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Chapter 1307

Chapter 1307 Employees’ Benefits

Even though Luca said that she was fine, Tommy was worried because he could tell that Luca'scondition was not back to normal yet.

He followed behind her out of the bedroom and to the exit." I think you should continue resting here,Ms. Luca. If you don't want to sleep in Daddy's bedroom, you can sleep in mine," Tommy said.

"I'm fine. I just need to go back to my room and take some medicine. Don't worry," Luca said as shepushed herself out of the suite.

She knew the type of drug that Abel had used on her. Even though the initial effect was gone, it tookthe body some time to fully rid itself of the drug. Luca did not want to wait, so she would rather take theantidote.

With the antidote, her body will recover quickly.

As Tommy watched Luca leave, he went over to his father's side and tugged his shirt sleeve. "Daddy, isMs. Luca really okay?"

"She'll be fine." Luke remained impassive as he watched her leave.

He saw her teeter when she first stepped out of the bed, and he was reluctant to let her leave. Hemanaged to control his urges well, so he did not let his feelings affect his expression.

After all, he was known for remaining composed.

"You didn't think so last night," Tommy pouted and said. He remembered how anxious his father waswhen he was searching for Luca. It was very different from his expression today.

Luke could tell that his son was being precocious for guessing what he was thinking. He tousledTommy's unkempt hair and said, "Go and wash your face."

"I know!" Tommy said. "Wash your face, brush your teeth, and eat your breakfast. Right?"

Luke did not reply. He went back to his bedroom.

Even though Luca had left, her scent lingered in the air. She had stayed there for an entire night...

For some inexplicable reason, he thought that she smelled nice. His expression sank as soon as thatthought appeared, and he went into the bathroom.

It took Luca quite some effort to return to her room. She sent Rhett a message, telling him that she wasnot feeling well, so she would not be attending the conference today. Then, she found her stash ofmedicine and ate a pill.

She was quite exhausted after doing all that, so she reclined on the bed and half-closed her eyes.

After a while, her phone began to ring.novelbin

Luca glanced at her phone screen and saw a long string of numbers. She closed her eyes again,answered the call, but

said nothing. i

Abel, on the other end of the call, did not care that Luca did not speak. "How do you feel now, BiancaRayne?"

Luca did not reply. As she listened to Abel speak with the hint of a smile, his detestable face appearedin her mind.

"Tsk tsk," Abel exclaimed, "Why, are you angry? This is only the appetizer, and things will only getworse from now on. If you're already angry from this, you're not going to last very long."

"Stop talking nonsense and bring it," Luca said with a harsh tone. She was not going to beg for mercy.

"Heh heh, I won't hold back then. By the way, what happened yesterday was really exciting. I didn'texpect Luke Crawford to be so worried about you. Are you sure that nothing happened in his room?"Abel said.

Luca gripped her phone tightly. Abel had planned the incident yesterday to find out what Luke thoughtof her.

If Luke had not come, she would have been violated by another man. Even if he did come, things werenot any better.

"Hey, say something. Do you think that I won't do anything just because you keep quiet? Whathappened yesterday proves that Luke isn't as loyal to his wife as everyone says. There might not havebeen any scandals in the three years he's with the impostor Bianca I've arranged for him, but after youappeared, he can't seem to hold back his urges anymore. Why do you think this is the case: Is itbecause you're a really charming woman, or has he always been a playboy?" Abel did not stop talking.

Luca thought that Abel was very annoying.

She did not answer Abel's question. Instead, she said, "Is there anything else? If not, I want to rest."

Abel was not angry at the disrespect Luca showed her. In the entire Island of Despair, only Luca andShanks dared to use that tone against him. It was a refreshing change from the flattery he usuallyreceived.

Also, he found Luca really interesting.

"That's all I have to say, but I hope that you can remind Luke Crawford that he'll have to watch his backfrom now on."

Abel ended the call after saying that.

Luca's hands drooped weakly.

What did Abel want with her?

The doorbell rang. Luca frowned, though she pushed herself off the bed and went to answer the door.

It was a hotel attendant with a meal cart. "Good morning, Miss. This is room service. Here's yourbreakfast."

"I didn't order any breakfast..." Luca said.

"Mr. Crawford ordered it for you. Let me bring it inside," the attendant said as he pushed the cart intoher room. "You can push the cart back into the corridor once you're done with your meal. We'll getsomeone to clean it up. Enjoy your breakfast."

The attendant left and closed the door behind him.

Luca did not feel very hungry. The food on the cart was not very appetizing.

She continued to lie on the bed. After pondering for a moment, she sent a message to Luke. [Thanks.]

Soon, she received a reply from Luke. [You haven't eaten since last night, so I ordered some breakfastfor you.

Consider it as employees' benefits.]

When she saw the word "employee," she put the phone away, not realizing that the smile on her facehad disappeared.

Meanwhile, after breakfast, Luke brought Tommy to the company. Once he was in his office, Johannknocked on the door and came in.

"Did you rest well yesterday?" Johann looked at Tommy and Luke. The former had eye bags, while thelatter had a cup of espresso in his hand.

"Why are you here?" Luke said calmly and sipped his coffee.

Johann sat down on the chair opposite him and waved the envelope in his hand. "I'm here to deliverthe report."

"The results must be very interesting for you to come here yourself." Luke knew Johann's personalitywell. If Johann could tell him something over the phone, he would not bother coming over.

"See it for yourself," Johann said as he handed the envelope over.

Luke did not open it. He pressed the power button on his computer and said, "I wouldn't understand it."

"Whatever. Just say that you're too lazy to read it," Johann said as he opened the envelope. "Accordingto the report, there is an unknown substance in all three blood samples. We don't know what it does, orif it's the substance that knocked them out.”

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