True Fated Marriage (Grace and Heinz)

Chapter 968 Give Birth To Many Children
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Chapter 968 Give Birth To Many Children

At the Carter family home.

As soon as Heinz entered, he saw that William had already changed his clothes and was holding a brand- new crutch. When henoticed Heinz entering, he sat down again.

"I'm ready." William looked at Heinz with piercing eyes. "Do you think I'm still worth something, Heinz?"Heinz rolled his eyes and looked at him while saying, "Yes, so stay alive. Don't die too soon."

"You little brat, | won't die." William snorted and said, "The bad guys aren't all dead yet, so I'll just hang around with them. I'll kickthe bucket after they do."

At the mention of death, Heinz's eyes narrowed and he looked at William with a touch of warmth in his eyes.

"You should live well, Grandpa. The good days have just begun." Heinz continued, "Grace is pregnant again." "What?" Hearingthis, William was pleasantly surprised. He stared at Heinz and asked, "Are you serious?"

“Of course. How could | joke about this? She's really pregnant again."When Heinz said this, there was an unspeakable pride in his tone.

William was surprised at first, then he burst into laughter. He looked at Heinz and nodded. "I didn't expect it. Grace is amazing.She had given birth to two little boys, both of which are smart and lovely. Now that she's pregnant again, | wonder if she couldcreate two more amazing babies."

Seeing that William was delighted, Heinz couldn't help smiling.

Truth be told, he was also very happy. He shook his head and said, "Grandpa, it's hard to tell whether she would give birth toapair of twins this time around. Either way, I'm happy with anything.”

“Of course, you should be happy. It's okay to have two little girls. It's a balance. Your wealth will also increase." William noddedand thought with a serious look, muttering, "Two boys and two girls, doesn't that sound great?"

"Grace is not some factory assembly line." While William was stuck in his fantasy, Heinz was reluctant to extinguish his hopes.

"Don't you think that Grace has a record of mass production? She is used to having twins, and this time it could be the same aswell." He nodded to himself and sighed. "They have to be twins. Then, there will be plenty of talent in our family."

Looking at William's yearning expression, Heinz knew how much his grandfather wished that his family could have morechildren.

William only had one daughter, and Heinz had no relatives in the Jones family. Thus, he was the only heir. Later on, Lowellarrived, but he was still so young.

Heinz thought that if he could have two more children, then they would have four children in total. Their family would be lucky ifthey had that many kids.

It was a beautiful wish, and he really hoped that it would come true.

"Brat, you must hope for twins. It's the law of attraction, do you understand?" William spoke, "You must hope that Grace ispregnant with twins, get it?”

Having William solemnly lecturing him, Heinz smiled and replied, "| can't wait to have triplets. If so, | won't have to try again."

"If Grace wants to have more babies, then do it. As long as you are healthy, what are you afraid of? It's not like we can't afford it.I can still support you while I'm still alive. Give birth to a few more grandchildren for me and I'll show them off."

Thinking of a group of adorable greatgrandchildren following him around, William felt utterly happy."| want to, actually." Heinz said, "However, it all depends on Grace. She has to be healthy."

"That is of course." William remarked, "Grace is not only hard-working but also a good girl. She will definitely be blessed withmore children."

"Grandpa, you seem to know her very well."“Of course. She looks very promising in terms of childbirth. | think it will not be a problem for her to have many children.""Grandpa!" Heinz cried out in alarm. "Do you think you're shopping for children?"

William mused to himself, "Two babies at a time, three at another, and then another two next. It's not that many. She needs toget pregnant only three times."

“Okay, let's stop talking about this. Let's get down to business." Heinz said, "When we meet Diego later, tell him about Miranda.Then, you can discuss what you wanted with Grace after we head home."

"Oh my, you've actually invited me to your place. This is the first time I've ever been there. You've never invited me to your home,have you?" William pouted in displeasure.

Heinz nodded and said, "It seems so. | didn't invite you, but you still visited anyway."

“Fortunately, | have thick skin. Otherwise, | may not even know where you live!" William then said, "Rest assured, | know Diegowell. | have never asked him to do anything before this. Today, | will only ask him to protect the Quell family's reputation. He'sstrict with himself, so he will maintain the family tradition."

If so, then that would be best.

Heinz was fully prepared as he phoned Hugo and chatted with him before he made a plan. If William couldn't get through Diego,he would ask Hugo to stop Miranda.

“Let's go." William looked at his watch and said, "I'll have lunch with him at noon."

"Where are you guys eating at?”novelbin

"In the mountains. The air and foodover there are good," William sai"Diego has ast acd wouldh t doifthe ait ie bad. He got sick afterarriving in Northern City a few daysago, and now he's taking medicinefor treatment." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

After that, they left together.

Heinz helped William out of the room.

However, William shook off his hand and said, "You don't have to hold me. | can walk by myself.""Why are you so stubborn? | just want to make sure you're safe."

"No." William said firmly, "I'm fine."

Heinz had no choice but to put down his hand.

Half an hour later.

At a recreational club in the mountains.

The car was stopped in the parking lot at the club's entrance. Heinz took a look inside and asked William, "Does Diego livehere?"

"He lives in a manor nearby, but |don't intend to meet him ther omWilliam smiled; maith, the butlerHaalairddy opened the car door andWilliam was ready to get out. Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Heinz raised his eyebrows andthought to bing selli el bad, roanGrandpa. Mee exQiead cher’ teadofpishomarives home the fact thatDiego is your subordinate whilepreserving his reputation at the sametime." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

It was very courteous for William to be so mindful of Diego's dignity.

Just then, a group of people hurried out of the club. The leader was a middle-aged man with gray hair, and he looked to be ingood spirits.

He came over to William and stretched out his hand, shouting, "Boss!"

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