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Chapter 1337

Chapter 1337 Abducting Luca

Luca sent Sue a copy of the recording.

"Actually, Bailey's lackeys have been trying to get you since that day," Amur said.

Sue was shocked when she heard that. "How is that possible? Have you been helping me?"

Amur nodded but said nothing.

Luca explained, "On that day, Bailey found some people to ambush you after you stepped out of thehospital, but he managed to teach those people a lesson. You didn't seem like you'd want to blow upthe issue, so we didn't inform the police. I didn't expect that they would come back to cause trouble onthe next day."

Sue also did not expect that. Even though Bailey's lackeys had been taught a lesson, they continued toharass Sue and her daughters. They were perhaps so brazen because Jason was not in A City at themoment.

Sue was grateful to find out that the young man had protected her. She said to Luca, "Thank you somuch. Right, Jason will be back in A City in another two days. May we invite you for dinner?"

Luca agreed to it, thinking that dinner with Sue and Jason would not cause too much trouble.

Looking at the time, she said, "It's about time that you go to work. You don't have to worry. Amur will beprotecting you from the shadows."

Sue glanced at the time. She was caught in a standoff with Amur earlier, and she did not realize thatshe was already late for work. "Alright, I'll be going off them. We'll decide on a time to meet later!"

After Sue left hurriedly, Luca looked at Amur and said, "Let's go. She should be safe in the company."

"Mm." Amur nodded. He would have already left if Sue had not stopped him.

Luca and Amur left the basement parking lot. They did not notice that a black minivan was parked in acorner. As the driver watched them leave, he gave a call to Bailey.

"Mission failed, Ma'am," the driver said. Immediately, the person on the other end of the call hurled astring of curses.

"All of you are useless! Why does it take so long for you to abduct a woman? It's already been threedays, but you haven't achieved what I wanted. Is it because I don't give you enough money?" Baileysaid shrilly.

The man moved the phone away from his ear. After she had finished venting, he explained, "That manis protecting that woman again today. At first, the woman had a misunderstanding with that man, and Ithought that I've found my chance. Later, another woman appeared. It's the woman in the other photothat you gave us. She cleared up the misunderstanding, and the target went into her office. It's notconvenient for us to act now."

They did not expect that they would fail their mission for three days in a row.

Yesterday night, they had run Sue's doorbell repeatedly to lure her out of the house. Unfortunately forthem, Sue was smart enough not to step out of the door no matter how hard they rang the doorbell.Eventually, the neighborhood security guard was alerted, and they had to consider the mission afailure.

Looking at the situation in the basement parking lot earlier, they dared not make a move too.

Bailey guessed that the woman he mentioned must be Luca. That woman had thwarted her plans ofabducting Sue again and again.

She was very anxious to make her move because she knew that Jason would be back soon.

With Jason protecting Sue, Bailey knew that it would be much more difficult to approach her. After all,Jason knew some of her secrets.

Jason's persistent threat meant that Bailey could only make a move on Sue when Jason was not in ACity.

If Jason returned, she would have lost the opportunity...

"I don't care what you do. If you don't get your hands on Sue Carter, I'll send the incriminating evidenceto the police!" Bailey threatened them.

"You can't do that to us, Ma'am. Someone is protecting that woman now..." The man frowned, whichcaused the scar on

his face to wrinkle menacingly.

"Who's the one protecting her? Can't you deal with them first?" Bailey said.

The man was silent for a while. Earlier, he saw that the man who was protecting Sue seemed to have aclose relationship with Luca.

If they could abduct Luca first, that man would definitely go and try to save Luca. If that happened, theywould have an opportunity...

"I know what to do, Ma'am," the man said to Bailey.

Luca got off work in the evening. She sent a message to Amur and was relieved to know that he wasprotecting Sue. After that, she planned to go to the supermarket to buy some food for dinner.

Ever since she returned from New York, she had been busy with work, and dinner was usuallydelivered food.

She felt slightly guilty for asking Amur to help her, so she decided to cook something for him.

Luca got out of the cab at the supermarket next to the neighborhood. It was the evening rush hour, so ittook her quite a lot of time to pick what she wanted and queue at the cashier counter.

After she paid for the food, she left the supermarket with two full shopping bags. Looking at the time,she guessed that Sue must have already left her office, gone to pick up her daughters, and gone backhome. She thought that she

should be able to cook something decent for Amur by the time he returned.

With that thought in mind, Luca walked into a narrow alley. It was a shortcut to return to the apartment.

Not many people used the narrow alleys in the daytime.

They were even more deserted when it was almost night.

The alley was silent, as though someone with malign intentions might be lurking within.

Luca walked along the narrow alleys without any fear. The dense buildings filtered most of the trafficsounds from the main road, so she would be able to hear any movement in her surroundings.novelbin

When she heard the footsteps behind her, she stopped walking and turned around calmly.

She was face-to-face with the two men who were following her.

"Are you here to abduct me?" Luca asked. There was no hint of panic in her voice.

She was very sure about that because when she stopped walking, the two men also stopped. Whenshe turned around, she noticed that the men exchanged glances. Those were the hints that the menwere there for her.

"Did Bailey send you?" Luca continued to ask questions.

The two men came to their senses and realized that they had been found.

Luca stepped toward them and said, "Aren't you supposed to abduct Sue Carter? Have you changedyour target, or is Bailey mistaken?"

The man with the scar said viciously, "We don't know who Bailey is."

"Oh? Are you sure that whoever employed you isn't mistaken?" Luca continued to ask.

The man with the scar did not say anything. He made a gesture to his companions, and they pouncedon Luca. If they could abduct Luca, the man who protected Sue would come and save her, and theywould be able to complete their mission!

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