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Chapter 868

It was a resort near the wilderness with high mountains in Northern City.

When they arrived, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Then it was very dark. Only a few lights were flashing, and the whole area was quiet.The car stopped at the side of the flower field, and the lights went out.

Meanwhile, the atmosphere in the car was very calm and quiet.

Timothy sat in the car and looked at the flower field that had long changed. His heart was beating faster, and he couldn't help butfeel sad.

Candace, who was sitting behind him, was already very weak. She looked like she was in unbearable pain. Beads of sweatbegan to form on her pale face, and she was struggling so hard to support herself.

He turned around and took a look at her. He opened his mouth and said, "| advise you to go back to the hospital. Your conditionlooks bad now. It’s not good."

"I'm about to die, so why do | want to look good?" She smiled. She was getting weaker, and one could barely hear her voice; itwas as if she had lost all her strength.

She looked at him and smiled. Then, she turned to look out of the window and said, "Timothy, | want to go down. Can you helpme?"

He frowned. It seemed that she was nearing the end, but she insisted on him helping her down.novelbin

He hesitated for a while and said, "You can't get down if you don't have enough strength now. It will make it even more painful foryou to get off the car."

“If | not, | will be very sad. | just want to take a look at this place. | want my ashes to be scattered here after | die, but | don't knowif someone will help me fulfill this wish," Candace said and laughed at herself. There was probably no one to help her.

Timothy narrowed his eyes and stared deeply at the woman in front of him. He didn't know what to make of her mood. He onlyfelt that it was very surprising that she had such demands.

"You are still Anderson's wife. After you die, you can only be buried next to him."

“Hell on. | would rather scatter my ashes than be buried next to him." Upon hearing this, Candace seemed to be particularlyresistant. "Anderson and | were a mistake."

Timothy frowned and was confused.

"Since it's a mistake, then why were you so eager to get married?"She looked at him and asked gently, "What do you think, then?"He was stunned by her nonsensical words.

Soon, she laughed and continued, "Anyway, | was anxious in the beginning. | also asked myself why | was rushing to getmarried. Why did | have to be with a man who was married? He has an ex-wife, and yet | wanted to marry him, to be astepmother to his child, to be good to his child, and to be harsh to my own child. What was all that for?"

He pinched the space between his eyebrows and said, "So cheap!"She smiled, but she was not angry. "Timothy, | have done something even worse. Do you want to hear it?”He looked at her quietly, with a sense of gloominess in his eyes. "Don't talk nonsense, just say it."

"Timothy, | had another son with another man. My life was not bad. | have you, Anderson, and him. My life is really worth it.Three men."

Hearing this, anger flashed in his eyes. His chest was rising and falling rapidly, and anger raised from the bottom of his heart.However, he felt more of a feeling of bitterness; it was extremely difficult to endure it. He was triggered.

Timothy snorted softly and said, "You're really shameless. Three men! And you still have the nerve to say it.”

"I'm about to die, so why wouldn't | dare to say it?" Candace smiled lightly, disapprovingly. "What else should | be afraid of now?""You are afraid of being imprisoned in the hospital!" He replied like he was wronged.

She was stunned. She smirked and said, "Yes, | am afraid that | will lose my freedom now. | don't have much time. | just want toenjoy my last time."

"It's worth it to have three men, so why exclaim it? Isn't it true that when you sigh, you envy those men and women who aretogether from the beginning until the end?" He couldn't help but point out her faults again.

She was stunned; she shrugged her shoulders and said, "Yes, don't you envy me? You won't think about those men and womenwho are together till the very end, will you? They grow old together, walk together hand in hand through life; it is so admirable.You haven't done it, have you?"

He opened his mouth and laughed at himself, but he still didn't say anything.He didn't know how to answer her question."You see, you have nothing to say. Which means that you also agree with my point of view." She smiled again and was so proud.

Timothy was very angry. He frowned and said in a low voice, "Don't tell me these pompous reasons, but looking at you, | knowyou regret leaving me."

"Yes, | regret it." she looked into his eyes and admitted it. "Timothy, | regret leaving you."His eyes narrowed and were twitching. An excitement rushed out of his eyes, and he stared at Candace.Those eyes were too heated and too focused.

Being stared at so intensely by Timothy, Candace lowered her eyes slightly and dared not looked into his eyes.

“But what's the use of regret? Time is gone. If | regret it again, | can only go forward.”

"You should admit that you regret it." He found his voice after a long time. "How could you?""Like you?" She chuckled. "You don't want to admit that you regret it, do you?”

He stopped talking.

She raised her eyes to meet his gaze.

The two of them looked into eachother's eyes. There was no need) fanweit Frrarsaracersfocd and

b Hoe hen regretted what they haddone. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

"Timothy, help me down. | really want to walk on this land again."

This demand was not too much, butit might be a little diffic tforeQt)ceqesserersmation ace. He felta ncoeake ple heartache for hercurrent situation. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

After all, he loved this woman deeply many years ago, and he had not been willing to give up even after all these years.In those years, the love he had for this woman in his heart could not be expressed with words.

Memories of the past surfaced in his mind. Those beautiful times were filled with the splendor of youthfulness.

Whether it was bitter or painful, he had deep regret in his heart.

But now, what was left? There was only an old woman who was dying and an old man who was always confused in the middle ofthe night.

What were they trying to achieve in this life?Was he really happy?

Timothy got out of the car. Heopened the back door ofthe canard| kel at ila wornanSi ting in theback seat. He stretched out his hand.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Candace saw him reach out his hand and she placed her hand in his.

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