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Chapter 1470

Speaking about bubble tea caught Nina’s interest. She nodded her head as she walked in the directionof the bubble tea shop arm in arm with Luca.

In the beauty salon, Sophia shot a glance at Tia. The look on her face was terrifying.

“Ms. Tia…” She reminded her in a soft voice. “The people in the beauty salon are looking at us.”

As Tia watched Nina and Luca leave arm in arm, she turned around and asked the staff working in thebeauty salon. “They were in the room next to us all along?”

“Yes, Miss.” The beauty salon manager nodded her head and replied. She did not expect somethinglike this to happen and wondered if she should renovate the beauty salon to improve thesoundproofing.

Tia took a deep breath, suppressing the emotions that were about to explode within her. “When didthey start their facial session?”

“Probably ten minutes earlier than yours,” the beauty salon manager replied in a soft voice.

Tia staggered. Then it mean they had heard everything she told Sophia.

She knew Nina had it in for her because of Luke, but at least she did not have the dirt on her back then.That was why Nina could not do anything to her. However, Tia had just personally handed her theadvantage.

When she was doing her facial just now, even though she denied having thoughts about Luke, she stilltalked a lot about Luke with Sophia.

The tone of her voice was also filled with admiration.

Tia glared at Sophia and handed the credit card. “The bill, please.”

“Sure, please wait for a while, Miss.” The beauty salon manager accepted the card hurriedly andswiped the card for payment.

After Tia signed her name on the bill and took her credit card back, she hurriedly walked out of thesalon in her heels.

The beautician who was nearby saw this and let out a sigh. “Manager, the woman said she wanted toget an annual pass but now…”

Beauticians could get a commission when a customer applied for an annual card. The manager knewwhy she was behaving that way. She patted her shoulder and comforted her. “Based on the situationnow, I don’t think she’s coming back here anymore, much less apply for an annual pass.”

“I thought I could get another regular customer.” The beautician was still sighing. Just because Tia hadsaid that she was going to apply for an annual pass, she was extraordinarily careful when she wasgiving Tia her facial treatment.

The manager paused for a moment and asked in a soft voice, “By the way, what did she say in theroom earlier?”

The beautician showed some doubts and replied, “Manager, aren’t we not allowed to talk about thecustomer’s private matters?”novelbin

“Given the situation, do you think she’s coming back here? I think it’s time to improve thesoundproofing of the rooms.” The manager reminded herself.

The beautician nodded and replied, “She was talking about Luke Crawford, the big boss of TCorporation in A City.”

“Now that you mention it, I remember. She’s the woman who got involved in the scandal with LukeCrawford.” The manager suddenly realized it, but based on Tia’s temperament and style, she was noteven close to what the papers had been describing her—an elite who was warm and generous.

Someone like her managed to hook up with Luke Crawford?

Competition between women had always existed. Even if the manager was not interested in LukeCrawford, she would still think that Tia was unworthy of him.

The next day.

Luca was still on leave. Due to the affair, Luke had approved her a week of sick leave.

She woke up early and accidentally woke Nina up too.

Nina saw her packing her stuff. She yawned and asked curiously, “Luca, you’re going out?”

“Yes, something came up and I have to go out. It’s still early, get some sleep,” Luca said as she carriedher bag and wore her shoes.

“Where are you going? How about letting me send you there?” It was hard for Nina to fall asleep againonce she woke up, so she thought of accompanying Luca.

Luca was going to get the antidote today. Of course, she could not let Nina come along with her.“There’s no need. I’ll be back soon. By the way, I got you breakfast. If you don’t feel like sleepinganymore, just inform the hotel reception ad they’ll deliver it.”

“Oh, Luca. That’s sweet of you. How great would it be if you were a man? I’d definitely marry you!” Ninaacted like a spoiled child. With Luca’s company, the trauma that Percy caused her had faded by a lot.

Maybe it had not gone away, but since there was someone to distract her, she was feeling much betternow.

“If I were a man, I wouldn’t be leaving a beauty in the hotel room alone to go out. Alright, see you later.”Luca tidied herself and smiled.

She was becoming like how she used to be in front of her ex-best friend.

“Alright, see you soon.” Nina waved at her.

Luca went into the elevator and reached the ground floor. She noticed a few people sitting in the hotellobby. These people were different from the ones sitting here yesterday, but after she came down, theirattention was all on her.

Although they were skilled, they tried to look at her by doing various actions.

Still, Luca was able to notice that they were professionals. Even so, she was not too bad either.

As she was being watched by so many people, Luca walked out of the hotel as if nothing hadhappened. She picked her phone up and got a driver using a ride-hailing app.

While she was waiting, Luca already noticed that two people who were sitting in the lobby had gonemissing. They probably knew that she was going out, so they went to get the car and were ready to tailher.

Luca started walking forward.

She continued to walk until she reached a big supermarket. She went in. It was early in the morning, soit was considerably crowded in the supermarket. Most of them were elders who came for groceryshopping after their morning exercise.

Luca guessed that those people were probably following her. She walked past the elders one by onenimbly.

The people who were following her dared not act quicker, afraid that they would knock into the eldersand cause trouble. They tried to weave their way through the crowd, but because of their bulky figures,they were unable to move nimbly like Luca. It did not take long before they lost her.

Luca glanced behind her and realized that they did not manage to catch up. Hence, she bypassed thenoisy fresh produce section and left the supermarket. Then, she put on the cap and jacket that she hadprepared earlier after taking them out of her bag.

After she disguised herself, she did not have to hide anymore. She arrived at the location where shehad set when arranging a cab. The driver was already waiting there.

Luca had purposely hailed a ride and made the driver wait for her here.

She refused to let Luke’s men know the car plate number of the car she was riding in. Once they knewit, even if she managed to get rid of them, they would be able to find out her destination through the carplate.

Luca was too lazy to change rides back and forth. It was too troublesome, so she purposely escapedfrom them.

Due to the fake Bianca, Luke had already found the base of Island of Despair in A City. Although he didnot find anyone there in the end, Abel had truly pissed him off.

After the location was changed, she was asked to be more cautious.

When Luca reached her destination, she got out of the car and strolled down two streets. Then, shepulled another car over.

She got out of the car two streets before the new base and trotted down.

When she reached the location, she observed her surroundings. There was no one else. Then, sheknocked on the door according to the given signal.

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