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Chapter 1279

Chapter 1279 Johann Was Worried That Luca Might Catch A Cold

What happened to Luke might seem like an unfortunate coincidence, but if Luca thought carefully aboutit, she could not help but shake off the feeling that Abel was somehow involved with providing thesnake venom.

Jason shook his head. "After preliminary investigations, there isn't anything suspicious about the twostudents' backgrounds."

Luca frowned. 'There's nothing suspicious about them?'

Luke noticed Luca's reaction to what Jason said, but he chose not to say anything about it.

Jason continued to speak to Luke, "William, the student who harmed you, is a student in his junior yearin university, and his father is a successful local entrepreneur. Right, his business has relations with theNew York branch of T Corporation. As far as I can tell, they are wholly legitimate and don't have anyshady dealings.

"The other student's name is Paul. His background is much more normal than William's. His parentsare typical whitecollar workers, and they don't have any dealings with the criminal underworld either."

Luca thought that it was very strange. If the two students had normal backgrounds, how did they gettheir hands on snake venom?

Moreover, all William wanted was her phone number. How did he end up injuring Luke with a knife?

Luca remembered that the Swiss army knife belonged to Paul.

That also meant that Paul was the one who coated the knife with snake venom. If he were only astudent with a normal background, where did he get that snake venom?

Also, was the snake venom meant to injure someone else?

The more Luca thought about it, the more questions she had, but she could not answer thosequestions just by thinking alone. She decided that she had to find the chance to ask Paul about it.

A normal student like Paul would break quickly when interrogated. It should not take too much effortbefore Luca got the answer she wanted.

Luke sat there silently observing Luca's expression.

Jason continued, "That's all I can find about them, Mr. Crawford. William's father contacted me thismorning. After finding out that your son has injured you, he wants to meet you face-to-face." i

Luke could guess that William's father was worried that his son's actions might affect the relationshipbetween the companies.

Luke gazed at Jason coldly. "I can't get out of bed yet."

Jason knew Luke's decision from what he said. "Alright, Mr.

Crawford. Let me handle it."

In fact, he already knew Luke's decision before asking him, but he would have to ask Luke for the sakeof formality.

Jason lifted the bag in his hand. "I bought some breakfast at a restaurant nearby. Please eatsomething, Mr. Crawford, Little Mr. Crawford, Dr. Craw."

Tommy rubbed his stomach and pouted. "Alright. I'm already hungry."

Jason smiled and took out several boxes from the bag.

The food was simple yet appealing, yet Luca did not have the appetite. She remained silent.

Tommy asked Luke, "Daddy, what do you want to eat?"

"Whatever." Luke looked at the breakfast options and was not too interested either.

The food was not as good as what they served at the hotel, and hotel food was not as good as Luca'scooking.

Tommy picked out a sandwich for his father. While choosing a beverage, he turned his head and askedLuca," Ms. Luca, can Daddy drink coffee?"

"He should drink milk now," Luca said.

Tommy nodded and brought a sandwich and a glass of milk to the bedside. "Daddy, should I feed you?"

"It's fine." Luke took the food from Tommy’s hands. He might not be able to get out of bed, but it did notmean that he was entirely incapacitated.

Tommy grinned and nodded. He turned his head to look at Luca, who was sitting on the couch, andasked her, "Why aren't you eating yet, Ms. Luca?"

"I'll eat now." Luca found the breakfast options unappetizing. She ate half a vegetable sandwich andwashed it down with a cup of coffee.

"I can take care of Mr. Crawford during the day. You should attend your training," Jason said.

Luca nodded. She was not worried if Jason was there to take care of Luke. She finished the rest of thesandwich and left the ward.

While waiting for the elevator, Luca bumped into Johann.

Luca asked, "Dr. Park, is Mr. Crawford's toxicology report ready?"

"It is. The concentration of venom in his body has been greatly reduced, and it won't negatively affecthis body. In two days, after his body's immune system completely neutralizes the venom, he will beable to get out of bed and walk," Johann said. He was good friends with the hospital director, so hereceived his results quickly.

Luca was relieved to hear that.

"Where are you going now, Dr. Craw?" Johann asked.

"I'll be going to my training. Mr. Doyle is taking care of Mr. Crawford now," Luca said.

Johann nodded. "Are you going to the conference?"

"Yes." Luca remembered that a full-day conference occupied her schedule today.

"What a coincidence, I'm attending the conference too. Shall I send you there?" Johann had noticedher in the auditorium the day before, but he was surrounded by people, and he could not greet her.

Luca did not want to trouble him. "It's fine. I still have to go back to the hotel to change, and I'll mostlikely be late."

"It's fine to be a little late. Let me send you to the hotel," Johann insisted. He sent a message to Luke togive his advice, then stepped into the elevator with Luca.

Seeing that Johann was so hospitable, she did not have the heart to refuse his offer.

She sent a message to Dr. Albus telling him that she would be late, and he did not have to wait for her.

In the ward, Luke read Johann's message. He deliberately asked, "What's their schedule like today?"novelbin

Jason was halfway eating his breakfast. He pondered for a few seconds before finding the answer. "Doyou mean Dr. Craw and the rest? They're attending a conference today."

Luke's gaze narrowed and replied to Johann’s message. [ Are you attending the conference?]

[Yes, that's right. Dr. Craw is attending the conference too, so we're going together.] Luke receivedJohann's reply in no time.

Luke's expression darkened after reading the reply. He closed the messaging app.

Jason noticed a men's coat draped over the couch. Judging from the design and color, the coat did notseem to belong to Luke. He asked, "Does that coat belong to Dr. Park?"

Tommy nodded and replied, "Yesterday, Uncle Johann gave Ms. Luca his coat because he was worriedthat she might catch a cold."

"Throw it away," Luke said as he looked at the white coat. He remembered that Luca was still wearingthat coat when he woke up.

Jason looked at the coat. He could tell that it was custom- made in Italy, which meant that its price wasnot any lesser than the coats that Luke wore. "That's not very appropriate, don't you think? What if Dr.Park asks for it..."

"He's not going to miss one coat," Luke said.

Jason had no reply to that. Indeed, that was not the only coat in Johann's possession, but he could notbear to throw that expensive coat away.

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