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Chapter 881

"Is there a car?"Norman immediately asked. "! don't have one."“Of course. If not, how would you escape?" Lawrence was already a little impatient. "Why do you ask so many questions?"

"I'm a little worried." He immediately smiled. "Sir, | was worried that | wouldn't be able to escape, so | was afraid. Since there's acar to pick me up and your plan is so well-rounded, I'm not afraid anymore."

As he spoke, he looked at Heinz.

Heinz nodded slightly, and Norman said to the phone, "Sir, I'll find a way to kidnap him tonight."“Alright, I'll be waiting for your news."

"Where can | go to meet you after | kidnap the child?"

"The two people at the door will take you to the place where you should go. Don't ask too much.""Yes!" Norman said. "I understand, sir. I'll do as you say."

“What's the situation now? Are they all asleep?”

"| saw that Heinz and Miss Smith have already returned to their room. It seems that the newlyweds have probably gone to bed.Their two children have gone to sleep early too!"

"You can make your move in the middle of the night once you're sure they're all asleep."“Okay, | understand.”The call ended. It seemed that Lawrence was impatient.

Norman immediately looked at Heinz obediently. Seeing how the father- son duo were butting heads, he felt like he was inatough position.

"Mr. Jones, what should | do?"

"Just follow Lawrence's words, kidnap Lowell, and meet up with the two people at the door," Heinz said lightly, his eyes full ofdecisiveness and strategy.

Norman was on high alert. "Mr. Jones, do you really want me to kidnap him?"Heinz rubbed the space between his eyebrows, his eyes sharp with fatigue.

"I'm also tired, so | should let some things be settled. As for your children, Lester has already arranged for someone to take themaway and they are in my hands. You've completed the task | gave you. Go back and reunite with your wife and children. Fromnow on, you don't have to get involved in these matters."

"Yes!" Norman was immediately overjoyed, and promised him, "If | can escape unscathed this time, | will no longer involvemyself in these matters. | will go back and live a good life."

Looking at Norman, who was making his promises, Heinz didn't say anything more.Norman handed the phone over again.

Heinz took the phone and looked at Lester. "Keep an eye on him. We're going to make our move at 12 o'clock. Lester, there willbe a fierce battle tonight. Are you all ready?"

"Yes, President. We're all ready!" He was very energetic.

Soon, Heinz returned to his room.

Just as Grace came out from the shower, she saw him come back."Did you go to see Norman?" She asked.

"Yes!" Heinz said. "| probably won't be able to sleep tonight. I'm planning to expose Lowell's matter to Lawrence." "You've madeup your mind?" She asked. He nodded and said, "Lawrence wants Norman to kidnap Lowell, and | agreed to it. We'll make amove after twelve o'clock. You should come with me. We'll see how shameless Lawrence will be after being exposed.”

"I'm afraid he'll be just like my mom." Grace didn't have a good impression of Lawrence. "They're the same. They're both selfish!""I'm going to take a bath," Heinz said. "No matter what they do, there will certainly be an exciting show tonight!"

"You're still talking about this. Anyone else would find this kind of thing very tricky to deal with, but you're still thinking of seeing agood show?" She didn't know whether to laugh or cry at his attitude.

He didn't seem to care at all. He said blandly, "No matter what, those two old people have already ruined their moral standing inour eyes. Let's hurry up to get this over with, and live our own lives. There's no need to be distracted by them any longer andwaste our feelings."

"Okay, go take a shower. You'll feel much better!"

After that, she went to find clothes for him. When he came out of the shower, she had changed into a pair of comfortable pants,so that it would be convenient to go out at night. Heinz wiped his hair and put on a bathrobe. He walked in front of her withoutsaying a word and gave her a hug.

"Don't be sad. Our family is reunited, and we're healthy. It's them who should be worried," he said gently.After thinking for a while, she understood and nodded.Truthfully, she knew it was just her heart that was agitated.

"Don't waste your feelings on them. They don't deserve it. Give your feelings to those who are worth it," he whispered softly andcomforted her. "The warmth of a family is something that your mother and my father won't give us for the rest of their lives. Youand | don't need it, as long as we can give that warmth to each other."

She nodded and turned around slightly, looking into his eyes.

He looked at her and put his big hands on her waist. He lowered his head, and the tip of his nose gently touched hers.

"| know and | understand, Heinz." She sighed lightly and said, "We have each other. Go and change your clothes. There's notmuch time for you to delay.”

It was almost 12 o'clock.

He nodded and said, "Okay, that's it then.”

After twelve o'clock.

After Grace and Heinz got in the car, they quietly drove out. When they arrived at the gate, they hid themselves a distance away.

As for Lester, he had already brought people to the gate, and quickly found the two men fifty meters away. He followed themfrom a distance as well.

Soon, Norman also took action and kidnapped Lowell. When he arrived at the gate, he met up with the two people.As soon as they got in the car, one of them asked Norman, "Have you been found out?"

"No, Old Mr. Jones said that Heinz'sattention is on him today, and thathewouldn't be at home 6a fi wds easyfonmetd kidnap him," Normanlooked at them and said. "Hurry upand call Old Mr. Jones." Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"Drive first!" The driver started the car and the other person began to make a phone call.“Mr. Jones, Norman has kidnapped Lowell. We're on our way back!"

“Alright, I'll be there soon as well!" Lawrence said in a deep voice.

Heinz followed Norman's car, speeding in the dark night.

The phone rang, and it was fromJensen. "Heinz, | followed UncleLawrence's car to Lagefard ap Hedrayeqraurd AR several times,and then turned back to NorthernCity. | guess he must have noticedme, and only drove around to distractme." Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.novelbin

"| noticed that too," Heinz said in adeep voice. "Hurry up and come backwith him. Ther = 9q KeeB toFSHIOWimnaayhbre. et him let his guarddown. When you return, I'll give youthe address. Come and meet up withme. Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

"Okay!" Jensen smelled the taste of victory. "Will it be very exciting tonight?”

"It'll be exciting for sure," Heinz said. "I'll wait for you to join."

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