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Chapter 846

“Alright, | promise you that no matter what you ask me to do, | will listen to you and cooperate with you," Lowell repliedobediently.

Heinz nodded with satisfaction. "Okay, let's work together to make that old man regret it.""But, what are you planning to do?" Lowell asked.

Heinz raised a finger and shook it slightly. He said, "Don't ask. Just do as | say, understand?""Okay," he nodded and said.

Soon, they went to look for Grace.

When the two adults and the three children were together, Grace asked, "What kind of game do you want to play? What role am| playing?"

Heinz said, "We will start the game as soon as the butler comes back. Little Gary, you and Ernest want Lowell to stay, don'tyou?"

Little Gary answered directly, "Yes, tell me what's your plan!"

"Are you going to fully cooperate with me?" Heinz asked.

"Of course.”

“Well then, come with me," said Heinz. After he finished his line, he took Lowell, Little Gary and Ernest to Ernest's room.It was not long until the butler came back.

"Sir, I've bought the rope and the chickens, together with the cage."

"Great, now first, help me tie Lowell up!" Heinz instructed in a deep voice.

Lowell was nonplussed. He thought of what Heinz had said, thus he did not ask anything, but just cooperated and reached out tolet the butler tie him up.

Seeing his reaction, Heinz nodded contentedly.

However, the butler didn't know what Heinz’s real intention was. He looked at him in surprise. How could he tie up such a smallchild?

That was what the butler was thinking, and he just stood there, not knowing what to do.Seeing that the butler did not move, Heinz urged instantly, "Hurry up, what are you standing there in a daze for?"The butler had no choice but to follow his order and tie Lowell up with the rope.

Once Heinz saw how it was done, he said immediately, "Not like this. It should be tied upside down. Tie his hands behind hisback and make it tight."

The butler had to do as he was told.

After Lowell was tied up, the butler subconsciously looked at Heinz and Grace.

The two of them didn't speak, and neither did the two boys. The butler really didn't know what Mr. Jones was up to.Moreover, Lowell was actually cooperating with them quietly.

After tying him up, Heinz gave a new instruction, "Go and slaughter a chicken, then bring over some chicken blood.”"Yes!" The butler replied so, but he was still confused and didn't know what the purpose of doing that was.

"Can you get the blood in five minutes?"

"Sure," said the butler. He felt that it shouldn't be complicated to kill a chicken and get the blood in five minutes."Don't let anyone know that you slaughtered a chicken and retrieved its blood," Heinz ordered solemnly.

The butler understood, hence he nodded and said, "Yes!" Soon, he went to perform his task.

Little Gary and Ernest both looked at Lowell, who was tied up, at the same time. Then, Little Gary asked, "You've gone too far.What the hell are you going to do?"

"Your job is to call for help. Come here, come close to me. I'll teach you how," said Heinz while waving his hand.

The two boys came together, and then the father and sons discussed excitedly.

Looking at Lowell, Grace walked up to him and asked, "Is it too tight?"

"It's okay. Don't worry, Grace. It's not a big deal," he comforted her instead.

"Alright then.”

After Heinz told the two children what to do, he bent down right away beside Lowell and whispered something in his ear.Lowell nodded repeatedly.

Soon, the butler brought back a black bow filled with chicken blood, which was covered with a lid.

When he entered, Heinz asked him, "Did anyone else see you?"

The butler shook his head at once and said, "No, | did it in secret, and then | asked the chef in the kitchen to cook the chickenright away!"

Heinz said in a low voice, "That's great! Now, go and check if there are any suspicious bodyguards in our house!"

"Yes!" The housekeeper was shocked and he went to investigate it in a haste.

His words were not groundless; perhaps something had happened.

The butler quickly left.

Heinz looked up at the two little guys and gave them a wink at the door.

They shouted in an instant, "Help! Mom and Dad are hitting Lowell. He's getting beaten up, and it looks so painful. Help!"

As they shouted exaggeratedly, the two little guys rushed out and continued to cry loudly, "Help! It's really frightening! Lowell isgetting smacked, and he's bleeding!"

Grace was speechless when she saw the two little actors run away while shouting and crying.

She closed the door and noticed that Heinz was smearing the blood on the rope, Lowell's face and clothes bit by bit.Consequently, Lowell was covered with blood all over his body.

Grace felt very nervous."Isn't this a little too much?" She could not help but ask.


"How are you going to make peoplebelieve it if the props are notpersuasive enough? At stditamiustfa tening aroyite ook at, inorder for others to think that it isreal." After saying that, he took atowel and began to hit the bed nextto him repeatedly with it. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

“Lowell, cooperate with me," Heinz reminded.Just like Gary and Ernest, Lowell screeched, "Please don't hit me! I'm so scared! Help!"Grace also admired his acting skills. He was completely cooperative.

“Help! I'm wrong, please don't hit me! Dad and Mom don't want me, and you don't want me either. I'm so pitiful! Someone, saveme please!"

In that way, the voices of screaming and calling for help came one after another and it surrounded the house from the inside out.Outside of the house, the two little guys were yelling loudly.

The butler was also perplexed, and he didn't know what was going on.

He stopped the two boys and asked immediately, "What happened? How come Lowell is getting beaten up?"

Little Gary looked at the butler withtears in his eyes and said in anexaggerated tone, "| noknjsaeatinig beaten up either.om and Dad are beating him uptogether. It's so horrifying. If we wereinside, we would also be beaten!"Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

The butler took a close look at the tears in Little Gary and Ernest's eyes. He really couldn't make heads or tails about what wasgoing on.

He pondered, "Is it real, or it is just an act? If it is real, why did they need a bowl of chicken blood?"He continued to ponder, "If it is not real, why are the two boys crying so bitterly?"

The butler was stupefied. He stoodup and looked at them, saying, "Goand play in the bac actdirst100ohsekitouts AAS? t at, Little Garyand Ernest ran to the backyardtogether while still crying out, "Help!Dad and Mom are hitting Lowell!"Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

The butler suspiciously returned to Lowell's room. He could hear his scream from inside when he reached the door, causing himto be very puzzled. Meanwhile, a bodyguard was walking towards Gary and Ernest.

"Boys, what's wrong?"

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