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Chapter 957

"Grace, did you say that Alice is back?" Heinz was a little surprised to hear that. He could not believe his ears. "Are you sure?Did you see Alice?"

"Why did you not tell me that Alice had been kidnapped? This is the reason you and Jensen are not back yet even though it's solate, right?" Grace questioned Heinz when she realised that he could not believe her words. "| already know what happened.Alice is unconscious right now and the family doctor is on his way. According to the kidnapper, Alice is fine."

She briefly told Heinz about their conversation.

As a result, Heinz’s heart was full of mixed emotions.

Of course, he was a little disheartened and felt even more guilty. "Grace, I'm sorry."

"It's alright. You should come home now." Grace urged.

"I'm on my way!"

Heinz hung up the phone and immediately looked at Jensen. "Jensen!"novelbin

Before he finished his words, Jensen's phone suddenly rang.

Heinz had to remain silent and waited for Jensen to finish his call.

“Boss, we've managed to track down the location where the ambulance is parked."

Jensen asked, "Who did it? Did you find out?"

"Xavier Scott." the subordinate said, "A man named Xavier went to buy two decommissioned cars.""What's his background?" Jensen asked in a deep voice.

"He is the godson of Miranda Scott, Marry's mother."

In an instant, Jensen realized that it was Miranda who had been playing tricks on them.

"| want you to arrest them!" Jensen said, "| want you to arrest Xavier first."

"Yes, but we would need an arrest warrant."

"I'll get one for you later." Jensen said in a low voice, "Go and arrest him now. I'll be there soon.""Yes, sir!"

After hanging up the phone, Jensen looked at Heinz and said, "Marry's biological mother, Miranda, was the mastermind. Itseems that she's doing this for Marry."

Heinz said, "The kidnapper has released Alice. She's in my house and Grace has already seen her."

“Alice is in your house?" Jensen was stunned at once and did not seem to believe his words. He asked, "Heinz, are you forreal?"

"Why would | lie to you?" Heinz said, "Grace called to inform me. She asked us to go back now as she has something importantto discuss with us."

"Since Alice is back home safely and we've managed to find out that Xavier was the one who kidnapped her, then we shouldarrest Xavier first. We must not let him escape."

“After that, we will only go and look for Miranda. Let's see what she wants. | don't want us to be passive.”With a solemn look, Jensen said, "You should head back first. | will come over as soon as we arrest Xavier."

Heinz said, "Leave it to your men to arrest him. My men can go with your men. | think you should come with me. Alice is currentlyunconscious."

Jensen was startled. His eyes were suddenly filled with worry as he asked, "She's knocked out?"

“Let's go." Heinz didn't care about what he said. "Hurry up."

Then, Jensen quickly arranged for his men to arrest Xavier. After that, he hurriedly followed Heinz home.Once they arrived.

The butler was waiting for them.

"Sir, Officer Charm, the two of you are back!"

"How is Alice?" Jensen immediately asked.

The butler said, "She just woke up. The family doctor said that Miss Smith had been drugged. The dose was not high and thereare no side effects. It's not life threatening.”

Then, Jensen immediately breathed a sigh of relief.His expression grew grave as he said, "I'm going to check on her."As he spoke, Jensen rushed to the guest room. It was the room that they had just cleared out.

When Heinz saw Jensen rushing over to see Alice, he too followed suit. As soon as Jensen arrived in the guest room, he quicklypushed the door open and sat on the edge of the bed. Alice was leaning against the head of the bed with a pale face.

The two sisters seemed to be engaged in a conversation.

As soon as Jensen opened the door, the two sisters immediately turned their backs and were met with Jensen.



Next, Jensen rushed to the bedside and checked on Alice to see if she was injured.

Alice said, "I'm fine. I'm fine."

Jensen's face met Alice's and he caught sight of her chin. There were some pinch marks on her chin.

Then, he frowned and checked Alice's chin. His heart ached at the sight of the pinch marks and he asked, "Does it hurt?"On the other hand, Alice was a little embarrassed by his worried gaze. She shook her head and said, "No, it doesn't."

Actually, it did hurt. She tried her best not to flinch when Jensen touched her chin. However, she did not want him to worry abouther. So, she endured the pain.

As Jensen stroked her face, he said, "It must hurt a lot as this is Xavier's doing."

Alice was stunned and asked, "Who is Xavier?"

Jensen said, "He's Marry's biological mother's godson. He was the one who kidnapped you."Alice was stunned. "That's no wonder. It turned out to be Marry's godbrother.”At that time, Heinz also arrived at the door.

When he saw that Alice was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Grace and said, "Give me a minute. | want to callUncle Charm to inform him that Alice is home."

"Alright." Grace nodded and said, "Tell them not to worry and ask them to get some rest. Alice will not be heading over tonight.She's going to spend the night here.”

"Alright."Then, Heinz picked up the phone and called Nelson.

When the phone was connected,Heinz said, "Uncle Charm, Alice hasbeen found. She just wake ug SHe |wag Kimapped b Marry's mother'sgodson, Xavier Scott. She's with usright now. We will deal with the rest.So, you should get some rest." Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Nelson was relieved when he heardthe news and said, "It's good thashe's back. Heinz sqreyicn tt SehsenthanmtaniersS anything that he needs,he can always come and see me. I'msure | can help. Kidnapping is not atrivial matter." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

"| know." Heinz said, "I will tell Jensen."

"Alright then.”

He hung up the phone.

However, Heinz and Grace did not go back to their rooms but they discussed it on the spot.Heinz also entered the room. "Alice, why don't you tell us what actually happened?"

Then, Alice briefly told them what had happened.

Jensen frowned as he heard Alice's recollection of what happened.

"Xavier, it's Xavier Scott. Miranda's godson."

Grace said, "| have no idea whetherthat person was Xavier but he calledme and asked me for afer oneyas ita heWway dif erent fromthé other kidnappers. In fact, his onlycondition was for us to let Marry go.He does not want Marry to go to jail.He was willing to discuss anything."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"How can you be sure?" Jensen asked anxiously. "Alice was kidnapped and drugged. We must not be careless. This will be veryunfavourable for us in the future."

"Jensen, | promised him that we will not pursue this matter if he releases Alice. | made him promise that Alice would be safe andsound." Grace asked, "Did you send your men to arrest him?"

"Yes." Jensen nodded. "This man must be arrested. He committed a crime and | am a police officer. So, | have to arrest him."

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