True Fated Marriage (Grace and Heinz)

Chapter 931 Conclusion
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Chapter 931 Conclusion

In the distance, Grace and Heinz both saw Lawrence acting strangely, especially Heinz. They noticed that Lawrence's entirebody was shaking.

Grace's heart skipped a beat at this sight. She immediately lowered her voice and said, "Heinz, go and have a look."

Lawrence had thrown up blood. It seemed that he had heard a lot of things that he shouldn't have, which consequentlyaggravated his health.

Heinz's face stiffened and said in a clipped tone, "I'm not going."

Grace was very worried. She looked at Lawrence standing at the door from afar, clearly noticing the tension all over his body. Itseemed that he was truly furious.

Therefore, Grace stood up with concern.

"Sit down," Heinz uttered deeply.

His voice was slightly loud and tense, which gave Grace a scare.

She subconsciously glanced at him and shivered.novelbin

After that, Heinz seemed to have realized something. "I'm sorry," he said immediately. "Did |scare you?"

Grace quickly shook her head. "I'm all right. You'd better hurry up and check on him, Heinz. What if your father collapses fromaggravation?"

"That would be his fate," Heinz answered with restraint. "He should suffer for his mistakes. That's how it should be."

Grace's heart trembled upon hearing this and she felt very uncomfortable. She didn't know how to comfort Heinz and could onlysay, "Heinz, |-"

"Grace, don't say anything more." Heinz shook his head at her and sat on the stone bench without saying another word.Grace's words were stuck in her throat. She knew that Heinz couldn't get over his grudge against Lawrence.

Frankly, the way Lawrence had treated his mother had hurt him too much.

She completely understood this.

She could only glance at Lester and give him a look, hoping that Lester would go and take a look at Lawrence.

Having gotten the hint from Grace's gaze, Lester pondered for a moment before nodding his head and left.

Only then did Grace let out a sigh of relief.

She watched as Lester approached Lawrence.

In the interim, in the room.

Candace shouted at Timothy, "Who will compensate for the hardship I've suffered in this life? You're asking me about love, butwhy does love matter? If | were to blindly rely on love, | would have long been dead. The reason why | can live now is allbecause | hate you."

"Timothy, | love you, but | hate you even more. You were the one who brought me all my misfortune. Now, you're standing on themoral high ground and lecturing me. What right do you have to do that?"

Timothy was suppressed to the point that he could not speak. He stared at the woman in front of him with anger in his eyes anda livid face. "Since you love me, why did you have to go and ruin Anderson and Lawrence? Do you know that what you've donehasn't just ruined them but the children too? Your three children have all been ruined by you."

“How can there be a woman who has three children with three different men? Don't you think that you're disgusting?"

"If you hate me, you can come for me. Why did you have to harm the children?" "I was willing to do so because it was what theydeserved. They deserved all the horrible things that happened to them," Candace screamed in contempt. "! enjoyed seeing thembeing ruined by me. It makes me feel good."

Just then, the door was thrown open with a loud bang.

Lawrence stood at the door with an ashen face. His clothes were dyed red from the blood on his chest, and the corners of hislips were also dripped with red. It made him look even more pallid.

He glared at Candace in fury and bit out the words, "What did you just say?"

Meanwhile, Candace was stunned. She seemed surprised at his appearance but strangely prepared at the same time. Shelowered her gaze slightly to conceal the emotions in her eyes.

In the face of Lawrence's rage, Candace did not show the slightest bit of fear and worry as she lay on the bed. Instead, sheappeared to be very calm.

Timothy was also shocked when he saw Lawrence's appearance.

He'd thrown up some blood.

It seemed that Candace had really hurt him.

Then, Timothy sighed silently. Anyone who encountered a woman like Candace would probably end up with the same fate.

It had taken him many years to get over the pain brought by this relationship. He hadn't expected that an old man like Lawrencewould still be unable to leave his agonizing feelings behind.

“Lawrence, you're just in time. Since you heard what | said, | might as well say it directly." Candace raised her gaze and lookedat Lawrence. Ignoring the blood on his chest, she uttered, "I don't love you, and | never have. | only wanted the care andgentleness you gave me."

Upon hearing this, Lawrence's body swayed on his unsteady feet again and he had almost collapsed.

He was beyond furious, and the anger in his heart burned into a raging fire, fiery enough that his whole body was scorched withhostility.

"Timothy, leave," Lawrence growled, gritting his teeth.

Timothy was stunned and he frowned. "Lawrence, why don't you give up already after hearing all of this? A woman like Candaceisn't worth your anger."

He truly sympathized with an old man like Lawrence. The man was approaching his golden years, yet Candace still pissed himoff to no end.

It seemed that Lawrence had genuinely fallen in love with Candace. That was why he had put in so much effort and giveneverything in exchange for that woman's lies.

He was probably reluctant to give her up.

But what could he do now even if he didn't want to give up?

"Get out! Timothy, get out right now. | have something to say to Candace alone,” Lawrence bellowed in a low voice.Timothy nodded calmly. "Fine.""Wait!" Lawrence suddenly stopped him.

Timothy halted his footsteps and his brows furrowed lightly. He looked at Lawrence and asked, "Do you have something else tosay?"

"Candace, since both he and | are here now, say it again. Is he the one you love?" Lawrence pointed to Timothy and questioned.

As soon as Lawrence finishedspeaking, Candace followedfiercely, s ying \this ey business.What ddés it have to do with you?Why should | say it in front of you?"Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

“Because | want to see if your heart is made of flesh and blood. | want to see whether you have a heart or not."Candace burst into laughter, chuckling casually as though he was referring to someone else but her.

She didn't care at all.

“What are you laughing at?”

"I'm laughing at your childishness,"Candace answered with animpassive tone. She looked atTimothy before she saitigoleatnly toee\DIoVs Kim. I've only lovedimothy from the beginning untilnow. | live every day missing andhating him, and each day feels like ayear. All of you are his substitutes,and all of you can't compare to him. |love him, but | hate him more." Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

“Woman, you're absolutely shameless," Lawrence seethed angrily. "Timothy, leave."Timothy pondered for a moment before he went out.

However, Candace called, "Timothy!"

Timothy turned around and looked at her.

Candace gazed into his eyes, whichwere full of reluctance. She suddenlysmiled as if she had let go oc oll}nating ended ding hergoodbyes to things she had beenholding on to. She looked at him andspoke, "Timothy, | love you. Even if |hate you to death, | still love you.Goodbye." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Timothy furrowed his eyebrows and felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

Nevertheless, Candace was still smiling. There were all kinds of emotions flashing across her eyes, which were incrediblycomplicated.

Timothy was a little stunned, but in the end, he turned around and left anyway.

He felt that it was the day where Candace and Lawrence would reach a conclusion, and they had much to talk about.

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