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Chapter 906

After hearing what Heinz said, Rosalie's face instantly turned pale and lost its color.

She suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked at Heinz who was in front of her. His words undoubtedly woke her from her blindrage.

It was only after a moment's hesitation that Rosalie realized that her son was already married with a certificate. If he gotdivorced, it would indeed affect his road to promotion in the future. Why didn't she think of this?

She always felt that since the news of her son's marriage had not been spread, and others did not know about it, she couldforget about it.

However, the marriage certificate really did exist. How could it be written off?She was really confused.It was all because of that woman, Alice. If she hadn't been so anxious to marry Jensen, he would definitely have had a choice.

When they were at their most intimate, they chose to get married. They should have had a good talk with each other, and thenthey would naturally separate when their relationship turned cold.

However, she was in too much of a rush to stop them.

She had been so irrational that she made a mistake. She had wanted to break them up in such a hurry. As a result, theirrelationship seemed to improve and they even hated her.

Rosalie was even angrier at herself. What on earth was she doing?

Heinz saw Rosalie's expression change over and over. He knew that Rosalie had processed his words.The only thing that could touch the deepest part of Rosalie's heart was probably Jensen's promotion.Jensen's future was more important than anything else.

If his status kept rising, it would be an honor to the Charm family. Someone like Rosalie who highly valued her reputation wouldnaturally feel very proud.

Heinz knew that Rosalie was always a person who valued reputation very much, up to the point where everything else wassecondary to her.

She was also a selfish mother. She thought that reputation was more important than true happiness.

Heinz sighed. Maybe every parent had their own shortcomings. Where were the parents who truly selflessly devoted themselvesto their children?

He didn't think he had seen one before, but he hoped he could be that one. He hoped that he could be a good father in thefuture.

Heinz looked at Rosalie indifferently. At this time, the butler served a pot of tea and added some water for Rosalie.“Aunt Brooks, please have some tea!" Heinz said plainly, trying his best to be a host.He picked up the teacup and took a sip. As he tasted it, the mellow aroma of the tea diffused the bitterness in his throat.

Heinz looked up at Rosalie again. "You've always been a smart person in my eyes, and you always know what Jensen wants,Aunt Brooks. I'm sure you will congratulate them. Not to mention that Alice is now my sister-in-law and the only heir to the Smithfamily. Her older sister has been put in prison, while Grace won't inherit any of the Smith family's assets."

The reason Heinz said that was because Grace's status had changed.

He guessed that someone self-aware like Grace would not go after assets that were not technically hers. After all, Anderson wasnot her biological father.novelbin

Her biological father was Timothy, so Heinz concluded that Grace would not accept any property from the Smith family, andwould probably give it to her sister Alice instead.

Rosalie had been given a rude awakening, and was then informed about Alice's status. Rosalie's expression was still incrediblyunpleasant.

She knew that the higher Alice's status was, the lesser her son would appear to be. Jensen was a policeman, and his salary waslow.

Heinz was saying this as a reminder to her. She nodded and said, "Heinz, | know what you mean. You want me to give myblessings to Jensen and Alice."

"Yes, Aunt Brooks, we might as well say it openly. | hope that you would calmly accept Alice as your daughter- in- law. After all,Jensen's and Alice's marriage is not yours, so you should accept it with a congratulatory mindset."

Rosalie thought about it and sighed. "I've lost! Although | don't want to admit it, I've lost. I've lost to my son's future. I'm worriedabout it. | still don't like Alice, but | have no choice. | can only let them go on like this."

Heinz smiled slightly, but did not show it too much. Fortunately, it was not too late. At leastRosalie knew to change and accept the facts.

"Since they have you to persuade me, if | were to not to give way, you would think I'm a very sharp person. Let's hold thewedding earlier then. When Jensen comes, you can tell him."

"If that's what you think, Aunt Brooks, | truly feel immensely happy. Thank you for being able to calmly accept this calmly. | thinkJensen and Alice will be grateful towards you, and they will soon give birth to a grandson for you."

"Thank you for your blessings." No matter how unhappy Rosalie was, she had to consider her son's future. "I'd like to meet Alicealone. Can | have a few words with her?"

Heinz raised his eyebrows and thought for a moment. Since Rosalie had agreed, if he did not let them meet in an attempt toprotect Alice, he was afraid that it might not work out. He nodded and said, "Okay."

"Then, I'll go to the door first. Ask her to come out and see me off. I'll have a few words with her.""Okay, please wait a moment, Aunt Brooks." Heinz stood up and quickly returned to the room.

Alice immediately stood up as soon as he walked in. She looked at Heinz worriedly and asked, "H-Heinz?"

Seeing how restless she looked, Heinz understood how anxious Alice was.

She and Grace faced each other withsolemn looks. Heinz laughed

said, "I thi kyqu @ wd feo Nervous,ABS isn'ta tiger or anything,so why are you so nervous?" Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"Heinz, it's not like you don't knowwhat's going on. Jensen's mother jvery powerful. s-pormnitbrol Alide toworryaboutit Forget her, becauseeven I'm worried that Jensen'smother is looking for trouble!" Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"Aunt Brooks does indeed want toseparate Alice and Jensen, but she'sbeen scared off by the fact that her

son will then have arpardiagenistsry,whjehammghibaleet his road to

promotion. Now, she will probablygive her blessings to Alice andJensen, so Alice, you should go andsee her off now. She told me to giveyou and Jensen her blessings. Yourgood days are ahead." Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Heinz said in encouragement.

Alice was stunned and said in great surprise, "Heinz, you mean Jensen's mother has agreed?"

"Yes, she told me that she wishes you and Jensen the best. You can see her off now to show your sincerity.”Alice pursed her lips and nodded in excitement. "Alright, Heinz, I'll go now." "Go ahead." Heinz's eyes were full of support.Alice looked at Grace, whose eyes were also brimming with surprise and encouragement.

This was for the best. A marriage that had received blessings would be a happy one.

Alice turned around and left.

When she arrived at the gate, she saw Rosalie standing there. Rosalie was looking at her coldly.

Alice's heart stiffened. Could it be that Rosalie had not been sincere about giving her and Jensen blessings?Rosalie's gaze made her look like a vicious god.

Rosalie's gaze was incredibly cold as she looked at Alice. It was frigid as ice.

Alice walked up to her and stopped in her tracks rigidly, behaving like that typical of a daughter-in-law.

“Are you doing whatever you want?" Rosalie asked coldly.

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