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Chapter 1165

Chapter 1165 Meeting the Twins

The Holston family driver felt pressured when the three children looked at him at the same time.

Simon seemed to be on Lanie's side, and he did not think that he could refuse. He could only nod andsay, "How can I help you, Master Blanche?" "Help me fill up a form," Lanie said. He was only a child.The nurse might not accept the hair sample that he wanted to get tested.

It should not be a problem if the Holston family driver helped him.

The Holston family driver could only agree.

Meanwhile, Luca was working in her office. It was a peaceful day because Luke was not there. Shewent to the laboratory with a stack of documents.

She had asked Rhett to help her input the data.

After half an hour in the laboratory, her phone rang.

Rhett happened to look at her phone screen. He said, "Dr. Craw, it's a long string of numbers. Shall Ireject the call for you?"

He thought that it was a scam call.novelbin

"No." When Luca heard that, she put away the test tube in her hand and answered the call. "This isLuca." "Miss... Luca, I'm at the hospital. Can you come over?" Amur's voice was heard.

Luca could hear that his voice was weak. "Why are you in the hospital? What happened?" She asked.

"I'm... I'm hurt." Amur lay on the bed and bore with the pain while the nurse bandaged him.

The nurse had asked him if he wanted to be sedated. He refused.

There was a rule on the Island of Despair that they should not be sedated on a mission, in case theydivulged any secrets while they were unconscious.

Luca immediately stood up. "Are you at Central Hospital? I'll go over now." "Yes, thank you." Amur'slips were pale from the pain. He did not want to trouble Luca, but he did not have any money on hand,and he could not pay the bill. Calling Luca was his last resort.

After Luca ended the call, she took off her gloves.

Rhett could tell that she was worried about something. "What happened, Dr. Craw?" "My youngerbrother is in the hospital, and I'll have to leave. Is Dr. Kidman here?" Luca hastily packed up herdocuments. She would have to inform her department lead before she could leave.

"I think Mr. Kidman went out for something," Rhett said. "How about you fill out an emergency leaveform, and I'll hand it to Dr. Kidman?" "I guess that'll do." Luca was very worried about Amur's condition.She brought her documents back to the office, hastily filled up a form, and handed it to Rhett beforeleaving.

She rushed to the hospital and found Amur there.

The nurse had dressed him with bandages. She could not see the extent of his wounds under the thicklayers of bandages, but she could tell that he was seriously injured.

"How are you?" Luca frowned when she saw his pale face.

His pallor meant that he had lost a lot of blood. Indeed, he was currently undergoing a transfusion.

"I'm fine. It was... an accident." Amur was in pain, but he maintained a smile on his face.

Luca knew that he had encountered some complications during his mission, but she did not know howdangerous his mission was.

The nurse saw Luca and came over. "Are you the patient's family?" "Yes. I'm his elder sister," Lucasaid.

The nurse looked at Amur's face, then at Luca. 'Elder sister? Are they biologically related?'

Despite her curiosity, she did not forget the main reason she was there." The patient needs to beadmitted. You'll have to pay the treatment fees and the deposit before we can admit him. Can yousettle the payment?"

Luca nodded and said, "Yes. I'll do that now."

She turned to Amur and asked him, "Do you have your ID?" "Yes... it's... in my jacket," Amur said. Hispain caused him to speak haltingly.

Luca found his passport in his jacket pocket. The cover was stained with blood. Luca wiped it with anapkin before leaving the room.

The hospital was crowded, and she did not receive any special treatment. She had to stand in line andwait.

At the same time, the Holston family driver brought the three children over.

Lanie had made up a story for him. He pretended to be their father, and he wanted to perform a DNAtest because he suspected that his wife cheated on him and the children were not biologically related.

The nurse saw that the three children looked very different from the driver and did not ask too manyquestions. In fact, she felt some pity for him.

Simon had threatened the driver that he would lose his job if he did not obey what Lanie said. He couldonly shut up and complete the rest of the procedure.

"You're so smart, Lanie!" Rainie was amazed that Lanie had gotten the test done so easily.

"It's all thanks to him." Lanie shot a glance at Simon. Without Simon and his driver's help, it would havebeen much more difficult to complete their mission.

It was much easier for a child to navigate the adult world with the help of an adult.

Rainie smiled at Simon and said, "Simon, can we treat you and Uncle Clement to lunch?" "Really?"Simon was happy that the girl of his dreams invited him for lunch.

"Yes!" Rainie nodded.

"Yay! Thank you, Princess Rainie!" Simon clapped his hands.

Luca was shocked when she heard the name "Rainie." She turned around in disbelief and saw Lanieand Rainie. Fate worked in mysterious ways, and she did not expect to see the twins at the hospital.

Rainie was smiling and looking in her direction.

Luca's hands trembled. She quickly turned away in case they recognized her.

"Where are we going for lunch, Rainie?" Simon asked.

"You can decide where you want to have lunch. It's our treat today. Uncle Clement, you can let us knowif you have any place in mind," Rainie said. Luke had given them a lot of pocket money.

Luca was in a daze when she heard their conversation. She realized that the children would notrecognize her because she looked totally different now.

Feeling dejected, she turned her head to look at the children occasionally.

She did not hide it very well, and Simon happened to notice it. He whispered to the twins, "Rainie, thatwoman over there keeps on stealing glances at you."

Rainie looked in the direction he was pointing and noticed Luca.

When their eyes met, Luca instantly turned her head away as though she had done something wrong.

Lanie also looked in that direction.

Simon noticed that Luca was acting awkwardly. He whispered, "I think that she's a bad person. Don'tworry, Rainie. I'll protect you!"

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