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Chapter 1328

Chapter 1328 Not Considered Kidnapping

Bianca noticed that Rainie had never worn the clothes she bought for her. She guessed that Rainie didnot like the clothes that she picked for her, and that was why she had used that excuse against Rainie.

Rainie only wanted to go home. She shook her head and said, "I have many clothes at home, Mommy."

Bianca took Rainie's hand and led her to the shopping mall across the street as though she did nothear what the little girl said. "It's rare that the two of us can go shopping

without anyone else following us, Rainie. Let's have a lot of fun today."

Rainie wanted to take out her phone to tell Lanie about where they were going, but before she could dothat, Bianca dragged her into the shopping mall, and they went to the children's section.

Bianca picked a few dresses that matched Rainie's usual clothing style. She smiled and asked her,"Don't you think that these dresses look pretty? Why don't you try them on? If they fit you, I'll buy themfor you."

Rainie glanced at the exquisite dresses unhappily and said," Mommy, I still have many dresses in mycloset that I've never worn before."

"It's fine for girls to own a few more dresses. You're a pretty girl, Rainie. The dresses will definitely lookgood on you."

Bianca kept on trying to convince Rainie so that the girl would comply with her.

She did not pack any clothes for Rainie, so she had to buy some clothes for her.

The sales clerk did not want to let go of the chance to earn a fat commission, so she also tried toconvince Rainie. "The dresses are new designs for the next season, and they're exclusively availableat this store for this month. You'll definitely look good in them, little girl. Why don't you go and try themon?"

Rainie was helpless against the two adults. Without any other choice, she could only go into the fittingroom with the dresses.

Bianca was carrying Rainie's little backpack. After she watched Rainie go into the fitting room andclose the door, she thought for a while, took out Rainie's phone, and turned it off.

Rainie changed into one of the dresses and stepped out of the fitting room. The adults praised herwhen they saw her.

Bianca did not let her try on the other dresses. Instead, she got the sales clerk to pack up all theselected dresses and paid for them with Luke's supplementary credit card.

Seeing that Bianca had done all the shopping, Rainie thought that she could go home. "I'm tired,Mommy. Let's go home."

"Alright, I'll bring you home now," Bianca said with a smile and led her out of the shopping mall. Afterthey got into the

car, she handed a bottle of drinking water to Rainie. "Here, have some water."

Rainie took the bottle and drank a few mouthfuls to wash away the lingering taste of dinner. Soon, shefelt a wave of lethargy and fell asleep.

A smile appeared on Bianca's face as she looked at the unconscious little girl. She did not hide thesinister expression on her face. "You can't blame me for this. Your Great-Grandpa is too detestable."

She carefully fastened Rainie's seatbelt and chuckled softly. If Old Master Crawford had treated herslightly better and given her the due respect she deserved, she would not have resorted to this.

Bianca wanted them to panic for a little while so that they would treat her better in the future.

She was not afraid of breaking the law. After all, Rainie was her "child" in certain interpretations of theword.

If she brought her child around, that would not be considered kidnapping.

At ten o'clock at night, Old Master Crawford walked down the stairs and noticed that Lanie was sittingon the couch in the living room. Usually, the boy would be in his bedroom by now. He asked him, "Whyare you still sitting here, Lanie? Aren't you sleepy?"

Lanie stood up and helped Old Master Crawford to the couch. "Great-Grandpa, I'm worried. Rainie isn'thome yet."

Old Master Crawford glanced at the clock on the wall." They're not home yet? Have you tried to callRainie?"

"I tried to call Rainie earlier, but her phone was switched off. " Lanie was afraid that something mighthappen to Rainie, but he did not know how to tell it to the adults. That was why he was waiting for herin the living room.

He knew that Bianca was an impostor and not actually their mother, but the adults did not know that. Ifthey did not know, they would not suspect that Bianca might harm Rainie.

Moreover, the impostor Bianca had not done anything that would harm them for the past three years.

Old Master Crawford frowned, thinking that Bianca was being inconsiderate. Did she forget that thechild had to go to school tomorrow?

He told the butler, "Give a call to Bianca and ask her what's going on."

"Yes." The butler nodded, picked up the phone, and dialed Bianca's number. No one answered the calluntil he heard the busy tone. The butler disconnected the call and said," Old Master Crawford, Madamdidn't answer the call."

"What is she doing? Why isn't she picking up?" Old Master Crawford frowned even harder. His disgustfor her grew even stronger.

Lanie suddenly felt nervous. He tried calling Rainie's number again, but he could not get through to her."Rainie's phone is

switched off."

"This is getting ridiculous!" Old Master Crawford said angrily.

Lanie stood up and went over to hold the old man's arm." Great-Grandpa, should we go out and lookfor Rainie?"

"Your Mommy is probably having too much fun with Rainie and forgot the time. They should be backhome soon. It's getting late, and you should go to bed." Old Master

Crawford could see that Lanie was worried. He gently stroked the boy's hair.

Lanie shook his head. "I'm worried that Rainie isn't back home yet. This has never happened before."

He hoped that his great-grandfather would call the police, but he did not know how to explain it to him.

More than that, he wished to know Rainie's current situation.

"Don't worry, Master Lanie. I'll wait for Madam and Miss Rainie here. You have to go to schooltomorrow, so you should go to bed,” the butler said patiently.

Lanie shook his head.

Old Master Crawford's expression became stern. "It's already so late. What if you can't wake up forschool tomorrow?"

Lanie could see that his great-grandfather was getting angry, so he could only comply. "I'll go upstairsthen. GreatGrandpa, if Rainie isn't back by eleven o'clock, you must go and look for her."

"Don't worry, Master Lanie. I'll wait here for Miss Rainie's return," the butler repeated.

With no other choice, Lanie went up the stairs.

Old Master Crawford held his walking stick with both hands and said sternly, "Is it appropriate to bring achild out so late? H

The butler knew that he was talking about Bianca, though he did not want to add fuel to the fire."Maybe Madam had an accident or something," he said.novelbin

Old Master Crawford thought that it was possible, and he was quite worried that they might have metwith an accident. He urged, "Continue calling them until she picks up."

The butler nodded and continued to call Bianca's number, but no one answered the call. At eleveno'clock, Bianca's phone was switched off.

"Old Master Crawford, Madam's phone is switched off."

Old Master Crawford glanced at the clock and knocked his walking stick on the floor. He was alsostarting to get worried. "What is Bianca doing? Get someone to look for her, " he ordered.ab

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