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Chapter 1270

Chapter 1270 Why Haven’t You Succeeded Yet?

Paul smiled and shook his head. "I'm not interested in Russians, bro. No matter what you want to dolater, I'll be there to support and help you. Don’t worry, I've heard that Russians aren't as cold as theymake themselves out to be. Once you claim her body, I'm sure that she'll fall for you as well."

William puffed out his chest confidently. He knew that no woman who had slept with him could resisthis charms. "Of course."

"I'm helping you because I don't want to see you looking like a walking corpse after she rejected you,"Paul said as he continued driving.

"Thanks. Let me know if you need my help next time." William thought that Paul was a good friend.

Paul smiled but did not say anything. He had to focus on the signal because his tracker was not a verygood one, and the signal would be lost if the tracker went too far away.

The signal eventually stopped at the hotel. Paul glanced at the six-star hotel in front of them andfrowned. "Bro, I think the woman stays here."

"How are we going to find her?" William gawked at the hotel in front of him.

They did not expect that Luca was staying at a high-class hotel.

If Luca were staying at a budget hotel, they could think of a way to find out Luca's room number.However, if Luca were to stay at that hotel, they would not be able to bribe the receptionist to give themthe information they wanted.

Even if they booked a room tonight, they did not know Luca's floor, and the access cards could only goto their floors.

They might come from wealthy families, but they were not rich enough to book a room on every floor.

Paul was also thinking of the same problem. He had no other choice but to park the car at the curb andsay, "Well, we can only wait."

"Wait?" William frowned. No woman had ever wasted so much of his time. He did not mind waiting, buthe did not want to wait there for nothing.

As Paul looked at the stationary dot on his phone, he said," If we had gotten closer to her, we mighthave found out her floor. Now, all we can do is just wait. If we're lucky, the woman might decide to stepout of the hotel, but if we're not ... How about this? We'll wait until midnight. If the woman doesn't showup, we'll go home."

William had no other choice but to agree with what Paul said. He had gone so far, and he did not wantto quit so readily.

Back in her room, Luca felt some discomfort in her lower abdomen.

She went to the bathroom and confirmed that she was on her period. She knocked her forehead andcursed her carelessness. Her lifestyle and work hours had been irregular lately, which made her periodcome early. It also meant that she had not packed sanitary pads along with her.

Luca picked up the phone receiver and wanted to call the front desk to send up a pack of sanitarypads. However, she remembered that any expenses would be charged to Luke's account.

If she bought a pack of sanitary pads from the front desk, it would be charged to the room, and Lukewould definitely see that expense.

Luca sighed. She picked up her handbag and prepared to go downstairs to get it herself.

On the way back to the hotel, she remembered seeing that there was a twenty-four-hour conveniencestore nearby.

Paul sat in the car and looked at his phone screen, occasionally glancing at the pedestrians on thesidewalk. He saw the dot move and said, "Looks like today's your lucky day, bro."

William also noticed the moving dot. He lifted his head and saw Luca walking out of the hotel. He couldrecognize his Russian doll’s features even from a distance.

"Thanks. I'll be back soon," William said. If Luca said yes, he was willing to treat her gently.

After all, she was different from other women.

As Luca walked on the sidewalk, she was shocked to see a man suddenly appear before her. Shelooked carefully and realized that he was the male student who had harassed her earlier.

"Why are you here?" Luca was filled with disgust toward that young man. The university was quite faraway from the hotel, so how did he manage to find her?

"It's me. You remember me, right?" William looked at Luca's delicate features under the street light,feeling more infatuated than ever.

"Dr. Craw, that's what they call you, right? Are you really a doctor? I don't mean anything else, but Ithought that you look young, just like a student..." William said while following next to Luca, who did notbreak her stride.

Luca continued to ignore her, though she was regretting that she did not get the front desk to deliverthe sanitary pads to her. She would rather let Luke know about it than have that boy pester her. i

She was also wondering how did the boy know where she was.

William thought that Luca's silence was arrogant or even rude. However, he was not going to give up.After all, that made her a bigger challenge.

"Right, you haven't told me your name."

Luca said nothing and went into the convenience store.

William also followed inside and continued his questioning." Are you here to buy some snacks? Let mebuy them for you."novelbin

Luca picked up a pack of sanitary pads and went to the cashier counter.

William frowned when he saw the thing in her hand. How was he going to make a move on her if shewas on her period?

Paul was in the car watching all that unfold. Suddenly, a sinister grin appeared on his face.

"If you like that woman so much, William, then I shall help you. Once you experience bliss, you shall bedragged into the pits of despair," he mumbled to himself.

Paul had a motive to befriend William, i

A year ago, William had courted Paul’s girlfriend. However, he soon grew tired of that girl and broke upwith her.

The girl never recovered from the shock. She tried to reconcile with him, but William treated her cruelly.Eventually, she lost her mind and jumped off a building.

Everyone thought that the woman committed suicide because of her mental problems, but no one knewthat William was the cause of those problems.

William's relationship with that girl had never been publicized, so when the girl tried to look for him afterhe broke up with her, he told his groupies that the girl was crazy and had hallucinated a relationshipwith him.

William's groupies bullied the girl relentlessly until she died.

Paul's hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. He had been waiting for his chance by William's side,and he finally found the chance today.

'You love that woman very much, right? Let me help you then."

Paul watched Luca come out of the convenience store with a plastic bag in her hand. He said, "Whyhaven't you succeeded yet, William?"

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