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Chapter 1317

Chapter 1317 He Should Be Capable

After Luca left the place and turned a corner, she collected her saliva in a vial.

Last month, she did not collect enough of the antidote to run an analysis. She hoped that it would beenough this time. After capping the vial, she put it in her handbag.

She caught a cab. Shortly after she sat inside, she received Amur's message that he had checked intohis flight and was about to return to A City.

He originally wanted to return to A City on the same flight as Luca, but he had to tie up some looseends. That was why he had to take a later flight.

[Safe journey.] Bianca replied. She thought for a while and sent a message to Luke, telling him thatTommy was already back in Crawford Manor.

Meanwhile, Luke was lying on the bed when he received Luca's message.

It was nighttime in New York. Luke had just finished his work, and he was feeling quite tired.

When he closed his eyes, Luca's face appeared in his mind. He immediately opened his eyes againand could feel a complicated mess of emotions in his heart.


He went to look at Luca's social media profile. Her timeline was empty.

'She seems to be a clean freak...'

Luke put the phone away and slowly closed his eyes.

Suddenly, his phone began to ring. The call was from the manager of the IT department, who hadmany things to report.

Luke's expression hardened as he listened to what he was told. He sat up and said, "I'll go over now."

Luca woke up early the next day. She opened the door of the other bedroom and saw Amur lying onthe bed. Thinking that he must have reached home in the middle of the night, she decided not todisturb him.

She made breakfast, ate half of it, and went to work.

The people who went to the conference had to report on their trip. When Luca arrived at the companyon time, Mo told her to go to the conference room.

When Luca arrived at the conference room, most of the people from the Technical Department werealready there, and the meeting started shortly after that. Luca and Dr.

Albus presented their respective reports.

At the end of the presentation, Cole said, "It looks like the two of you have learned a lot in your trip.Congratulations."

Luca could hear the jealousy in his voice, though she accepted his congratulations magnanimously."Thank you," she said.

Cole suddenly felt that there was something stuck in his throat. He did not know how to react to Luca'scomposure.

He felt inexplicably frustrated. Luca's popularity in the company was rising; she was selected for theconference, and she was going to apply for her own laboratory and research team. She would be

enlisting several researchers to help her, and when that happened, she would be leading thedepartment in research progress again...

Who could say if she would replace Cole as the manager one day?

After the meeting ended, Rhett followed Luca out of the conference room. He considered himself luckyto go under such a capable researcher, but she seemed to be oblivious about what other peoplethought of her. He could tell that Cole's face was ashen throughout the entire meeting...

"Ms. Luca, did you purposely do that?" He asked softly.

"Purposely do what?" Luca said while walking toward her office.

"Didn't you see Dr. Kidman's earlier? He doesn't seem too happy..." Rhett said, wondering if she did notcare for all that because she was devoted to her research.

"I'm a researcher, not his therapist. Why do I need to care about what he feels?" Luca said. She couldtell that Rhett had the impression that she was oblivious, so she might as well act the part.

That would save her a lot of trouble in the future.

Rhett did not have a retort to that, though he thought what Luca said made sense. "But he's still oursuperior at work, and we have to respect him..." He said.

"Didn't I respect him?" Luca retorted. In the past three years, "respect" carried a different meaning toher.

She knew very well who deserved her respect and who did not.

Rhett opened and closed his mouth several times. He did not know what to say.

Indeed, Luca had not done anything out of line. If only Cole were not so jealous...

Even after the trip was over, Cole still thought that he should have been the one to go to theconference.

Luca took Cole's sarcastic remarks literally. She was not afraid of offending him.

Rhett suddenly had an admiration for her courage. Luca was a true researcher, and she would notwaste her time on office politics...

"Our job now is to form a research team. Dr. Kidman's research is also progressing steadily, and heshould be working on his research himself instead of joining us. We don't have to interact that oftenwith him, so you shouldn't waste your time in appeasing him," Luca said.

"Yes." Rhett nodded. It seemed that Luca was not oblivious after all.

'But Dr. Kidman is still the department manager...'

"Let's get ready for the next step in our project. Find out which researchers the company is most likelyto cut funding, and compile a list of their names. Give me whatever information you can find on them."

"Yes." Rhett nodded. He could not help but compare Dr. Albus to Luca. While the former was stillbragging about how he had interacted with big shots in the pharmaceutical industry during the trip, thelatter was already ready to focus on her project.

Luca did not brag to anyone about her experiences in New York. It was as though she had never left ACity in the first place.

As he looked at her back, Rhett's admiration for Luca grew.

Back at her office, Luca reviewed her documents. After two weeks in New York, she had nearlyforgotten where she was in her research.

She had to pick up the slack and get back to her research. Even though she did not know what Abelwas going to do next, she knew that her power was limited.

She put her phone away and suddenly thought of Luke. She propped her forehead against her hand,looked at the phone for a long time, and sighed.

Jason had told her why Luke had to delay his return.

There was a crisis in the New York subsidiary company. A mysterious organization had hacked into thecompanynovelbin

network and leaked several top-secret documents. Luke had to stay there to deal with the fallout, and itwas quite troublesome.

Luca knew that the Island of Despair was behind the incident.

There was no shortage of hackers on the Island of Despair, but Luca was confident that Luke couldhandle the crisis.

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