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Chapter 856

Heinz sent the text according to Grace's suggestion.After a while, a reply pinged in.It proved that Grace's guess was right. Lawrence was simply acting on his suspicions, lacking in any conclusive evidence.novelbin

The reply said: Keep a close eye on them. You must ring me before 7 o'clock tomorrow. Otherwise, you'll face unbearableconsequences.

It seemed that Lawrence really didn't possess solid proof or evidence, and it was just pure suspicions on his part.Heinz set his phone down and said to Grace, "Take a rest. | will get Norman to call him tomorrow morning.""Alright." Grace nodded.

The two of them lay down, but sleep did not claim them.

Grace was riddled with thoughts and deeply troubled.

She didn't hear anything when Heinz spoke to her.

Heinz pulled Grace into his embrace, and only then did she come to her senses. She glanced at Heinz and said, "I've beenwondering how they can be so loving."

"What did you see?"

"| saw your father kissing my mother's forehead. She is so pale and frail, like an old woman." She said, "To be honest, | feltannoyed with just a glance, and | couldn't bear to do a double take. But Lawrence did not look the least bit annoyed at all. | can'tforget that scene when he kissed my mother." "I've never seen Lawrence behave this way with my mother. The two of them didn'teven hold hands in front of me. Over the years, my mother was treated coldly, and it has always stayed this way." Heinz recalledthe past and felt that his mother's life was just not worth it.

"Both your mum and my dad were unfortunate. Wait, maybe Anderson is not my biological father. | don't know who my father is.Heinz, who do you think he is? Do you think they're stopping us from being together because we share the same father?" WhenGrace thought of this, her face blanched. She looked at Heinz with horror in her eyes. "What if this is it? Is it because we share

the same father that they want to separate us?"

Upon hearing what Grace had said, Heinz's expression changed. He shook his head and said, "That's unthinkable. If we had thesame father, Little Gary and Ernest wouldn't be so smart. They would have been intellectually disabled. Now that they are notproducts of incestuous marriage, please don't stray into such thinking.”

Although he tried to comfort Grace, Heinz was still worried, because he could not explain why Lawrence and Candace hadexerted such painstaking effort to tear Grace and him apart.

And in the hospital, no matter how many times Grace had asked Candace who her biological father was, Candace did notanswer.

When he thought about it, Heinz felt terrified. Was he, by any chance, related to Grace by blood?The two of them were not sleepy. They stared at the ceiling and both fell deep into their thoughts.

After a long time, Heinz said, "| don't care. No matter who you are, | will be with you for the rest of my life. This is something thatcannot be changed, and | won't, too. You'd better be mentally prepared. | don't give a d*mn even if you and | are related byblood. Anyway, | have already married you, and you are my wife. At the very least, we can refrain from having children in thefuture."

When Grace heard Heinz's words, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

However, she could tell that Heinz was actually really afraid, and her hands and feet were ice-cold. She looked at Heinz andsaid, "Look at your face, it's so pale. Are you scared?"

“Perhaps a little!" Heinz admitted to it.

Grace said, "Heinz, | didn't say that I'll leave you. | just can't think straight. There are so many things | can't figure out, so mythoughts started rumbling. | don't think we are biological siblings. Even if they break us up, it shouldn't be for this reason."

"Stop thinking." Heinz turned over and pinned Grace. "Since you can't sleep, | can't either. Let's make out. When we are bothtired, we will fall asleep naturally."

If only Grace was in the mood. She shook her head and said, "No, I'm not in the mood. | feel irritated.”

Heinz took a deep breath, looked down at Grace, and asked, "Do you think that | may be your brother, so you dare not do that?""No!" Though she struggled for a while, she couldn't deny it. With this possibility in mind, she couldn't help but reject Heinz.

“And still you claimed it isn't." With a mere glance at her, Heinz knew what she was thinking.

That was exactly what was on her mind. She suspected that the two of them were biological siblings, so she began to reject him.

Although Grace refused to admit it, Heinz could see right through her. She turned her gaze to Heinz and said softly, "Heinz, | amso freaking upset. Although the possibility of that is very low, you know that once there is such a thought in your heart, you willsubconsciously reject it."

Heinz didn't say a word. He juststared at Grace with his wees iiAfter a long while he See "Then tellho EME eSilly are related by blood,will you feel repulsed when | touchyou like this?" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Grace blinked her eyes and looked a little confused. She looked at Heinz with struggle in her eyes. She pursed her lips and said,"Heinz, | don't know."

"You must know," Heinz said in a deep voice. "| need you to know that you are mine. | want you to be mine, regardless ofwhether you are related to me by blood or not."

Heinz lowered his head to gently kissGrace's cheek. He whispered in herear as if he was bound by a spell,"Don't think about i ike\this. C40think myrrathel wil let us be brotherand sister. We have alreadyweathered so much for our love. Lifeis So unfortunate. We can't have suchthoughts that destroy our feelings.We are destined to be together, sowe can't be related by blood." Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"But!" She looked up at him. "Why would they try so hard to break us up?"

"They are lunatics." Heinz said inadeep voice, "Don't worry about them.They are not in their ri migrdsy (fFt me ally,ywaritifo br kus up, theyuld just come clean about usbeing biological siblings. It wouldwork better than any other reason.But they didn't say that. It proves thatwe are not.’ Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Suddenly, Heinz raised his head as he spoke. His eyes were bright as he locked his gaze with Grace's. "What do you think?Grace raised her head and held Heinz's eyes.

Heinz tightened his grip on her shoulder. "Say, do you think we are fretting too much about this?"

"It seems so." Grace was a little embarrassed. She reached her arms to hold Heinz and said, "Heinz, am | not strong enough?"Heinz's lips moved close to Grace's, almost touching her lips. He said,

“Of course. You don't have to care about anything else but me, your husband, the father of your child. Nothing other than this.Now, have you committed that to your memory?"

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