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Chapter 1305

Chapter 1305 Luca Did Not Drink the Wine

"Let her rest for a little longer. If she hasn't woken up by tomorrow, I'll know what to do. You should goto bed," Luke said to Tommy.

Tommy nodded, though he could not be at ease when he saw that Luca was still unconscious. "Can Isleep beside Ms. Luca?" He asked.

"You can't," Luke refused without any hesitation.

"Why not?" Tommy protested. "I'm worried about Ms. Luca, and I hope that I’ll be the first person shesees when she wakes up."

"That won't be good for you. If you don't listen to me, I'll bring her downstairs," Luke said coldly.

He knew that Tommy was worried about Luca, and the boy would not sleep if he lay by her side.

That was why he insisted on Tommy sleeping in his room.

When he heard that Luke was going to bring Luca downstairs, Tommy knew better than to challengehis father's authority. "Please don't. I'll go and sleep in my room.

I hope you can get well soon, Ms. Luca."

Then, he turned around and left.

Luke saw that Tommy kept on turning his head back to look at the bed, though he did not take pity onthe boy.

After Tommy left, Luke tucked her in. Then, he went to take his laptop from the coffee table and sat onthe couch in the room. He continued to work while waiting for Luca to wake up.

Soon, he received a phone call from Jason.

When the call went through, Jason said, "Mr. Crawford, Dr. Albus and the others have woken up."

"They have? How about Abel?" Luke asked.

"I've heard that he woke up too," Jason replied.

"Is Dr. Albus with you now?" Luke asked again.

"He is. Should I hand the phone to him?" Jason looked at Dr. Albus and the others. After they woke up,they did not know what happened, and they did not see Luca in the room. They tried calling her to noavail, so they returned to the hotel.

"Hand him the phone," Luke said while changing a pose, though he knew that the woman on the bedwould not wake up no matter how loudly he spoke.

Jason handed the phone to Dr. Albus. "Mr. Crawford wants to talk to you."

Dr. Albus did not know why Luke wanted to talk to him. He took the phone and said courteously, "Goodevening, Mr. Crawford."

"Why did you drink with Abel?" Luke asked.

"After the conference, Mr. Abel sent someone to invite us upstairs for a drink. We didn't have any goodreason to refuse, so we accepted the invitation," Dr. Albus explained, wondering if Luke was angry.

"Did everyone go together?" Luke asked.

"Yes," Dr. Albus replied. He looked at Jason uneasily, but Jason did not react.

"What happened after that?" Luke continued to ask.

"We drank quite a bit, and we passed out. We only woke up half an hour ago. What happened, Mr.Crawford?" Dr. Albus was not used to Luke's interrogation, and he wanted to know what hadhappened.

"You only woke up half an hour ago?" Luke repeated Dr. Albus's statement. Luca was still unconsciouseven though the others had woken up.

"Yes." Dr. Albus was thoroughly confused. He could only answer what he was asked.

"Did all of you wake up together?" Luke asked.

"Yes. All of us drank about the same amount of wine, so we woke up at the same time..." Dr. Albusrealized that there was something wrong with his answer. He was a pharmaceutical researcher, so heknew about the effects of alcohol on one's body.

Despite drinking almost the same amount of alcohol, the people should have woken up at differenttimes because of how their bodies metabolized alcohol differently. Why did they pass out and wake upat the same time?novelbin

"Did something happen, Mr. Crawford?" Dr. Albus asked after realizing that something was amiss.

"Hand the phone back to Mr. Doyle," Luke said coldly.

Dr. Albus did what he was told.

Jason took the phone and placed it next to his ear. "Any further instructions, Mr. Crawford?"

"Contact Johann to take their blood samples. I want to know if there's some other reason that causedthem to pass out and wake up at the same time," Luke said.

Jason understood what Luke meant. He nodded and said," I'll go and make arrangements."

Luke ended the call, glanced at the unconscious woman on the bed, and continued to work on hislaptop.

Meanwhile, Dr. Albus was feeling quite uneasy. He asked Jason, "Mr. Doyle, were we drugged?Otherwise, how could we pass out and wake up at the same time?"

Jason was looking for Johann's number in the address book when he heard that question. He chuckledand said, "How would I know? You're the biology expert. You should know better than me."

Dr. Albus had no retort to that.

If they were truly drugged, it would have been a humiliating episode.

After the call went through, Jason briefly explained the situation to Johann, to which Johann replied thathe would make arrangements immediately at the hospital.

After Jason ended the call, Rhett asked him, "Mr. Doyle, do you know where Dr. Craw is? Did shereturn to the hotel before us?"

They expected that Luca had returned to the hotel because she did not drink any alcohol. That wasalso why they were not worried when they did not see her after they woke up.

Now that they realized that they might have been drugged, they began to worry for Luca's safety.

Out of the three people, only Rhett was worried about Luca. Jason said, "Dr. Craw is fine, of course."

He did not tell them about the live stream. The fewer people who knew about it, the less drama therewould be.

Rhett nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good to know."

Dr. Albus said huffily, "Of course she's fine. She didn't drink any alcohol."

Jason frowned when he heard that. "Dr. Albus, are you saying that Dr. Craw didn't drink alcohol alongwith the rest?"

Dr. Albus nodded. "Dr. Craw said that she wasn't feeling well, so she didn't drink the wine. What'swrong?"

"It's nothing. I've already informed the driver to wait for you downstairs. Please go to the hospital andhave your blood samples taken," Jason said while typing a message. He told Luke that Luca did notdrink any alcohol.

Luke frowned slightly when he read the message.

Luca did not drink alcohol, but she seemed drunk. He could only conclude that Luca was indeeddrugged.

Luca had always been wary and had always brought a stash of medicine with her. That was alreadyunusual enough, and to find that she was drugged...

Luke finished his work at one o'clock, but Luca remained unconscious.

He put his laptop away and sat on the chair next to the bed. Tommy had brought the chair from thedining hall into the bedroom so that he could stay next to Luca.

The redness of Luca's face had faded a little.

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