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Chapter 1503

“Dr. Craw, are you free now? If possible, I’ll go to your company. Let’s discuss Ms. Tanner’s treatmentplan,” Johann said.

Allison’s current state was not something that could be solved by cosmetic surgery. She neededmedication.

“Mm, I’m free now. I’ll see you at Cafe Perfecto below T Corporation in 20 minutes.” Luca thought thatthis matter should be attended to sooner rather than later. If she found a treatment plan for Allisonearlier, Allison might be saved from another day of suffering.

After they agreed on the time, Luca let Rhett know and went downstairs.

She sat in the corner of Cafe Perfecto and ordered an americano.

Johann walked toward her as soon as he stepped into Cafe Perfecto. He noticed how haggard shelooked and reminded her. “Dr. Craw, you don’t have to go all out like this next time.”

“I’m fine.” Luca took a sip of coffee. This was her first cup of coffee that day. It was effective at helpingher stay alert and awake.

“Look at the dark circles on your face. On top of that, you’re drinking coffee to stay awake.” Johann laidit all out and said, “You should know that overconsumption of coffee will affect the body.”

“I don’t usually drink coffee.” Luca smiled. She felt warm knowing that someone cared about her.“Yesterday, I was thinking of trying my luck and didn’t expect to spot the serum. When I saw thecomposition analysis, I knew it was not quite right and continued to study it. It was dawn before I knewit.”

“I’m envious of Luke for having an employee as great as you.” Johann deliberately mentioned hisjealousy to liven up the atmosphere.

As soon as he finished speaking, Luke’s voice sounded. “If you’re envious, you can also come work forT Corporation so that you can also have such an excellent colleague.”

The two looked in the direction of the voice together. They did not notice before this that Luke hadwalked into Cafe Perfecto.

He had overheard the conversation between the two.

Johann smiled awkwardly and replied, “Are you kidding me? I’m a doctor. I can’t do anything except forsurgery. What position would I hold in T Corporation?”

“I can buy you a hospital,” Luke sat in the other chair with Johann on his left and Luca on his right.

Johann applauded and replied, “Sure enough, you have deep pockets and can easily afford a hospital.Are you planning to make me the director?”

“If you want to, that position is yours,” Luke said with a blank expression.

“I don’t want to.” Johann picked up the menu on the side and ordered a glass of lemonade.

Luke ordered an americano.

Johann said cheekily, “Can you not? The both of you even ordered the same drink.”

Luke glanced at the cup of americano that Luca was holding in her hand. He was not the biggest fan ofamericano but when he saw Luca drinking it, he suddenly had the urge to try the iced americano fromCafe Perfecto.

Luca was also looking at him. She was well aware that Luke hated drinking americano. He had evenmentioned it before. However, this time…

She glanced at her cup. ‘Is it because I’m drinking it?’

In an instant, she denied her thoughts and kept persuading herself not to overthink.

“Cough, cough. Okay, I’m done joking around.” Luke looked at Johann coldly and that made Johannfeel as though the pores all over his body were shrinking from the coldness of his gaze. He immediatelychanged the subject. “Dr. Craw, let’s discuss the treatment plan?”

“Yeah.” Luca nodded and handed him the composition analysis report. “These are all the ingredients,among which the fluorescent agent and the bleach have the highest percentage. I believe it’s also whyshe continued to use this serum.”

Fluorescent agents and bleaching agents could instantly improve the skin’s fairness, which was whyAllison kept using the serum.

“This…” Johann looked at the ingredient analysis report and was a little speechless. “The person whocreated this serum is planning to rob and kill the consumers?”

If the human body absorbed too much of this substance, it might easily cause cells to mutate.

All of them were carcinogens.

Luca nodded and took out a prescription. “These are some herbs that I prescribed. Although they won’thelp much in terms of repairing the skin, grinding it into powder and then adding water to make a mudmask can prevent her skin from deteriorating. I’m not a medication expert, so Dr. Park, I’ll leave that toyou.”

Johann looked at the list and was not sure where to start. He said, “Give me a night to think about it.”

“Mm.” Luca nodded and looked at Luke. “Mr. Crawford, I have something else to say.”

“What?” Luke replied.

“I said earlier that it would be of little significance to perform surgery, but I still want you to find aspecialist in cosmetics surgery to perform surgery on Ms. Tanner,” Luca said.

Judging from Allison’s personality, if she was told that she could not have surgery to solve her skinproblems, she would make a big fuss and blame Luke for it.

She may even think that he was unwilling to treat her and the resentment in her heart would continue togrow.

However, if he found a cosmetic surgery specialist to perform surgery and treatment on her, even if itdid not work, she would not continue to complain about Luke.

“Hm, Dr. Craw’s proposal is a good one. With Allison’s current skin condition, it’s meaningless andineffective. However, she won’t give up on it. Having a cosmetics surgery specialist treat her will helpher understand that these treatments are pointless and she’ll stop bothering you.” Johann agreed withLuca’s suggestion.

Although he did not have much contact with Allison, he knew how she was.novelbin

Luca nodded.

‘Johann knows Allison but why does Luca seem to know her well too?’

Luke looked at the two of them and nodded. “Any recommendations for the doctor?”

“I’ll think about it.” Johann was an expert when it came to doctors. He thought about it for a while andsaid, “I’d recommend Dr. Cooper. He’s known as the best dermatologist and he’s well-known incosmetic surgery. Ms. Tanner should have nothing to say if we get him involved.”

“Got it,” Luke said and took a sip of his iced americano.

It tasted mediocre, nothing outstanding. He looked at Luca’s cup and saw that she had finished hercup. ‘Is hers particularly delicious?’

Luke took another sip, but it was still the same bland taste.

He put down the cup, pulled out three hundred-dollar bills, and said, “I’ll have Jason get in touch withDr. Cooper. Thank you for the trouble.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll focus on the medicine while Dr. Craw works on the herbs. I’m sure something willhelp,” Johann said, “By the way, Dr. Cooper is busy. Please mention my name when you ask Mr. Doyleto contact him. He’ll agree to help.”

If it were normal circumstances, Dr. Cooper would think that Allison did not require an operation andwould turn it down immediately. If his name was mentioned, the other party would help.

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