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Chapter 844

It was a sad and distressing thing to plot against their own parents.

No one would do that if it was not the last resort.

Grace went to look for the butler and then called Alice over.

It didn't take long for them to arrive.

In the dining room, Alice looked at Heinz and asked, "What's the matter?"

He glanced at her face and said with concern, "You don't look well. Don't put too much pressure on yourself."

She was startled by his attentiveness and thoughtfulness. He could notice that she was in a bad mood.

She was really astounded by the fact that her mother had given birth to Lowell with Heinz's father.

She pursed her lips and tried to make herself look calm. She said, "I'm fine, What do you need me to do? You can just tell me."He nodded and said, "Alright, I'll have the butler to buy something first. As for your task, I'll tell you later."

"Okay!" She said as she nodded obediently and waited there. She looked more collected and no longer had those restless anduneasy emotions.

Grace could see that Alice was really more composed than before.

Heinz said to the butler, "There is a job for you."

"Sure, just tell me what to do, sir.”

"Go to the poultry farm and buy some live chicken!"

The butler asked puzzledly, "Do you want to have chicken for dinner?"

Heinz said, "You can say so. After you have bought them, cook one of them first."The butler asked again, "Do you mean that we should slaughter it by ourselves?"He nodded and said with great certainty, "Yes, we have to do it by ourselves!"The butler was very astonished.

He muttered in his heart. Normally, they would buy the slaughtered chickens in the market. However, Heinz had asked him tobuy a live one that day!

Moreover, it wasn't just one chicken, but he wanted a few of them.“Okay, sir. I'|| go now. How many chickens should | get?"

Heinz thought for a moment and added, "Seven or eight. Also, buy some ropes. | want those made of cotton, not nylon, and theyshould be white in color, do you understand?"

"Okay, I'll get it done," said the butler and he quickly left.

Alice also looked at Heinz with a bewildered look. He gave the butler these orders while he was eating. However, the orderswere all so strange.

She was a little anxious that he didn't give her any task even though the butler had left. She asked, "Heinz, what should | do?"He smiled and said, "Don't worry. Let me finish my food first."

She had no choice but to wait.

After he finished eating, he looked at her and said, "Alice, do you want to vent your anger?"

She was perplexed. Heinz didn't look like he was joking, but she didn’t know what her brother- in- law was up to either. Thus, shecould only look at Grace.

She also shook her head and said, "I don't know what he's going to do, but | trust him, so you should just follow his instructions."Seeing this, Heinz raised his eyebrows and there was a smile on his face.

Alice also felt relieved. She nodded and said, "Heinz, | want to vent my anger. | have been too dispirited recently, and it made medoubt whether a good person is meant to be bullied. Our parents are just too free, too selfish and they have gone too far. Weeven have to take care of them and their child. It is too depressing. Hence, | think, even if we have to take care of Lowell, wehave to teach those two thick-skinned people a lesson."

Hearing her complaints, he also smiled and said, "Yes, your thought is the same as mine. We should let them know how it feelsto worry, to fear, to be responsible and obligated. We can't let them off too easily."

Her eyes lit up as she asked excitedly, "Alright, give me an order. What's the plan? Let's make a big move."

“Later, | will send someone to drive you to the police station. Look for Jensen there. Remember, don't go inside the police station.Just stay outside, find a noticeable spot and cry out!"

She was confused, and she asked, "Cry out?""Don't you know how to do that?"She replied, "Yes, | do. However, what do I cry out for?"

Heinz looked at Alice and said seriously, "Curse and scold Lowell. Just say that you want to sell him into human trafficking. Also,tell him that you have beaten Lowell up until he is bleeding all over. Do you understand?"

“You want me to complain to Jensen in tears, tell him that I've beaten Lowell up today and that he's bleeding. Can | put it thisway? Should | be more ruthless while I'm complaining?"

Heinz said, "You are smart; that's exactly what | meant. Go ahead then. The more cruel we are, the more apprehensive theywould be. Perhaps, they would make a move soon after that."

Alice nodded and said, "Okay! I'll go now."Grace looked bothered and she said, "Alice, be careful! Bring two bodyguards with you."

"Heinz, arrange two men to follow me in secret. I'd better go by bus. | don't need a private car. I'm afraid that it would seemunreal if | go there by a private car and have bodyguards by my side."

Heinz said, "Alright. Since you've learned some martial arts, I'm not that worried about you. However, we can't be careless. If wewant to reverse the situation now, we can't afford to make any mistakes."

"Okay," Alice said, while she nodded and left.novelbin

After she left, Grace instantly lookedat him and asked, "Heinz, what t

hell are you going jo dovare'youtiyngad hake your father distressedat how Lowell has been, so that hewill take rash actions?" Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Heinz said, "Of course. Since I'm done eating, I'll go and check on Lowell now. All of us will gather later to have a costume play."Grace trembled and she looked at him. It seemed that he wanted to put on a huge show.

He set down his spoon, wiped his mouth with a tissue paper and stood up. He had an imposing manner when he stood up andthere was a confident smile on his lips.

At that moment, it seemed that he had a complete control over the situation.Looking at his face, she became more assured.

"I'm going to visit Lowell now. | willprobably take about 15 minutes alhave a talk with Rigny earscah natwad t6s bhitdren for a while and tellthem that I'm going to bring them toplay some games later. Can you dothat?" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

She nodded and said, "Of course | can do that. Don't worry!"

"Then, I'll leave first!" He said and hehurriedly walked towards Lowell’room. When h arsiyad ebthé-door, heregahed bti@an knocked on thedoor. The door was opened, but itwas Little Gary who opened the door.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

The little fellow was immediately on his guard when he saw Heinz. He looked at him before he took a glimpse at Lowell. Then,he turned back to look at Heinz and said, "What are you doing here?"Heinz raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Can't | be here?"

Little Gary asked instantaneously, "Tell me first, are you here to visit your little brother?"

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