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Chapter 981

Jensen was very surprised to receive Xavier's call.

He found it incredulous that the latter wanted to turn himself in.

He didn't hear wrongly, did he?

“Are you Xavier?" Jensen asked with uncertainty.

"Yes, I'm Xavier." Xavier answered, "I'm going to look for you now and turn myself in.""Where are you?" Jensen instinctively asked.

“I'm at the manor in the mountains. I'm heading back soon. Where are you? I'm going to find you." Xavier's tone was serious ashe spoke, and he didn't sound like he was joking.

Jensen replied, "I'm at your residence. Come over.""Okay, I'll be there in 25 minutes." Xavier looked at his watch and added, "It'll take at most half an hour."

"Okay." Jensen hung up the phone, then looked at Alex and said, "Alex, Xavier called and said that he would turn himself in. Doyou think he's telling the truth?”

“Officer Charm, you're the policeman," Alex answered with a smile. "You should be the one to judge whether he's lying, not me.

"| was just asking you how you feel about it." Jensen chuckled and said, "I feel very surprised that someone as stubborn as himwould suddenly turn himself in.”

"It's probably nothing," Alex responded. "Maybe he has finally discovered his conscience. Anyway, Mr. Quell is going to divorceMiranda, and he might be afraid of digging his own grave deeper. That's probably it."

"Perhaps." Jensen nodded. "It's possible. Without having Mr. Quell as a support, he would've made this decision after weighingthe pros and cons."

"Yeah." Alex then reminded him, "But you'd better be careful. No one knows what he's actually planning to do."

"| know." Jensen glanced at his watch and said, "By the way, you may leave first. Go back and tell Heinz that Xavier is going toturn himself in. | will handle the case. As for Alice, tell her that | have resumed my post."

"Okay." Alex nodded and took his men to leave first.

25 minutes later.

Xavier finally arrived.

Jensen was standing on the ground floor of his residence, waiting for him.

Xavier got out of the car and spotted Jensen. He said, "Give me a minute. I'll hand the car over to my friend, and then I'll go withyou."

"Sure," Jensen answered as he observed Xavier's expression. He found that the man looked very dejected. He was not asarrogant as before, nor was he as confident.

Xavier phoned someone and left his keys at home. He then asked them to take care of his house and his car.

After everything was settled, Xavier looked at Jensen and started, "Officer Charm, let's talk about the kidnapping of your wife,Alice. | was the one behind it.”

“Wait, I'm more curious as to why you've suddenly changed your mind and turned yourself in."It was only the previous night that Xavier had been very arrogant.

"Things have changed," Xavier answered frankly. "I've misjudged the situation before. | thought that Aunt Miranda was capable,but she is still just a nanny. She has no power in Mr. Quell's place. Why should | struggle with her? Since you will catch mesooner or later, | might as well turn myself in and get leniency. Then, | won't have to stay in prison for as long.”

His words sounded sincere, and it was hard todoubt him.Jensen then nodded. "Do you really think so?"novelbin

"Yes," Xavier responded. "A wise man submits to the circumstances. | don't want to waste any more time. There is evidenceupstairs. | did not tamper with it, including the tape, eyepatch, and ropes. They have Alice's DNA. You can go up and test them.You will definitely find solid evidence, which will prove that | kidnapped her."

"Yes, I've already collected them." Jensen told him, "Before you came, my subordinates went to collect the evidence."Xavier smiled and said, "Let's go now. Let's not waste each other's time."

Jensen nodded and led him into the car.

"It's not wise of you to do this." Jensen expressed his own thoughts, saying, "You don't have to be like Miranda."

"It's a blessing in disguise." Xavier laughed at himself and said, "| have been betting on my godmother all this while. | thoughtthat by relying on Mr. Quell's family, | could strike gold and become rich. But instead, | received nothing. I'm even suspected ofkidnapping, which is really regrettable. However, if | hadn't done that, Mr. Quell and Aunt Miranda wouldn't have divorced. If shedisagrees to divorce Mr. Quell, my father will remain single. But then, what would happen to her? Perhaps, doing this will help sether and my father up."

Jensen paused for a while before turning to Xavier in astonishment. "Miranda and your father?"

"My father used to be the Quell family's chauffeur, while Aunt Miranda worked as a nanny. They have known each other for along time, but Mr. Quell married her after Mrs. Quell died. My father left after that. The couple got married just so that Mr. Quellwould have someone to look after himself, but they had no feelings for each other. Aunt Miranda wanted to play up to the richand powerful. My father felt so self- abased that he didn't dare to express his love for her. Now, it's all over."

"So, you think it's a blessing in disguise?"

"Yes!" Xavier nodded and continuedspeaking, "Even if | haven't struckgold, it's fine. Now teb\py ilasioh' |hag bepnistaticred, it's possible thatthis was to prevent me from beingpunished by a longer sentence. |accept my fate willingly." Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

This time, Jensen was really surprised.

He nodded and said, "Xavier, it's reallygood of you to think that." "Let's gothen." "I'll dismiss my écag com@rehancdt Jewel promptlyphoned his subordinate andinstructed, "You can dismiss theteam as soon as you have collectedthe evidence." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

After a while, they went to the police station.Alex returned to the villa.Meanwhile, Heinz was also back.

Alex greeted both Heinz and Grace, who were in the living room, and then reported to Alice, "President, Xavier turned himself in.Officer Charm also returned to his job in the case. He asked me to come and report to you."

"He's returned?" Alice was very excited to hear the news. "So soon?"

"Yes." Alex was also happy for her. "Officer Charm didn't do anything wrong in the first place."

“Xavier turned himself in as well?" Alice was shocked and she asked in disbelief, "He actually chose to turn himself in?""It is indeed very surprising," Grace commented as she felt that it was strange.

Heinz spoke, "It was probablybecause of Mr. Quell's divorce wiMiranda. Everyone wihhisightthepros aneldshs of their situation.Xavier will naturally do the same.Without protection, he has to thinkabout his own fate." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Grace and Alice understood instantly after listening to Heinz's explanation. They both nodded and agreed, "Yes, you're right.""If he turns himself in, will he receive a lighter sentence?" Grace asked.

“Usually, that is the case," Heinz answered. "The kidnapping wouldn't be considered as an extreme case. In fact, I'm afraid that itwouldn't even be considered as kidnapping."

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