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Chapter 1060

Chapter 1060 The Child in Her Womb Was Worth Something

The Island of Despair.

Bianca lay in her bed weakly. She had not eaten well for the past few days, and she was showing signsof miscarriage.

Dr. Shanks instantly treated her.

It took him a lot of effort, but he managed to stabilize Bianca's condition.

Looking at Bianca's pale face, Shanks realized that his supplements could only sustain Bianca's life butcould not promise that the baby in her womb would be safe.

He told Abel, "No matter what, you'll have to let her eat something. The baby can't survive on thesupplements alone."

Abel frowned hard. He looked at Bianca, half-dead on the bed, and could not help but curse, "Howtroublesome. Can't you invent a supplement that can nourish the baby?" "Even if I could, it'll take time,"Shanks said. His supplements were developed for the League of Shadows's agents. Sometimes, theagents would have to stay in less-than-ideal conditions to complete their mission, so the supplementswould provide them enough nutrients to carry out their tasks effectively.

That was why he had been very confident about his supplements, but he did not expect that thesupplements could not nourish the baby.

Abel frowned even harder as he roared at Eler, "Why are you standing there like an idiot? Go and getsome food from the kitchen. I don’t believe that she won't eat."

Eler came to her senses. She nodded and quickly ran to the kitchen. It was already past lunchtime, andthere was only some leftover spaghetti in the kitchen. She got the cook to heat it up before bringing itover.

Bianca silently closed her eyes as she listened to the conversation.

She could fully feel the effects of starvation on her, but she continued to bear with it because shewanted to resist him wherever possible.

Every time her hunger caused her pain, she could only mouth a silent apology to the child in her womb.

Just when she thought that she was going to die, Shanks managed to save her and the baby.

Bianca resented the doctor for that, but there was nothing she could do about it.

If Shanks, the prodigious doctor, continued to be on Abel's side, he would eventually invent asupplement for the baby very soon.

When that happened, there was no use resisting anymore.

After the ordeal, Bianca realized that there was no point in giving up on herself. What she should do isensure that she was in the peak condition so that she could find a way to escape.

She could not give up on herself, not for Luke or the child in her womb!

Eler brought the spaghetti over, and the fragrance instantly filled up the entire room. Bianca was hungryagain. She could also tell that the child in her womb was also craving nutrition.

"Give it to me." Abel wanted to force-feed Bianca.

Eler was shocked when she saw Abel's calloused hand. If those hands were to force-feed Bianca, shemight be half-dead by the end of the meal. " Let me do it, Boss," she quickly said.

"Stop wasting my time." Abel grabbed the plate from her hands.

Bianca opened her eyes, sat up, and looked at Abel impassively.

"Hm?" Abel thought that Bianca would continue to passively resist him.

"I'll eat the spaghetti, but you'll have to promise me something," Bianca said.

"You're now my captive. What makes you think that you can negotiate with me?" Abel smiledmockingly. He towered over her while holding the plate in one hand.

He wondered if Luke had spoiled her. Did she not know that he hated negotiating the most?

Usually, he would kill the other party before they reached the point of negotiation. Bianca was the firstwoman that tried to negotiate with him.

Bianca touched her relatively flat stomach with the one-month-old baby." My baby is my bestbargaining chip. You want to use the baby to hold me hostage so that I'll do whatever you say," shesaid.

Abel raised his eyebrow, quite impressed by her composure.

Usually, a mother would not want their child to be placed in that situation. Other than crying andbegging him to spare their lives, they would not be able to say anything else.

"If you can agree to my terms, I'll make sure that I eat every meal. You won’t need to feed mesupplements, and I'll deliver the baby when it's time.

" Bianca glared at him.

"Go on, then. What do you want?" Abel's interest was piqued. To him, the delivery of the baby was fullyunder his control because he had Shanks anyway.

"Release Eler's younger brother. I want both of them to serve me," Bianca said, 'Don't say that I'm onlya prisoner and I don't deserve anyone to serve me. Didn't you ask Eler to serve me?" "Is that all?" Abelraised an eyebrow. That seemed too easy.

He had never considered Eler's younger brother a threat. He was the weakest among the captives, andhe had almost zero combat ability.

He would have killed that boy if not that Eler was still useful to him.

"That is all," Bianca said as she touched her stomach. In her heart, she was apologizing to the baby.

She would rather not use the child as a bargaining chip, but she had nothing else to offer.

Bianca had to plan something so that she could escape, and Eler and her younger brother were part ofher plan.novelbin

"Alright,' Abel said and handed her the plate of spaghetti.

Bianca took the plate and looked at the delicious spaghetti. She picked up the fork and said, "I haven'teaten in a few days, so I might not be able to finish everything. Don’t worry, I will build up my appetite.""I've never worried, even if you don't want to eat." Abel grinned. After seeing Bianca take a few bites ofthe spaghetti, he said, "I'll get someone to bring him over now.”

Eler covered her mouth in surprise, and tears welled up in her eyes. She did not expect that Biancawould help her.

Abel might have promised her that he would not harm her younger brother, but she had always beenworried that her younger brother might be hurt while training.

Her brother was physically weak, and he might die if he was injured and did not receive proper medicalattention.

Now, Bianca was helping her and her brother.

Eler knew that not many people could negotiate with Abel. Bianca could have asked for somethingelse, but she had used it to help Eler and her brother.

Eler felt that she was indebted to Bianca.

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