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Chapter 934

“Lawrence, it's you! You killed her!" Timothy shouted. He was filled with grief and indignation.Everyone was stunned. So was Lawrence. He did have a knife in his hand, but he did not kill her.The truth was that it was Candace who slit her own throat and committed suicide.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something. However, he could not bring himself to say anything as his voice was stuckin his throat. He could not utter a word.

Then, Heinz finally returned to his senses. Candace was already dead. He was unable to change the hopeless situation.He was shocked as he stared at the scene in front of him. There was no way he could have saved Candace.

He did not know how to explain it to Grace. He regretted not coming over to see his father earlier. Perhaps he could havestopped him.

However, at that time, he could not bring himself to put aside his pride. He was very annoyed. That was why he decided not tocome over.

As a result, his mother-in-law actually ended her own life.

Judging by the situation, it seemed like it was his dad who had killed his mother-in-law.

Heinz felt that his father must have lost control and decided to kill his mother-in-law in a fit of rage.

Hence, Heinz felt that he was responsible. If he hadn't asked Lawrence to come, this would not have happened.Even though he regretted his decision, there was no way to turn this around.

"You, you killed her?" Heinz stared at his father.

Lawrence stiffened. His expression was also stiff as he looked at Heinz. He opened his mouth again, but he still could not sayanything.

"He killed her!" Timothy's eyes were blazing with fury. He pointed at Lawrence and said, "He was the one who killed her.""Call the police." Heinz gritted his teeth and shouted, "Lester, hurry up and call the police.”"Okay." Lester looked at everyone and eventually took out his phone to call the police.

However, Lawrence did not stop him. He just stood there and stared at Candace’s lifeless body. There was still a steady flow ofblood coming out of her slit throat.

Meanwhile, he sat on the ground, like a puppet. He had no reaction whatsoever.Tears welled up in Grace's eyes. She did not expect that she would cry.

That was her mother. No matter how resentful she was, Candace was still her mother.At that point, she still could not help it but to want to cry.

No one would be able to understand what she was feeling.

Then, Timothy reached out to stroke Candace's face as tears welled up in his own eyes. Her eyes were wide open, and therewere still blood stains at the corners of her mouth.

Timothy glared at Lawrence hatefully and angrily accused him. "She only has less than two months left on this earth. How canyou bear to kill a dying woman? What can you get by killing her?"

Nevertheless, Lawrence did not react at all, but his eyes were still fixed on Timothy.

Lawrence was looking at Timothy as he held Candace in his arms. He suddenly stood up and walked over to Timothy.Hence, Timothy was stunned.

Lawrence stopped in front of him and grabbed

Timothy with both hands. He lifted Timothy up forcefully and pulled him aside. Then, he rushed to the bed and gatheredCandace's body into his arms.

He looked down at the woman in his arms. Then, he reached out and gently closed Candace's eyes.

“Let go of my mother." Grace stood up and staggered to the bed. "You're a murderer. You have no right to touch my mother. Lether go!"

Alas, Lawrence turned a deaf ear to her words."Alex, take him away." Heinz immediately ordered.

"Okay." Alex hurried over to the bed and reached out to tug at Lawrence. However, he did not want to budge. He held Candacetightly and did not move at all.

No matter how much strength Alex exerted, Lawrence could not be moved.

Hence, Lawrence did not seem to want to let go of Candace. He just held her tightly as if he was protecting the most precioustreasure in the world.

Alas, this woman was never going to wake up again.

She actually committed suicide. Then, Lawrence looked at her hand and he noticed that there was a hairpin in her right palm.The special hairpin had a sharp blade on it and the blade was protruding


Furthermore, there was blood all over the blade.

Lawrence narrowed his eyes before he closed them and hugged Candace tightly once again.

Alex was also shocked by this situation and he did not know how to deal with it.

On the other hand, Heinz frowned, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Meanwhile, Timothy who'd been pulled away quickly rushed forward and raised his fist to punch Lawrence."Slam!"

Timothy's fist landed on Lawrence's cheek, but he did not even try to avoid it.

Next, Timothy raised his fist again and wanted to punch Lawrence again.

"Stop!" Grace snapped. "Stop it!"

Timothy was stunned when he heard Grace's voice. He looked back at Grace only to see her standing there with red-rimmedeyes and tears on her face. She quickly wiped them away before she could clearly see Timothy. Then, she looked at him andsaid, "Please don't fight anymore. The police are on their way and they will escort him out of here. He will get the punishment hedeserves."

As soon as Lester was done with the call, he came in and said, "President Jones, I've called the police. They are rushing overright now. I've also called Officer Charm and he is on his way as well.”

However, Heinz did not say anything.

Grace said, "No one is allowed to touch anything in this crime scene."

When Timothy heard Grace's words, he instantly understood what she meant.She wanted to preserve all the evidence.

He dropped his fist, and his hand fell limply down by his side. He looked at Grace and asked with concern, "Grace, are youalright?"

However, Grace found it hard to express what she was feeling inside her heart. She felt unspeakably uncomfortable and stifled.She shook her head. "I'm fine. Mr. Yarbrough, you don't have to do this."

She was partially to blame for her mother's demise.

Although Grace was upset, she did not lose her rationality.

Then, she looked at Lawrence with agleam of light flashing in her eyes."Lawrence, even if ypeaie ek you!didn't have to dO this, do you? Youactually killed a dying person. Shebarely had 3 months left in this world.You really are ruthless." Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Grace spoke very slowly and every word was a thunderclap in the ears of everyone present.

Alas, Lawrence maintained his silence, as if he had not heard anything. He just held Candace in his arms.Hence, Grace became furious. "You've already killed her. Why are you still being so sentimental?"

Candace was dead. What's the point of holding her now?novelbin

On the other hand, Heinz was afraid that Grace would overreact. So, he stepped forward and wanted to hold her.As soon as Grace saw Heinz's hand, she swatted his hand away.

Heinz froze.

After casting him a glance, she looked in the direction of Lawrence again.

Heinz understood what she meant. She wanted to take matters into her own hands.

Heinz pursed his lips and a sharpglint flitted across his gloomy. face:He walke over andistoba next toLaWrén ._ In. asolemn voice, he said,"Put her down and wait outside."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Lawrence was in a daze. He heard Heinz's words but he did not say anything. A dim light flashed in his eyes.Then, he took a deep breath and let go of Candace by placing her body gently on the bed. Then, he stood up.Without hesitaion, Timothy served up another knuckle sandwich to Lawrence.

Timothy was unable to hold back hisanger as he punched Lawrenceagain. He said tesnbetifeafd Yousppaathinid tha you wanted to kill her.| thought you said it out of spite, but |didn't think you would actually do it."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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