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Chapter 879

“Let's do as you say. Lock her up completely, and then she'll die alone of her sickness."Grace nodded and said coldly, word by word.

Candace looked at Heinz and then turned her gaze to Grace. She saw that they all had the same cold attitude. She immediatelygrew helpless and looked at Zachary for help.

He didn't try to persuade them at all.Candace let go of her temper in an instant. "How can | be free?”

"It's impossible," Grace said in a cold voice. "There's nothing for us to discuss with you now, and you don't have anymorebargaining chips either."

"Grace!" Candace became anxious, and said, "I'm dying, and there's no value in using me anymore. Why do you have to dothis?"

"You brought this on yourself. When a person comes into this world, they have to go through suffering. If someone enjoysthemselves too much, they will have to pay for it. It's normal to suffer a bit when the end is near. Since you like to be b*tchy, youshould bear the price you have to pay for them." Grace had lost her patience, and she headed towards the door.

"Zachary, Heinz, ask someone to take her away. No matter what, don't let Lawrence find out where she went. Tell the public thatyou don't know," said Grace.

“Let's not send her to the hospital this time, but directly to our secret base, so that no one can find her. She can live out her lastdays in peace as well," Heinz promised.

"| won't go, Heinz. | won't go. You can't do this. Why do you get to decide my life? You can't do this," Candace was agitated.

"| didn't want to do this at first, but you've gone too far. You've already made a lot of trouble for us. Now, it's time for us to getpayback on you. It's only right for us to do this. Forget about it, | won't let you meet my father again." Heinz’'s attitude was verycold.

Seeing that there was no turning back, Candace's eyes were full of disappointment. She looked at Zachary sadly and said wordby word, "Zachary, have you also colluded with them?"

"They're treating me like this. I'm your aunt. | have been drifting from place to place all my life, and have gone through a lot ofmisery. My marriage was not happy, and neither was my family. Now, even my daughter is treating me like this, but you won'thelp me. Aren't you the virtuous child of the Lowe family?"

"I've never misjudged you. | think you're a good child. You are the hope of the Lowe family. How can you just stand by and donothing?"

“Aunt Candace, don't put me up on a pedestal. | can't help you this time either, because you let us down." Zachary did not speakfor her, and only looked at her calmly.

At that moment, Alex's voice came from the door. "President, the people are here!"

"Alright, take her away," Heinz ordered. "Check for any communication equipment on her body, and don't let anyone give hersomething she can use to communicate."


Then, Alex and four other people came in, carrying a stretcher in their hands, followed by a doctor in a white coat.The doctor came in and gave Candace a tranquilizing injection, and she soon fell asleep.

Alex ordered the people to carry her away.

Grace, Heinz, and Zachary were in the hall downstairs. It was just the three of them left.

Zachary looked at Grace carefully and wanted to speak, but on second thought, he hesitated.

He didn't know how to comfort her. He only felt that she was suffering a lot.

Grace looked at him and thought that Zachary would privately express his opinion about Candace being locked up.She pursed her lips and said, "Zachary, I'm not just saying it. This time, | won't be softhearted."

He was slightly stunned and immediately understood her meaning. "Did you think | was going to try to persuade you?"She was stunned for a moment and nodded. "Yes."

"| don't have a problem with what you do, so you don't have to be overly cautious," he said. "| can understand your feelings.Heinz, Grace, go back and rest. Don't think too much, and don't feel guilty.”

Heinz nodded. "You should go back and rest, too. Thank you for today. Otherwise, we might not have been able to find her."

"| happened to be passing by too." Zachary smiled, and said, "I felt that something was unusual. | was shocked to find out aboutthis situation today. | haven't asked you yet, are you two alright?"

Heinz and Grace instantly understood what he meant. He was concerned about the fact that the two elders gave birth to a child,who was their common brother.

“We've known it for a long time," Heinz said. "Also, Grace is almost certainly Timothy's daughter.""| heard Grace say that just now, and | was also very surprised,” Zachary said. "Is it confirmed?"

"We've done a DNA test, but the results haven't come out." Heinz looked at his watch and said, "It's too late. Let's go back andhave a rest. We'll talk another day."

"Okay!" The three of them left the Smith family mansion together.Grace and Heinz got in the car and left quickly.

Zachary looked at the mansion. The villa was so big. When the lights were off, it was pitch black, looking as desolate as ahaunted house.

He was about to leave when a phone rang inside the villa all of a sudden.

Zachary frowned and quickly walked in and returned to the hall of the mansion. He saw that the landline telephone inside wasringing.

He frowned as he walked over and picked up.

Zachary didn't say anything, because he didn't know who was calling.

Aman's voice came from the other side of the phone. "Candace?"

He was shocked and asked, "Are you looking for Candace Lowe?"

"Who is that?" Suddenly, the tone on the other end became sharper.

"Who is that?" Zachary asked in a low tone.

With a snap, the phone was hung up.

He held the phone, looked at the phone number, and wrote it down.

Grace and Heinz returned home.

Alice immediately rushed out. "Grace, Heinz."

"How are the children?”

"They're asleep, so is Lowell. Jensen has gone out and hasn't come back yet. Do you have any news about him?"novelbin

"He followed my father to LadefordCity," Heinz said. "I have arrangesi \ |int for hina pak Worry, He's a

p tere There won't be anyproblem." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

"Okay," Alice also nodded and said. "That's good."

Heinz called Lester over and went to the backyard.

Grace was exhausted beyond belief, but she still went to take a look at the children in the room.She was not at ease. She had to see the children before she could rest assured.

Alice followed her and said, "Grace, you don't look well."

"Alice, | don't think we share a father."Grace did not hide the t uth from\fier.Tesi gio ait Thatan admitted it. I'm at a lossnow." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

"Really?" Alice was astonished. Shewidened her eyes and looked atGrace with a bi ten gazd Shee Oiipyeaiataly said, "Grace, no matter ifyou are my father's daughter or not,you're still my sister. We're sisters."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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