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Chapter 1117

Chapter 1117 Toys

"They’ll love it," Luke said.

"Tommy never likes what I buy for him. I forget a lot of things, so I don't know what he likes. Sigh, it’dbe great if I could remember the things from the past." Bianca pretended to sigh in distress andlowered her head with a sad expression on her face.

Luke thought of how Tommy was repelled by her, as well as Lanie and Rainie's alienation. Theirproblems began when Bianca lost her memory.

However, he did not want her to remember the past.

Luke’s hands were full, so all he could do was give her a comforting smile as he said, "Bea, don't thinktoo much about it. The children are still in their rebellious phase. They’ll come to be moreunderstanding of you eventually."

Bianca nodded at him, but the look of grievance in her gaze did not disappear.novelbin

To her, the kids were an existence that hindered her plan. Sooner or later, they would have to beeradicated.

Luke and Bianca returned to the manor. Tommy sat in the living room watching cartoons. When he sawthem coming back, especially when he noticed how close Bianca was to Luke, he immediately steppedforward and hugged his leg.

"Daddy, Daddy, I don't know how to do my homework. Can you help me?"

Bianca heard his request and said with a smile, "Tommy, Daddy still has things to do. How about I helpyou with it?" "Do you know how to do it?" Tommy looked at her suspiciously.

Bianca wanted to say that the kindergarten homework was not difficult, but it was a fact that she did notknow how to do the questions.

She smiled awkwardly and looked at Luke.

"Bea, didn't you buy toys for the kids?" Luke helped Bianca out of the awkward situation.

"Ah, yes. Tommy, I bought you new toys. Come and have a look. I bought some for Lanie and Rainietoo!" Bianca took a few bags from Luke, all of which were clothes and toys for the kids.

Blanche heard it, stood up, and had a cool expression. He did not look happy as he said, "Mommy, Idon't like playing with toys anymore."

Rainie also said, "Mommy, I’ve been occupied with ballet classes and don't have time to play with thesetoys. Give them to Tommy."

After they said that, the twins went upstairs together.

Bianca's expression turned even more awkward. Although they called her' Mommy’, they did not treather as their mother.

She sat on the sofa, opened one of the bags, and said, "Tommy, these are new toys imported fromabroad. You’ll love them."

Tommy stood there watching her hand over the toys as if she was offering treasures. There was not atrace of joy on his face.

When Bianca took out the last toy, he said, "I've grown up. These are toys for children."

Bianca opened her mouth slightly. She wanted to say that she saw him play with these same toysyesterday.

"Is that so? Luke..." She turned around and wanted to ask Luke for help. She could not get the kids toaccept her no matter how hard she tried.

Luke walked over and glanced at the toys on the table. Even though he did not often play with Tommy,he knew that Tommy already had these toys.

It was pointless for Bianca to buy another set of the same toys.

"Bea, put these toys away first," Luke said. If Tommy did not like them, he did not want to force him toaccept them.

The kids still treated Bianca like a stranger. As their father, he had tried many ways but failed to getthem closer together. For some reason, he did not want to force his children to accept Bianca.

It was a weird feeling, just like how Bianca would hint at him for countless nights yet he just pretendednot to understand.

"Yeah, okay." Bianca was a little disappointed but was also used to Luke taking the kids’ side. She wasunhappy but did not say anything.

Tommy happily took Luke's hand and said, "Dad, come and help me with my homework." "Okay." Lukefondly touched Tommy's head and went upstairs with him.

Bianca looked at them, and her gaze gradually darkened. She looked at the toys on the table and wasfurious that they did not react to her kindness!

Bianca angrily put all the disassembled toys back into the bags.

Old Master Crawford walked in. He looked at the coffee table that was full of toys, frowned, and asked,"Why are there so many toys?"

Bianca snapped out of it, looked at Old Master Crawford, and explained with a smile, "Grandpa, Ibought these for Tommy."

Old Master Crawford was very fond of Tommy. If he knew that she was treating Tommy so well, shebelieved she would be praised by him.

Bianca was happy and said, "These are all suitable for Tommy." "Tommy has already played with thesetoys when he was a child. Now that he has grown up, he won't be interested in them," Old MasterCrawford said, "These will only go to waste."

Bianca was stunned. 'No wonder Tommy doesn't like them, he has already played with them.'

She had shared Tommy's age with the sales assistant and bought the toys based on therecommendations.

"I... don't remember," Bianca explained.

"It’s fine, it’s not your fault you can't remember the things from before. But Tommy is smart and knowsmore than other kids, so let's buy less of these toys in the future." Old Master Crawford was notbothered about the money. He just thought that she was doing useless work.

Before Bianca had amnesia, she was an outstanding mother. However, after what had happened, it feltlike she was a different person-one whom Old Master Crawford disliked more and more as the dayspassed.

"Okay, Grandpa." Bianca put the toys away, her emotions becoming more and more unbalanced.

She was working hard to please this family, but in the end, none of them were sympathetic to herpainstaking efforts.

After Old Master Crawford left, Bianca stuffed all the newly bought toys into the utility room and wentupstairs.

Luke was not in the living room on the second floor. She walked into the study and bedroom, but hewas not there either.

Bianca walked to Tommy's room and saw the father and son there.

She squeezed a smile and walked in. "Tommy, are you done with your homework?"

Tommy raised his head, then lowered it again to continue doing his homework. "Not yet."

Bianca saw that there was a chair next to Luke so she sat down and rested her head on his broadshoulder. She said, "Luke, let me sign Tommy's homework today." "No!" Tommy turned her downbefore Luke could say anything.

"Tommy..." Luke looked at him disapprovingly. "Mommy just wants to sign it for you, why won’t you lether?" "Dad, your handwriting is good and my teacher likes your signature very much. He’ll give me highmarks on my homework every time, but when Mommy signs it..." Tommy did not go on.

Tommy had seen Bianca's signature on Lanie and Rainie's homework in the past and thought that itwas graceful. It was a world apart from her signature now.

He had never thought of this woman as his mother. It was his father who insisted that she was. Heinsisted that things were different only because she had lost her memory.

The children could not prove it, so they did not say anything.

"I..." Bianca's eyes were red. She nodded and pretended to be understanding of the situation. "Okaythen, your dad will sign it.” "Bea, go back to the bedroom first. It’ll take some time for Tommy to finishhis homework." Luke saw her teary eyes, but he was a little impatient now and did not feel sorry for her.

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