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Chapter 954

At the Charm family home.Jensen's parents, Rosalie and Nelson were not asleep yet. At that time, they were resting against the headboard of their bed.

Rosalie's face was filled with anger. Inwardly, she was also seething as she said, "What do you think this is? It took me a lot ofeffort to convince myself to accept Alice as my daughter-in-law. | tried my best to tell myself that she is still very young and that |shouldn't stoop to her level. | should accept her for Jensen's sake."

"But look at her now, she just moved in for just one night. Today, she lost her temper and moved out. Plus, it's already so late atnight and she hasn't come back yet. Is this what you call a good daughter-in-law?"

“A few days ago, she spent the entire day at Hart Villa District with Jensen and made him neglect his job. They spent the entireday in bed and wasted precious time."

“And now, she's run away in the middle of the night. | think she's just using her mother's death as an excuse to lose her temperand leave the house, taking Jensen along with her. Is this family not good enough? It's just s*x, right? Did she have to run away?Everyone has been there before. So, is it worth it?”

Nelson frowned when he heard his wife's words and said, "Don't say such nasty words. Don't forget that you're her mother-in-law. It's not nice of you to say such unpleasant words."

"If she doesn't want me to say anything bad about her, she should not have run away!" Anger rushed through Rosalie and shefound it hard to calm herself down.

“Alice's mother is dead. She was upset that Jensen did not tell her about it. Thinking about it, you're the one to blame." Nelsonsaid in a low voice, "| answered Jensen's phone call but you had to listen in to our conversation. When you heard what Jensensaid, you had to go and tell Alice. I'm sure they must have gotten into an argument."

"Why did you have to tell Alice about her mother's death?""Jensen already mentioned not to tell Alice anything but why did you do it?"

“Her mother is dead. I'm not surprised that she's upset. | think it's reasonable for her to lose her temper.” "How would | know thatJensen didn't allow us to tell Alice?" Rosalie rebutted.

Then, Nelson immediately retorted, "Why are you still denying it? I'm pretty sure you've listened to every single word of ourconversation. Just admit it. Now, Alice has run away from home and you're the cause of it."

Rosalie opened her mouth but she was at a loss for words.

"We should be more understanding and I'm sure they would be able to work things out. You're the one who keeps tossing andturning. | was asleep and you woke me up. What do you mean by this? Why can't you be a little more understanding and let thisgo? Alice's mother is dead and you were the one who broke the news to her. Jensen warned us not to tell Alice and yet you toldher. Rosalie, if you're not kind to others, how do you expect people to be kind to you?"

Rosalie was trapped. She was fuming as she stared at her husband. Next, she slid downwards and lay down.However, not long after she lay down, she suddenly sat up again.

She sat up, reached for her phone, and got out of the bed.

"Where are you going?" Nelson asked.

"I'm going to give that woman a call. | want to ask her what the deal is." Rosalie picked up the phone and called Alice. However,as soon as she called her, she went straight to voicemail.

This made Rosalie very angry and she had no choice but to call her son. Thankfully, her son answered her call."Mom!" Jensen said impatiently, "What's up?"It was obvious that Rosalie was enraged when she heard her son's impatient tone.

She said in a sharp tone, "Why do you think I'm calling you? Do you have any idea what time it is now? What are you still doingat this hour? Come home this instant!"

“Alice is missing." Jensen said in a deep voice, "We can't seem to find her."

“Alice is missing? Ah, I'm pretty sure she did it on purpose. The girl seems a little unsettled." Rosalie instantly cursed. "What isshe trying to prove? | just told her that her mother was dead and she ran away from home."

"She did not run away from home, Mom, she's been kidnapped!" Jensen said in a low voice, "| have a feeling that she waskidnapped. The situation is a little uncertain. Mom, I'm warning you. if you do not know your place, let's live separately." "She waskidnapped?" Rosalie was also shocked.

"Who kidnapped her?"

"If | knew, | wouldn't be this anxious." Jensen said. He was ready to hang up the phone. "You know what, you guys should go tosleep."

"Wait!" Rosalie immediately stopped him. "Jensen, how did Alice get kidnapped?"“Mom, I'll explain it to you later. Stop calling." After saying that, Jensen hung up the phone in spite of his mother's mood.Rosalie was also stunned. She gripped her phone and pressed her lips together as she was starting to feel a little anxious.

She quickly turned around and entered the room. When she saw that her husband had fallen asleep, she quickly walked overand ripped the blanket off Nelson's body.

"What the hell are you doing?" Nelsonwas pissed off now. He look (aiswife coldl and said Bre you crazy?Praeinnce you don't want to sleep,it doesn't mean that other peoplecan't sleep!" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

"Alice was kidnapped." Rosalie

shouted, "| am not trying to mess

with you, okay? I'm. Ixwortiea! | '

Bowt sleepocetydurselt out of bed,

and see how you can help your son. |

think Jensen is really anxious. How

could Alice be so unlucky?" Please

read the original content at


"Who kidnapped her?" Nelson became anxious but he immediately calmed down. Then, he turned and looked at his wife withworry. "What happened?"

"| have no idea. Jensen has no idea who kidnapped her too. He told me not to call him. That's why I'm worried."Nelson frowned. Then, he got up to change his clothes.novelbin

"I'm going to see Jensen and then go to the police station. I'm going to use my connections to try and find her. Stay at home anddon't call him. | don't want you to disturb him."

“Okay, | know." Rosalie was also aware of the gravity of the matter. "I will not call him. You have to be careful.”Nelson glanced at her. Then, he turned around, reached for his phone, and left.

Meanwhile, Jensen was still inspecting the surveillance cameras. "Nothing?"

"No." The subordinate reported, "We have checked the houses, but we haven't found anything.”

"Then, let's go through the videos again. Start from the beginning and keep your eyes on the vehicles that pass through." Heinzsaid, "Maybe they used some other vehicle like a garbage truck."

"There wasn't any garbage truck." The subordinate said, "At that time, it should be very busy. | doubt there would be any othervehicles."

"This area is basically aneighborhood and there are a lotpeople. There eparaelas atheenrarabel 8d, I'm sure that they musthave been taken away." Jensen saidwith a grave look, "I'm going to keepmy eye on the exits." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

He felt that he must have neglected something. There was no way a person would not disappear into thin air just like that.

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