advance. Even if he knew, he could not have reached before her.

After Luca closed the door, she opened her luggage and took her laptop out.

She had come to travel this time, but her main motive was to search for Amur. Hence, she brought thelaptop that was installed with special programs along with her.

She turned it on, then connected it to the hotel’s public network. She detected the strongholds of theIsland of Despair in B City.

Soon, she found a corresponding stronghold.

B City was located near the border of the country and was adjacent to a few poor neighboringcountries. Hence, many engaged in the underworld.

The underworld happened to strike Amur’s fancy in B City, so he built many strongholds here.

Luca just had to get to the stronghold to ask about Amur’s whereabouts.

After all, he needed to drink the antidote every month, just like her.

After Luca found the strongholds, she memorized the address quietly and disconnected the networkbefore switching off her laptop.

A buffet dinner was provided. Luca went downstairs after she got Jason’s notice and came to thehotel’s restaurant.

T Corporation had reserved the entire mountain villa. There were no outsiders. The people walking inthe restaurant were all the company’s employees. Luca felt a little dizzy when she saw the situationhere.

Zoey came forward and took her arm affectionately. “Dr. Craw, did you just come down too?”

“Yes.” Luca was not used to being so close with other people. She withdrew her hand when Zoey wasnot noticing. “I didn’t expect so many people to be here.”

“Yes. Everyone working in the company is here. The development of T Corporation is getting better dayby day under Mr. Crawford’s guidance. More and more people are getting employed every day. I’mguessing today is the busiest day for Villa Almira!” Zoey smiled and said, “Dr. Craw, let’s go in. Thefood will be finished if we’re any later.”

Luca smiled and walked in.

The hotel they were staying in belonged to Villa Almira. The weather was cool and pleasant where themountain villa was located. It was popular, but many hesitated to come because of the expensive ticketprice and costly expenses.

The employees of T Corporation were all gathered here today. It was indeed the busiest day for themountain villa.

Luca was brought into the restaurant by Zoey. They grabbed some delicious food.

Luca did not eat much during lunch, so she took some mains and some grilled chicken after Zoeyencouraged her to take some.

They had dinner together with Tina. Zoey took a bite of the grilled chicken and said with satisfaction, “Ididn’t expect the grilled chicken in a buffet to taste so good.”

Luca took a bite. Indeed, it tasted better than the ones out there. There was a reason why it was soexpensive.

“Watch your image when you’re in front of your superior.” Tina smiled and reminded her as she lookedat Zoey letting herself go just because of a mouthful of grilled chicken.

“We’re on equal terms with Dr. Craw today. We’re having grilled chicken and drinking beer together. It’dbe a buzzkill if we’re stressing about workplace etiquette here, right, Dr. Craw?” Zoey said.

After observing Luca for some time, she noticed that even though Luca took her work seriously and shealways had a cold expression on her face, she was a friendly person.

Even though she was not very close with the others, she was polite and never put on airs.

It was because of this that Zoey dared to talk to Luca in such a manner.

“It’s alright. Don’t stress about those things since we’re here to have fun,” Luca said, and she grabbedanother piece of grilled chicken.

Tina smiled and shook her head.

Zoey took a piece of grilled chicken and placed it in front of her. “Tina, you’re always telling me thatyou’re on a diet and you have to stay away from food like this. You’ve got to enjoy yourself as much asyou can since we’re on a vacation now. It’d be a loss for you if you don’t try this delicious grilledchicken.”

Tina looked at the grilled chicken on the plate. It was still sizzling with smoke curling up in the air. Itlooked scrumptious.

“It’s good. Try some.” Luca knew her concerns, and she encouraged her.

Ever since she met Tina, she knew she was someone who focused on self-discipline a lot. However,since they were on a trip now, Tina should learn to enjoy herself.

“Yes, it’s good. If you’re worried that you might get fat after having this, we can go to the hot spring andburn away all those calories,” said Zoey.

Tina finally took a bite of the grilled chicken after she said that.

When she had a taste of it, she exclaimed satisfyingly, “It’s been months since I had grilled chicken.This is so good.”

“It’s good, right? Have some more.” Zoey grabbed another piece for her, looked at Luca, and invitedher. “Dr. Craw, let’s go to the hot springs after this. I heard that the hot springs here are natural. They’regood for our bodies. And we can sleep well at night after enjoying the hot springs.”

Luca shook her head and rejected the invitation. “I’m a little tired after riding the high-speed rail. Let’stalk about it tomorrow.”

She was planning to go out at night, so she did not agree to go to the hot springs with them.

“Sure.” Zoey did not say anything.

Tina, who was sitting beside, asked in a gossipy manner, “Oh, Dr. Craw, Boss sat beside you today,right?”

Zoey heard that and widened her eyes. “Dr. Craw, is that true?”

“It’s true… It’s just a coincidence…” Luca looked at them. She tried to explain but she could not. At last,she could only claim that it was just a coincidence.novelbin

“Previously, when Mr. Crawford wanted to take the high-speed rail for a business trip, he wouldcertainly use Mrs. Crawford’s ID card to purchase the seat beside his. If Mrs. Crawford wasn’t goingwith him, he wouldn’t want to sit with others.” Tina deliberately mentioned the past.

There were enough premier class and first-class seats this time, but Luke did not use his previousmethods. Instead, he got Luca to sit beside him.

What was the purpose of her boss doing so? As a subordinate, they were not allowed to take a wildguess. However, that did not mean the party involved could not know about it.

“Is that right? I got sleepy once I got onto the high-speed rail, so I was asleep for the most part. Didn’tMr. Crawford start working the moment he got on?” Luca replied as she turned the topic around to Lukeinstead of making it about Luke and her.

“Yes. Boss is certainly a workaholic. The day before we departed, I heard him telling Mr. Doyle to bringthe documents and a flask of coffee along… Our boss is pretty good at handling the details of hiscareer and his life.” Tina grabbed another piece of grilled chicken when she realized she was almostdone eating the one on her plate.

Ms. Reid came forward and saw the three of them enjoying the grilled chicken. She said in disdain, “Dr.Craw, a young woman like you should keep your body slim and fit. Having greasy food will make yougrow fat.”

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