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Chapter 1028

Chapter 1028 I Didn't Mean It

Gordan looked around and knocked on the door, which caused the caked dust on the door to fall off.His hands were covered with dust.

"Looks like there's no one inside," he said as he dusted his hands. He did not know how long it hadbeen since the door was last cleaned. Even though he was not a clean freak, he was reluctant to touchit.

Luke glanced around at the dilapidated houses. "Ask around. I'll make a trip to the police station.""Leave this to me." Gordan gestured an "OK" and promised that he would complete the mission. Hewould go around and collect information about Jon.

At ten o'clock, after Bianca coaxed Tommy to sleep, she went to the living room and made herself acup of tea.

Ever since they left the amusement park, she had not received any news from Luke.

She did not disturb him because she knew that he was busy investigating.

She sat on a cushion, turned on her laptop, and began to design.

At eleven o'clock, she could hear a car stopping outside. Bianca stood up, but she had been sitting inthe position for too long, so she could only support herself with the couch while she waited for the bloodto flow into her legs.

Luke came into the house and noticed that Bianca was standing next to the couch while bent over. Hewalked over quickly and he sounded concerned. "What's wrong, Bea? Are you feeling unwell?"

Bianca looked at him and smiled helplessly. "My leg fell asleep."

Luke glanced at the laptop on the coffee table and could tell that she had been working in the livingroom. "You should work in the study next time," he reprimanded her.

Bianca clung to his arm. "I wanted to wait for you to come home, but I was too engrossed in my work,so I didn't pay attention to how I was sitting..." "Sit down. Let me massage it." Luke took her hand andsat her down on the couch.

Bianca rested her legs on the couch. His warm palms gently laid on them, brought them onto his lap,and began to massage them.

He could feel the smooth and fair skin in his palms, which made him give extra care while massaging.

His movements were gentle, and the strength was just right. As the numb sensation dissipated, Biancacould not help but moan comfortably.

Luke looked at her face. He could never resist her adorable sounds.

"I didn't mean to do it." Bianca covered her face in embarrassment when she realized that the soundwas quite misleading.

Luke shook his head and continued to massage her legs.

After a while, Bianca could feel that her legs had returned to normal. She laid her hands on his andsaid, "I'm fine now. Are you hungry? I've prepared supper for you."

Luke had stayed in the police station for the entire afternoon to find more information about that mannamed Jon.

That name was too common, and the police officers had to look through all the profiles named Jon oneby one.

"I'm hungry." Luke kissed her lips. He had not had his dinner yet.

"I'll go heat it up. You can eat soon." Bianca put on her slippers and headed to the kitchen.

Luke leaned on the couch and looked at her design. Several parts were undone, so he took the laptopand finished it for her.novelbin

When Bianca came out with the supper, she saw that he was messing with something on her laptop."What are you doing?" "I've found some data mistakes on your design. I'm correcting them for you.

" Luke did not raise his head. He was calculating something.

Bianca placed the food on the coffee table and said, "It's already late. You should eat something, butnot too much. Otherwise, you might find it hard to fall asleep later." "Mm." Luke appreciated her care.After changing the last data field, he put the laptop down. The hot food on the coffee table whetted hisappetite. He picked up a bowl and ate some soup.

Bianca sat next to him. She took her laptop and noticed that the problematic data fields had beencorrected.

She saved the project, turned off the laptop, and looked at him obsessively.

After Luke ate, Bianca was not in a rush to clean up. She looked at him and said, "You must be tired.""I'm not." He shook his head and told her his findings.

Bianca sighed after hearing that. The more he investigated, the more that Allison seemed suspicious.

She stacked up the bowls and plates. At the kitchen, uke pinned her waist to the kitchen counter andbreathed over her. It was an intimate scene.

Bianca lifted her head and was dazzled by the bright fluorescent light on the ceiling. "It's already verylate. You should take a shower and sleep." "I've neglected you recently, Bea. I'll accompany youtonight." Luke hugged her waist. After the intimate massage, Luke wanted more.

Bianca gently pushed him away by his chest and shook her head. "Nah, I have something going ontomorrow."

Luke continued to rub her waist as though massaging it. The pulses aroused her sensations in each ofher cells. "What is it?" "Leia wants me to go to the bridal boutique with her," Bianca said helplessly.

"Don't go," Luke said without hesitation when he heard that name.

Leia brought nothing but trouble. It was best to stay away from her.

Bianca looked at her. "I couldn't decline. I'll go and meet her, then find some excuse to leave."

She and Leia were Queenie's daughters. If she did not go, Queenie might think that she was not agood elder sister to Leia.

"What a troublesome woman," Luke cursed. Before Bianca reunited with Queenie, Luke should havebeen more ruthless and made Leia disappear from the country.

His mercy in the past had led to trouble now.

Bianca smiled. "Don't worry, what could possibly happen?"

Luke lifted her up, which made her squeal in surprise and wrap her arms tightly around his neck.

"I'm worried. Bring a few bodyguards," he said as he walked toward the stairs.

"That'll be too flashy..." Bianca frowned and looked into his eyes. It took Leia a lot to make the marriagewith Brody happen. She would not do anything to ruin it.

"Nothing good can possibly happen when she's involved," Luke spoke disdainfully as he walked up thestairs.

I'll let Sean follow me, alright?" Bianca wanted to keep a low profile.

Luke knew what she was thinking and smiled. "That'll depend on your performance tonight." "Mm, Ireally have to go though." Bianca slumped on his shoulder. "How about tomorrow night?" "I'm arousednow." Luke kicked open the door, stepped inside, and closed it. He placed her on the bed and leanedclose to her. "You're not the one trying out the gowns tomorrow, Bea. It'll be fine."

Bianca opened her mouth but said nothing.

"You're not going to refuse, right?" Luke said.

"It's already so late..." Bianca said helplessly. She would not have asked him for the massage if sheknew that the massage would arouse him.

Luke reached out, turned off the bed light, and hugged her. "It's late indeed.

Let's sleep."

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