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Chapter 1130

Chapter 1130 She Felt Indignant for Luke

After Tia closed the bedroom door, she sat down on the couch and waited for Bianca to wake up. Shefelt quite bored.

She looked around the room and chuckled slightly. Nothing in the room indicated that Luke stayed inthe same room as Bianca. Tia was quite happy to find out about that.

As loyal as Luke might be, he would not be able to accept the woman with such a tarnished past.

It was a miracle that Bianca remained in the Crawford household despite what she had been through.After all, her existence was a humiliation to Luke.

The more Tia thought about it, the more indignant she got.

Bianca, lying on the bed, did not hear any movement and decided to be done with her act. She slowlyopened her eyes and groaned in pain to tell Tia that she was awake.


When Tia heard that, she stood up and looked at Bianca on the bed." You're awake, Mrs. Crawford."

She might have utter contempt for Bianca, but she did not show that on her face.

Bianca sat up and looked at Tia. She was disgusted by how pretentious Tia was, though she was alsovery good at acting. "Why are you here, Ms. Tia?" She asked.

"Mr. Crawford asked me to check on you. Why did you faint this time, Mrs. Crawford? Are you stressedby something?" Tia moved a chair next to the bed and sat down.

Bianca shook her head and said nothing.

Ever since she found out that Tia had a crush on Luke, Bianca had never told her the truth.novelbin

Tia sighed when she saw that Bianca refused to say anything. "Mrs. Crawford, I know that you don'twant Mr. Crawford to worry, but it's not good for your mental health if you keep on holding it in. That'll inturn affect your sleep quality and your health. That's why you have to tell me if you have somethingtroubling you. I'll help you as much as I can."

Bianca listened to Tia’s pretentious speech, wondering why Tia was putting up the act even thoughLuke was not here. She was never convinced whenever Tia pretended to be gentle.

"Mrs. Crawford?" Tia called out when she saw that Bianca's expression suddenly changed.

Bianca came to her senses, and her expression suddenly turned solemn." Do you have a way torestore my memories?"

Tia's expression suddenly became solemn as well. How was she going to restore her memories?Nothing good would come out of it if Luke found out.

"Mrs. Crawford, no one expected that you've lost all your memories. It would be even moreunpredictable if we try to restore them..." "So you don't have a way, either?" Bianca confirmed it withTia.

Tia smiled and tried to distract her focus. "I don't have a way, indeed. Actually, your life is great now.You won't be so sad if you can focus more on the present."

Bianca could tell that Tia was unwilling to restore her memories. She smiled and flaunted Luke's lovefor her. "Yes, I'm very happy now. Luke is very nice to me too. He gave me warmth when I losteverything and felt that I didn't belong to this world. Thank you for reminding me of his love."

Tia was incredibly angry and frustrated when she heard what Bianca said, though she had to pretendto look empathic. "Yes, I'm glad that you're able to look at it from a different angle. You shouldn't splithairs over minor issues. If you need any help, feel free to call me and I'll help you." "Thank you, Ms.Tia." Bianca could tell that Tia was faking her concern. She got off the bed and said, "Somethinghappened earlier today, and I don't think you should stay for dinner. I'll escort you downstairs."

Tia was even more frustrated when she heard that. She had spoken so much with Bianca because shewanted to stall for time so that she could wait for Luke to come back. He was not back yet, but thewoman in front of her was already telling her that she should leave.

Bianca pretended to be oblivious when she saw that Tia sat on the chair with no intention of getting up."Ms. Tia?"

It seemed that Bianca did not want Tia to stay. Tia could only stand up and smile. "Alright, if there'ssomething else that's so urgent, I shouldn't be a nuisance." 'Hmph, at least you're sensible,' Biancathought. The more Tia wanted to get close to Luke, the harder Bianca would try to stop that fromhappening.

Tia stopped at the door and said, "You should still be unwell, Mrs. Crawford. You don't have to send meoff; I'll show myself out." "Take care," Bianca said. She was not going to pretend to be hospitable if Tiahad said that she was going to leave.

She had collapsed on the floor when she pretended to faint. Her body was still aching from the fall.

Tia remained composed after leaving the bedroom.

She had been to Crawford Manor multiple times, and she could navigate the place with her eyesclosed. Her expression sank immediately after she left the house, and she made a phone call.

After the call went through, she said, "Go and investigate what happened in the Crawford householdthis morning." "Yes, Ms. Tia," the person at the other end of the call replied.

After the call ended, Tia got into his car and left.

Meanwhile, someone was looking for Tommy in every corner of A City, and the culprit of the incidentwas sitting on the couch munching on his snacks while watching his favorite cartoon.

Luca was sitting next to him and reading a medical book. She was not distracted by the noise from thetelevision.

After watching an episode, Tommy turned his head and looked at the woman who was reading intently."Ms. Luca," he called out.

"Hm?" Luca turned her head and smiled indulgently.

Tommy had grown up by quite a lot, but he still loved cartoons. He could sit quietly for the entireafternoon as long as he had snacks and cartoons.

"I’ve finished my cartoon." Tommy rubbed his stomach. "When are you going to make dinner, Ms.Luca?"

Luca glanced at the wall clock. It was five o'clock. She glanced at the empty snack packets on thecoffee table and asked, "Are you hungry?" "Mm!" Tommy nodded.

Luca smiled. "Are you experiencing a growth spurt? Why are you still hungry after eating so manysnacks?"

Tommy blushed when he saw the empty snack packets. "That's because I like your cooking, Ms. Luca."

Luca was not going to let her son starve. She put the book away and stood up. "Wait for a while and I'llcook dinner for you. I don't really have that many ingredients now. Are eggs okay?” "Of course! I loveeverything that you make for me, Ms. Luca!" Tommy loved Luca's cooking very much.

Luca's heart warmed when she saw Tommy's happy face. At the same time, her heart wrenched.

She had missed out on the opportunity to watch her children grow.

Perhaps fate had taken pity on her and allowed them to reunite for a short time. She had to treasurethe next few days.

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