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Chapter 1331

Chapter 1331 Exposing Her Weaknesses

"In any case, I'll have to find Rainie as soon as I can. I don't want the little girl to be in that woman'shands." After her stint on the Island of Despair, Luca knew what those people could do.

Kind-hearted people like Eler and Amur were exceedingly rare.

Sometimes, the people on the island would harm their family for a warm meal. Everyone on the islandonly looked out forthemselves.

Even though the impostor Bianca had lived together with Rainie for three years, Luca could not say thatthe woman would be kind toward the little girl.

Moreover, Luca did not know Bianca's motives for taking the little girl away.

When Amur saw Luca execute the program, he immediately began to search for the signal.

The program was developed by the people on the Island of Despair. It could be used to search forother people from the Island of Despair within a certain range. The signal emitter was embedded intheir phones, and it could continue to give off a signal even after the phone was switched off.

When Amur saw Luca's search query, he reminded her, "All you're doing is exposing your weak pointsin front of your enemy, including Abel."

Luca's gaze remained transfixed on the screen. She looked at the search query again, bit her lip, andsaid determinedly," She is my daughter. I can't sit back and do nothing when I know that she might bein grave danger."

Amur could see the determination in her eyes. She was such a frail woman, but she had to be strong toprotect her children and the man she loved.novelbin

The memories of his parents flashed in his mind. They had stood in front of Eler and Amur to shieldthem from the bullets of the mercenaries.

The love from a parent to their child was the greatest love of all, and it was also absent on the Island ofDespair.

If the people from the Island of Despair had experienced that kind of love, perhaps they would not beso merciless and violent, and they would not ally themselves with someone like Abel.

A while later, Luca's phone beeped, indicating that the search was done.

The search returned two results. She knew the location of the first one; it was the place where they hadto go monthly to take the antidote. As for the other signal...

Luca put the phone away, changed out of her pajamas, wore her shoes, and prepared to leave.

Amur quickly followed behind her.

Luca gave Rhett a call to inform him that she would not be going to work today. Then, she immediatelyrushed to the location indicated by the signal.

When Rainie woke up, she realized that she was alone in the room, and she became afraid again. Shesearched the house but did not find Bianca. Looking at the front door, she realized that it was theperfect chance to run away.

At the moment her hand touched the doorknob, someone outside pushed the door inward.

Rainie was pushed backward and fell on the floor. Her eyes opened wide as she saw Bianca come in.

"What happened?" Bianca said with a frown as she looked at the little girl on the floor. She had nointention of helping her up but instead questioned her, "Why did you stand behind the door? Don't you

know that it's very dangerous?"

She did not expect Rainie to wake up so early, which was why she did not lock the room before sheleft.

She felt that she was lucky to have come back in time. If she came back five minutes later, Rainiewould have managed to escape.

Rainie shuddered as she watched Bianca step through the door.

Bianca closed the door behind her, then reached out to help Rainie. "Were you thinking of going out?"

Rainie did not touch her hand. Instead, she pushed herself off the floor and said softly, "I didn't see youafter I woke up,

and I was scared..."

"I went to buy breakfast for you. You must be hungry, aren't you? Go and wash your hands before youeat." Bianca placed the breakfast on the table, ignoring the fear in Rainie's eyes.

Rainie nodded and went into the simple and crude bathroom. She turned on the tap, and yellowishwater flowed out. She shuddered again, disgusted by the filthiness.

After washing her hands, she returned to the dining table and sat on a chair. Bianca was alreadyeating. Rainie did not touch her breakfast, but instead, she asked, "Mommy, when are we goinghome?"

"Eat. Well talk after breakfast," Bianca said. The breakfast was nothing fancy, but she was not picky.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet," Rainie reminded her.

Bianca paused. She had only packed her own toiletries, and she had forgotten to do the same forRainie...

"It's okay to skip it once in a while. After breakfast, I'll bring you to the grocery store to buy yourtoothbrush," Bianca said.

"Mommy, aren't we going home after breakfast?" Rainie stared at her, and her eyes were filled withfear.

Bianca was halfway tearing a piece of white bread with her hands. She thought for a bit and answered,"Well talk about going home after we finish breakfast, alright?"

"Mommy, don't you want to go home?" Rainie braced herself and asked the incisive question. "If youdon't want to go

home, where are you bringing me?"

Bianca lowered her head and rolled her eyes.

'You always behave like a spoiled princess and don't speak much. Why do you have so manyquestions now? Can't you just shut up and stuff your mouth with food?'

Rainie felt even more afraid when she saw that Bianca was not answering her questions. She began toshudder even more violently.

Bianca put the slice of bread down, thinking that she should spend some effort persuading her to keepit down. If Rainie started crying, someone outside the house might hear her, and that would be verytroublesome.

"Rainie, I was thinking of flying over to look for your Daddy yesterday, but your Great-Grandpa scoldedme for doing so. You can understand how horrible I feel, can't you?" She said while placing a hand onRainie's shoulder.

Rainie did not know about that, though she nodded in an attempt to appease Bianca.

"I miss your Daddy so, so much, and I hope that I can go over to share his burdens, but your Great-Grandpa keeps standing in my way and even dressed me down in front of the caretaker. I felt soaggrieved, so I thought I'd bring you for a walk to make myself feel better. Let's not go home today. I'llbring you somewhere else to play. I'll bring you home after I feel better," Bianca said.

Rainie shook her head. "I want to go home. I don't want to stay here."

"You brat, why can’t you understand how I feel?" Bianca was beginning to run out of patience. "I justwant to stay away from home for a few days. Well go home after your Daddy comes back."

Rainie inched away. She did not want Bianca to touch her." Why did you bring me along then?"

"Because your Great-Grandpa cares about you, Rainie. Ever since I've lost my memories, the peoplefrom the Crawford family have treated me differently. I'm your Daddy's wife and your mother, but I don’tget the respect I deserve. If not for the marriage certificate, I might think that I'm only a servant in thehouse," Bianca explained.

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