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Chapter 1063

Chapter 1063 Use This Weapon to End Luke’s Life

Eler could not help but shed tears when she listened to Bianca speak to her younger brother.

Amur would be sent back to the training grounds if Bianca had not saved him. She used a towel to stopAmur's bleeding, then cleaned him up. Other than the injury on his forehead, the other wounds werenot serious.

Eler turned around and spoke to Bianca, "Miss, I want to go to get some medicine from Mr. Shanks.""Mm." Bianca shook her head. She sighed when she looked at Amur's pale face.

Amur was much weaker than she thought. She would have to spend more effort on him to strengthenhim.

After Eler left, Bianca asked, "Amur, do you want to protect your sister?" "Yes!" Amur gradually calmeddown. He felt that he could be calmer with Bianca.

"Then you'll have to work hard. You might be out of the training grounds, but you're still on the Island ofDespair. You won't be safe just because you're here. You should know how to train yourself, right?"Bianca said. All she could do was protect him from being bullied by those people on the traininggrounds and made sure that he had enough food. She could not promise him anything else.

Amur touched the wound on his forehead and nodded determinedly. "Yes, Miss. I will make myselfstronger so that I can protect Eler."

Bianca smiled. According to Eler, Amur was eighteen years old this year.

However, he did not look or behave like he was eighteen. Despite the harshness of the traininggrounds, he remained innocent as ever.

"Well said, Bianca. I have to say that you can be very persuasive." Abel came through the door.Evidently, he had heard what Bianca said to Amur.

Amur was shocked. His eyes were gradually filled with terror.

Bianca remained calm as she sat on the bed. "Shouldn't a boy protect his elder sister?"novelbin

"He should, but why shouldn't he protect you too?" Abel glanced at Amur contemptuously, thinking thathe was useless for being so frightened upon seeing him.

Tm not related to him, and I'm also your prisoner." Bianca knew what she should say and what sheshould not. She could divulge her plans yet.

"Heh, well said, prisoner. Come and pick your weapon." Abel waved his hand, and a mercenary camein with a bunch of weapons and dropped them on the floor.

Bianca looked at the weapons, then at Abel.

"Pick a weapon that you fancy. In the future, you'll use it to end Luke Crawford's life." 'You monster!'Bianca cursed in her heart. Abel planned to use her to kill Luke.

She could not fight back for now, so she could only obey. She inspected each of the weapons on thefloor and finally pointed at a dagger. "I want


In one fluid motion, Abel stepped on the hilt and kicked upward. The dagger flew upward and droppedinto his hand.

Bianca was very impressed by that display of skill, even though it was not very flashy. She thought thateven Gale or Sean could not do that.

Abel threw the dagger toward Bianca. Amur gasped when he saw that.

Bianca did not move. The dagger fell next to her thigh and penetrated the bed board, but it did notinjure her.

Amur relaxed slightly. The dagger was only a hair away from piercing Bianca's skin.

Bianca calmly pulled the dagger out and rested the tip on her chin. "This is a real weapon. Aren't youafraid that I might kill myself?" "You won't," Abel said. He turned his sinister gaze toward Amur. "If youdare to kill yourself, the boy and girl will join you in death." "I'm flattered that you'd think that my life isworth anything now," Bianca said mockingly.

Abel ignored that comment. He kicked a longsword toward Amur. "You've been using a longsword inyour training, right?" "Yes, Boss," Amur replied woodenly as he looked at the longsword next to his feet.He put the towel down and picked the weapon up, and his hands could not help but shake again.

Seeing that, Bianca said, "You might as well pick a weapon for Eler too. After all, they'll be joining me inthe training."

Abel nodded and allowed it.

Bianca looked at the boy. "Amur, go and help your sister pick a weapon." "Eler likes to use whips..."Amur braced himself and said. If Bianca did not speak to him, he would not dare to speak when Abelwas around.

"She'll use a whip then." Bianca noticed a whip among the pile of weapons.

The mercenary picked up the other weapons and left the whip on the floor.

Abel did not leave but instead lingered in the room and stared at Bianca. Bianca felt uneasy when shesaw that sinister smirk on his face.

"Do you want to hear any updates about Luke Crawford?" He asked.

Bianca did not say anything. It did not matter whether she wanted to hear it; Abel would tell her if he feltlike it. She might as well shut her mouth and wait for Abel to continue speaking.

Abel said, "Luke sent his mother to jail. I wonder if you've been so blind to marry such an ungratefulman, Bianca."

Bianca was discreetly shocked. It seemed that Luke had found the culprit of the break-in, and Allisonwas indeed behind it...

Luke did not show his mother any mercy.

She knew that Allison and Luke were drifting apart, but they were mother and son after all. If Biancawas still by Luke's side, she would try to persuade him to think twice.

Abel noticed the change in Bianca's expression and smiled mockingly." Looks like you've beendeceived by that man. It's okay. I'll eventually show you his true colors."

After that, he left the room.

Amur noticed Bianca's surprise and could not help but ask, "Miss, who is Luke Crawford?" "Myhusband." Bianca gripped the dagger's hilt, which was already beginning to warm up.

"Were you caught because of him?" Amur seemed to have understood something. He could see thehatred in Abel's eyes when that name was mentioned.

He had never seen that in Abel before.

"I don't blame him," Bianca said. She lowered her head to look at the dagger and saw her reflection inthe blade.

She had never blamed Luke for what happened to her.

If she wanted to blame someone, she would blame herself for not being strong enough to protectherself.

Eler finally found the tincture and came back into the room. When she saw the dagger in Bianca'shands, she exclaimed in shock, "Don't, Miss. You have so much to live for!"

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