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Chapter 897

Candace's breathing quickened and her chest heaved.She sniffed, pursed her lips, and shifted her gaze.

Her old- looking face looked ferocious and unpleasant, but Timothy didn't look away. He continued to look at her appearance andrecalled her beautiful looks from the past.

At that time, she was as beautiful as a fairy, with a graceful figure and a gentle face, which was soulstirring.

But now, she was very ugly and old.

She was no longer the same as she used to be.

At this moment, he felt somewhat despicable. In order to get a real answer, he had said these words to her so tenderly.He couldn't even tell if this was him taking advantage of her to get the answer he wanted.

He told himself that he was doing this for the sake of his daughter, but honestly, for some reason, he didn't even know whether itwas the truth or not.

He felt that there was a bit of darkness in his heart, and that he was not being frank enough.If his frankness could be exchanged for an answer, he would rather be frank.But now, it was difficult. There was not much time left for Candace, and before that, he had to find out Lawrence's true thoughts.

Otherwise, it would be too dangerous if Lawrence hurt Grace even more in the future. As a father, he had to do something for hisdaughter, whose debt he had been in for a long time. Even if he had to use ambiguous methods, he would do it.

“Lawrence's financial crisis has made him so poor that he wants to ask Heinz for money, right?"

Candace was stunned and she looked at him blankly. Suddenly, her eyes became serious and she said in a low voice, "Timothy,you'd better not worry about it. I've told you the answer. The news about Grace and Heinz was masterminded by me and hasnothing to do with Lawrence. You don't need to deceive me by acting so gentle, though | admit that it's very attractive."

“But this was in the past, and it's not important to me anymore. | thank you for showing up now. Putting on this act with me in thelast moments of my life is enough for me."

As if she had confirmed that Timothy was acting, Candace did not believe that he had feelings for her, so she didn't hold ontomuch feelings either. Although she loved him the most, he had another woman. She had no confidence in how seriously he tookfeelings. The past was the past, and she did not want to dwell on it anymore.

Hearing what she said, he smiled slightly. He didn’t say a word for a long time. He didn't know how to say it. Maybe she hadexposed his lie.

If he said something that wasn't something from the bottom of his heart, then it was a lie.He stared at her. He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and somehow, he felt as if he had been released from a heavy burden.

"I've given you the answer, but you don't want it," she said. "| can’t do anything about it. Since you don't believe it, why do youkeep asking?"

"Is Lawrence that worthy of your protection? Even if he knows you don't love him now, and comes to get payback from you,would you still want to protect him?"

"I'm not protecting him."

“But | think that you are indeed protecting him. You're not telling him the truth."

Timothy's calm and steady tone stunned her for a while.

“No, I'm not protecting Lawrence."

“He wants to see you," he said again. "Do you want to see him and give him a chance to ask if you

love him or not?"

Panic filled Candace's eyes. She stared blankly into his gaze.

His expression was dark, and his eyes were fixed on hers as if he was looking into her heart.

"| won't see him!" She immediately said quickly. "| won't see Lawrence."

"But | really want you to see him. | think you should see him. If you don't, you'll be giving him hope. | want to see him stop trying."

He continued to stare into her eyes and said in self-mockery, "I want to see if you'll still think it's worthwhile protecting him whenhe comes to you for revenge."

There was a hint of gloom in his voice.Candace's heart tightened. "Wh-What do you plan to do? Will you be happy seeing him take revenge on me?"

"Yes, | will be!" Timothy's deep eyes flashed with brilliance. He looked at her and said excitedly, "I told you, I'm jealous. Even ifyou aren't with me, even if you've been with two other men, | hope that you will always love me."

“Love you?" She looked at him. "Timothy, have you been expecting me to love you all this time?" "That's right!"

“Look at my face." She pointed to herself. "Look at me now. Don't you think | look so old? When | look like this, do you dare tokiss me?"

He pursed his lips and looked at her.He was silent and didn't say anything.

She laughed in self-mockery. "Lawrence dares to. He kissed me. Even though I'm ugly to the point where even | find myselfdisgusting, he kissed me without any hesitation at all. Don't you think he really loves me?"

He lowered his head slightly and stared at her.

"See, you can't do it. You don't love me. How can | not worry for Lawrence? | won't see him. | don't want to shred his hope,because that's too much."

Suddenly, he reached out and gently pinched Candace's chin with his slender hand.

"| won't kiss you because it's not allowed between the two of us," Timothy said in a low voice."Timothy!" She suddenly panicked.

"So what if | kiss you?" As he said this, he bowed to her and planted a kiss on her forehead.In that instant.

Her breathing became more rapid, and she grabbed the sheets on the bed.

He stepped back and looked at her calmly. "Candace!"

"Don't call my name." She looked up.There was a touch of enrgtian ia hehON ;$ wirictOwedre Iso covered with alayer of mist. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

"Tell me what Lawrence's real goal is," he said, word by word. "Do something good for our daughter."His voice was very soft, but she could hear him clearly.

She took a deep breath, and therewas a trace of helplessness in heyes. "You wo t beliavd fre-Sveh if |renyon how many times do | have tosay it? | really was the one whoplanned it, and it has nothing to dowith Lawrence." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.novelbin

“How did you plan it?" He said in a deep voice. "Tell me the intricacies of this matter in detail."She was stunned. There was a glimmer of light in her eyes, and her mind was in a daze.

"| can tell from your expression thatyou don't know the details at

you can't explain dvléay how am |supbaaeals believe that it was youwho planned it?" Timothy asked in alow voice. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

She turned her face away.The phone suddenly rang.

Timothy picked up the phone and saw that it was a call from his wife, Quinn Berkeley.

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