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Chapter 1141

Chapter 1141 There Are Many Opportunities To Deal With This Woman

Luca chuckled softly when she noticed how uncomfortable he was. He had referred to her as 'Miss’ forthree years and was not used to calling her by her name. She served him two pieces of beef and said,"Okay, let's eat." "Thank you..." Amur smiled shyly. "Thank you."novelbin

After the meal, Amur took the initiative to wash the dishes while Luca helped him clean up the roomwhere he would sleep in. She put all the books back in the bookcase and took out a new bed sheetfrom the closet. She wanted to make sure that he felt at home.

"Thank you, Miss." Amur finished washing the dishes and saw her running around to prepare the roomfor him. He stepped forward to thank her.

"Stop calling me ’Miss’." Luca shook her head helplessly, pointed to the trash bag on the floor, andsaid, "You can take this out for me. I haven’t had the chance to clean it up after I experimented twodays ago." "Okay." Amur took the garbage bag and walked out.

After Luca made the bed, she took the initiative to wipe all the surfaces in the room.

Amur came back after throwing the garbage. His heart was warm when he saw that she was stillcleaning.

When they were on the Island of Despair, Luca was cold to everyone. The only time she would have awarm smile on her face was when she saw Nyla. Now that she was not on the island, she looked muchmore comfortable and showed her warm personality.

Only after she left the Island of Despair could she be who she truly was- someone beautiful and warm.

After Luca cleaned everything, she said softly, "Okay, it’s clean! You can sleep more comfortably now.”"Yeah." Amur looked at the cleaned room. Although it did not look like a proper bedroom, it was warmer

than the environment he was used to living in.

Luca took the towel and walked out of the bedroom. She looked at the time and said, "Amur, I need toprepare for work tomorrow. There's a TV and a computer in the room. Feel free to use them to killtime." "Okay, Luca. You can do what you need to do. Don’t worry about me." Amur smiled shyly.

Luca looked at his shy smile and thought that he looked like a typical boy next door. No one wouldbelieve that he was an assassin.

Logically speaking, Amur and Eler should not have been able to survive on the Island of Despair. IfAbel had been cruel enough, the siblings would not be here today.

Luca smiled and went back to her bedroom.

She sat on the bed and thought of Amur's first mission. At that time, he was already good enough andcompleted the mission that involved taking someone's life. After returning to the island, he hadnightmares every night for half a month.

Others did not know about this, but she and Eler did.

For an assassin, there was no turning back after the first kill. This was Amur's third mission. He still hadthe warm smile of a young boy on his face, but as time passed, his attitude would gradually shift.

Luca sat on the sofa and sighed. She hoped she could leave the Island of Despair as soon as possibleand help the siblings move on with their lives.

She took out her phone to look at the photos Amur sent her. As she stared at Nyla’s cute face, shethought to herself that she must go back soon and leave the island with Nyla.

After she thought about it for a while, Luca turned on her computer and began to look through thedocuments that Shanks had previously worked on.

Abel wanted her to continue the research based on what Shanks had found and use it to benefit TCorporation's new pharmaceutical division.

Luca was not sure why he wanted to do this, but she was certain that Abel was not trying to benefitLuke. He had something else planned when he instructed her to do this.

By the time she sorted out all the documents, it was already evening. When she walked out of thebedroom, she found that Amur had prepared dinner.

"Amur, what are you..." Luca looked at the Russian food on the table that smelled wonderful. "I didn'tknow you could cook." "When I was young, Eler and I used to cook on alternate days. But it’s beenyears since I cooked. I only know how to cook Russian food. If you don't like it, I’ll cook other dishes foryou." Amur was worried that she was not a fan of Russian cuisine.

"You don't need to cook anything else. These are wonderful, and they smell great." Luca walked overand sat down. The aroma of the food whetted her appetite.

Amur was a little overwhelmed by her praise. He smiled, sat opposite her, and looked at her nervously.

Luca picked up a fork and took a bite. The flavors of Russian food was not the same as what she wasused to, but she had grown accustomed to the taste after so many years on the Island of Despair. Aftertaking a few bites, she smiled and said, "It's delicious, even better than the cooks on the island." "I’mglad you like it." Amur heaved a sigh of relief when she said that she liked his cooking.

After dinner, Amur took the liberty to do the dishes again.

Seeing that there was nothing she could do to help, Luca put her coat on and said to Amur, "Amur, I’llgo for a walk downstairs." "Okay." Amur leaned half of his body out from the kitchen and said with asmile, "Be careful." "Don't worry, not many people can hurt me." Luca smiled and opened the door toleave.

The streets were lively at night. There were many small food stalls around and the crowd was bustling.

This area was not considered a wealthy area in A City, but it was a depiction of real life.

Luca walked slowly on the side of the road, enjoying the feeling of peace in her heart.

In a barbecue stall, a fat man squinted his eyes and watched as Luca walked over. He nudged a thinman with his elbow and said, "Boss, is this the woman who beat us up the last time?" "Yeah." The thinman narrowed his eyes. After the woman easily took them out, they all had to go to the doctor.

The doctor said that they were severely injured and had to take a long rest. Their bodies were inagonizing pain for three days.

The thin man could not let the matter go. They had never been embarrassed by a woman before.

"Big Brother, what are you doing?" Seeing that the thin man was about to stand up and provoke Luca,the fat man immediately stopped him.

"We haven't been compensated for our medical bills. What do you think I want to do?" The thin manthrew his utensils on the table and planned to go forward to pick a fight with Luca.

When the fat man saw that he had forgotten what happened during their previous encounter, hereminded him in a low voice, "Boss, have you forgotten how that woman fights?"

The thin man was startled, and his expression turned sullen.

If others found out about what had happened, they would not have the social standing that theyenjoyed now.

Seeing the resentment on the thin man's face, the fat man whispered," Boss, look at the big picture.Before this, we had so many people mess with this woman and failed. How can the two of us beat her?

Take a breather and have a seat."

The thin man was forced to sit down. He looked at Luca and said, "Are you that kind that you can letthis go?" "Boss, don't be angry, I have a way. There’ll be many opportunities for us to deal with thiswoman!" the fat man said immediately.

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